First-worlder hate thread

Is anyone else here genuinely disgusted by the fact that the world has reached the stage where world's richest 20% have a nearly 80% share in world's private consumption despite exhibiting no redeeming qualities whatsoever, while the rest of the world is toiling in subpar working condition to make their opulent consumerist lives possible?

And it's not just standard of living (which are much, much higher than any time in the past I maintain) but a general culture and atmosphere. Westerners are insulated from most hard choices or brutalities and live in a bubble - with parents or grandparents who baby them because they themselves grew up pampered in the post-war boom. Yet somehow these worthless sacks of shit live in luxury and comfort while I get to suffer.

Fuck the first-worlders and fuck life.

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You should have tried harder not being born in a shithole then.

Tbqh the fact I even have to share an internet space with you disgusts me.

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First world needs to burn.

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>hohol is whining about first worlders again
kek, man up

Ukraine is Russian clay

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And Shitaly is Africa.

fuck off commie I wish stalin ended all of ukraine

Be quiet, useless parasite.

Autism, the unironic and unproductive kind

life is hard bud, get over it.

>just get over it xDDDD
>he says while living life on easy mode
Firstoids are truly vile.
>pointing out obvious facts is considered autistic now

>This thread

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chris you arent allowed on the internet buddy, get out of here.

poor people are poor because they're stupid and only needed for slave labor. get used to it retard

Reminder that these threads and that gif is designed to implant conditioning in your head by exposing you to interracial porn. Do not save, and sage this thread.

>just world fallacy
Please tell me more about the world, Mr. Amerimutt.

Living in ghe third world gives you an advantage that it redpills you way faster. You get to see that the world is way more fucked up than any person in the first world could think of. Hell only half of the world has internet connection, which in first world countries people already see as a necessity.

>You get to see that the world is way more fucked up than any person in the first world could think of.
Solely because you're living in the fucked up part of the world. How is that a good thing?

We will be 3rd world before you know it mate, as will most of europe

I get a feeling I saw you post on kc /int
are you still suffering on the ukraine?
p.s. fuck USA fuck UK and Germany

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What do you think the default state of man is? Where do you think this wealth came from? Ex nihilo?
>while the rest of the world is toiling in subpar working condition to make their opulent consumerist lives possible?
Whose fault is it that working conditions are poor? Who sold them out? What do you think these people would be doing if not doing what they do now?
>Westerners are insulated from most hard choices or brutalities and live in a bubble - with parents or grandparents who baby them because they themselves grew up pampered in the post-war boom. Yet somehow these worthless sacks of shit live in luxury and comfort while I get to suffer.

You're a child. Stalin didn't go far enough.


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>Calling anyone a parasite.
You should be liquidated.

you just lost the lottery of birthplace, sucks2 B you

Yes, I am resentful because I get to read these apologetic posts from trash that never had to face any hardships to DESERVE what they have now. And I'm fully aware that's just how global crapitalism works, but no matter how hard you try to rationalize it it always boils down to the third-world supporting generation after generation of parasitic leeches while they accumulate wealth ad infinitum.

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fuck you american pig
choke on a burger

Mutt genocide can't come soon enough.

You pointed out an obvious fact that I pointed which was obvious. You're doubly autistic.


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>all my cousins that grew up in brazil are ripped tall chads but still live in a shithole
>meanwhile my brother and I are soft twinks

Fuck my life why did I have to be raised in this soft society.

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Its inevitable, mankind is a hierarchy and youre towards the bottom rung. Mandate of heaven, if you really thought and wanted a better life, you would have taken it for yourself or stolen it from someone else. Instead you come here to shitpost and vent your frustrations in a non-productive way.

A lot of 1st worlders don't view it like that, it's a given to them, they think they're entitled to everything good in their life, That's why they think "anorexia", "depression" and all other shit like this is real diseases.
There's nothing anyone can do about it. The only thing that can change is another countries will become first world.

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There are already 2 million Ukrainians in Poland and Germany and many are working.

Why don't you?

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Kek, first-worlders' depression is my favourite.
>b-but I have no purpose and I feel sad for no reason
is the biggest issue of a parasitic firstoid.

wtf is this webm? ...

why is nobody running them over?

It's in the US, that much is clear.

it really does make me think theyre putting something in the water supply