Want to guess what it is?

Want to guess what it is?

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4 years younger brains.

They never think about anything so they have lots of unused cognitive capacity at any given moment

Smaller size more connections?

nigger cum
fuck idk hit me user

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Mental Gymnastics?

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More compact

Higher testosterone now days probably

A pussy?

Their brains are inferior, but therefore require less fuel (calories) to keep running?

When they get hit in the head they just die instead of getting concussions?

>Want to guess what it is?
Their brain will fit in a smaller space?

The brain between their legs?

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I remember from bio class that they have more white matter, especially between the two hemispheres. Although men have more grey matter and overall more brain mass/neurons.

Sucking dick ? Whoring themselves ? Not being able to hold any responsibility ? Not being able to show maturity ? Being obsessed with attention and craving it ? Being children in adult bodies ?
Jeez I don't know

I bet he says they prefer colored people because we're all the same and also diversity is our strength, and that's what makes them better.

Sensory skills? I always imagined women are more connected to their subconscious, and their five senses are more developed. Men have slightly more effective problem solving skills because they can focus in on one problem, while female minds are more multi tasker oriented

Give us the answer and source link OP.

Different set of standards between men and women?

"Emotional intelligence" or some other made-up bullshit.

> younger brains

So women are timelords, able to bend the rules of the physical universe to prevent themselves from becoming more mature? Weird flex, but OK.

No they are just dicksuckers like OP

The capacity to destroy civilisations.

>younger brains
Or to put it less politically correct - immature brains.

>1 post by ID
I’m not reading clickbait article


lol le female mysticism meme


Here, let me DuckDuckGo that for you.


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people have known that for centuries
nice to have it finally scientifically proven though

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The article was written by a guy named Mike Wehner, so it checks out.

Less developed frontal cortex.

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Archive that clickbait or stfu.

The brain of a woman ages better than the brain of a man. This has been known for a while.

whamen have the brain of childs?
more news at 11

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I think the author looks very credible

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they have child like brains their entire lives.
thats an advantage?

Yes, his wife has several boyfriends, but he surely is no pimp.

I see he failed to learn how to code

"Younger brains", so women do in fact remain children. No surprise there. Also, they're built to live longer so they can contribute to the upbringing of their grandchildren. That's also a big reason they go through menopause. So they're not having kids at the same time they're having grandchildren, thus maximizing the amount of attention/care the newest generation gets.
I don't consider 'younger brain' to be an advantage, anyway. Everyone knows women live longer and age differently. Men tend to keep younger bodies, and that's the real-world value that matters most.

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>if you use something less, it'll show less wear and tear
more news at 11

The hamster.

Women live longer, and surprise surprise, their brains live longer, too.

Wow, that's totally not (((clickbait))) at all. At least it's plausible instead of something like, "(((Research Scientists))) now know that testosterone makes you less intelligent and more likely to love evil white people"

Does it go on to say how that’s advantageous

Only thing missing is a s.o.y. beard.

>In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis explain that women’s brains tend to remain younger than their male counterparts even when both individuals are the same age. But what’s particularly interesting is the scientists were even able to calculate how much older male brains are.
There. I saved you the trouble of looking up the article. Women brain are "younger" which is newspeak to say they are underdeveloped. When a boy becomes a man he develops several additional body functions. His thin muscles become thicker muscle, his high-pitch voice becomes a hoarser voice, his soft skin becomes a rough skin, his chin grows more hair, and so on, while a girl becomes a woman by not developing any of these things. You can lie your ass off by pretending that it means women have a "younger" body when in fact it means they lack optimization functions for survival, become men have a harder time surviving and reproducing than women. Here, from the same article.
>The researchers assert that male brains reach their peak three to four years earlier than female brains
If a man's brain reaches full capacity 3-4 years before a female brain then the female brain is not younger, it is less optimized. It doesn't even have anything to do whether the male brain or female brain offers better mental acuity, no we are strictly discussing the maturity speed. Reaching maturity faster is always better. It's always more optimized. Humans reach full maturity extremely slowly compared to animals, it's actually our major biological weakness in the animal kingdom. If anything the female brain suffers more from it.

They are immune to logic?

Lack of the ability to think twice before doing something incredibly fucking stupid

The sad thing is that this actually occurs. Out of all the horrible things I've seen or read on the internet, I'd rather erase knowing that women have cum floating around in their brains from previous partners than any amount of gore or scat vids that I've seen

never post here again faggot

Wtf I love Nietzche now

woman brans use less oxygen and glucose
surely that means more brain activity?

t. a woman

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I swear my ex used to date this fucker

Source or bullshit

There is no difference between men and women and whoever wrote this is a sexist bigot that needs to be fired.


Rare nucleated fetal cells circulate within maternal blood. Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis by isolation and genetic analysis of these cells is currently being undertaken. We sought to determine if genetic evidence existed for persistent circulation of fetal cells from prior pregnancies. Venous blood samples were obtained from 32 pregnant women and 8 nonpregnant women who had given birth to males 6 months to 27 years earlier. Mononuclear cells were sorted by flow cytometry using antibodies to CD antigens 3, 4, 5, 19, 23, 34, and 38. DNA within sorted cells, amplified by PCR for Y chromosome sequences, was considered predictive of a male fetus or evidence of persistent male fetal cells. In the 32 pregnancies, male DNA was detected in 13 of 19 women carrying a male fetus. In 4 of 13 pregnancies with female fetuses, male DNA was also detected. All of the 4 women had prior pregnancies; 2 of the 4 had prior males and the other 2 had terminations of pregnancy. In 6 of the 8 nonpregnant women, male DNA was detected in CD34+CD38+ cells, even in a woman who had her last son 27 years prior to blood sampling. Our data demonstrate the continued maternal circulation of fetal CD34+ or CD34+CD38+ cells from a prior pregnancy. The prolonged persistence of fetal progenitor cells may represent a human analogue of the microchimerism described in the mouse and may have significance in development of tolerance of the fetus. Pregnancy may thus establish a long-term, low-grade chimeric state in the human female.

they have a bigger heart


In humans, naturally acquired microchimerism has been observed in many tissues and organs. Fetal microchimerism, however, has not been investigated in the human brain. Microchimerism of fetal as well as maternal origin has recently been reported in the mouse brain. In this study, we quantified male DNA in the human female brain as a marker for microchimerism of fetal origin (i.e. acquisition of male DNA by a woman while bearing a male fetus). Targeting the Y-chromosome-specific DYS14 gene, we performed real-time quantitative PCR in autopsied brain from women without clinical or pathologic evidence of neurologic disease (n=26), or women who had Alzheimer’s disease (n=33). We report that 63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerism was present in multiple brain regions. Results also suggested lower prevalence (p=0.03) and concentration (p=0.06) of male microchimerism in the brains of women with Alzheimer’s disease than the brains of women without neurologic disease. In conclusion, male microchimerism is frequent and widely distributed in the human female brain.

> In conclusion, male microchimerism is frequent and widely distributed in the human female brain.

i wouldn't call genetic immaturity an advantage

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Bitchez be givin’ brain like Brainy Smurf, IF y’all know wut I’m sain......



In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of – or connections between – these processing centers.


Their findings also show that while females have lower brain volume, proportionate to their smaller size, they have higher gray matter density than males, which could explain why their cognitive performance is comparable despite having lower brain volume. Thus, while adolescents lose brain volume, and females have lower brain volume than males, this is compensated for by increased density of gray matter.

>They never think about anything so they have lots of unused cognitive capacity at any given moment
100% true.

Complicating everything in your life for no reason what so ever is not an advantage.

Idk what the article says but women have more interconnectivity between regions of the brain while males have more interconnectivity WITHIN regions. It explains why women are better with handling a variety of tasks while men are much more successful at specialization

>It's there
Okay, prove it
>Just trust us alright
Fuck scientists

tl;dr men are better at logic, women are better mechanical remembering
old news, OP is gay

This. Its why guys never remember everyone b-day in the family but we can build rocket ships

it's not "younger"
it's literally just slower

It means that if you take a man at age 70 and a woman at age 70 the man's brain will have done an extra 4.5 years worth of activity compared to the woman's brain

It amazes me the spin they've put on this as if a "younger brain" means anything at all

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sauce on the research?

women: WINDOWS 10

>reaching maturity faster is always better/good
I'd like to know why you believe this to be the case.

White women have a genetic disposition to betray their men with the most inept, lowest intelligence, and most violent brown people in existence.

Asian girls have a disposition to marry an orderly, intelligent, masculine rather than savage, and adept defender of high civilization.

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it's in the post and at the links


they're hooked up to vaginas

>White women have a genetic disposition to betray their men
significantly lower out marriage/mate rate and the lowest of all races
asian women have the largest outgroup marriage and mate of all races.

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Gonna be a bullet if I don't get a beer soon....

Back to 8ch, lil cuck knight.

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does this happen with trans?

>Jow Forums

I like it because even though I failed to land a life long mate, I've managed to ejaculate inside of more than a few beautiful women, so it's sort of like I'm in their heads all the time and it's sort of like I have a really really big extended family that's sort of related to me but not really. I dunno. It's not something I have to really think about in the future. I've given up on ever fucking another woman again anyway.


lame ass bitch should've moved on. add this to your meme picture

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These guys are retards and didnt read the whole study. The women were pregnant with male child or had a male a twin.

The babies dna is floating around in the womans head. Not semen.

so many (((white))) women

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women: windows ME or Vista

I don’t know why this isn’t common knowledge at this point

what a fucking sóyboy. He has such a punchable face.

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literally womanchildren

kek, bullseye

Lil cuck knight, don't you know marriage rates are not the same as fornication? Don't you know white women sleep with many, many, many men before they are married? A large percentage of those men are niggers, and that's why white women can't find husbands. Nobody is going to marry a whore unless they're an thirsty cuckold like you.

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the baby's DNA is made of the father's DNA. and sperm is what, DNA. There was another study where it showed semen can enter through the nasal passage into the brain
what part of this is so hard to understand
>In humans, naturally acquired microchimerism has been observed in many tissues and organs. Fetal microchimerism, however, has not been investigated in the human brain.

you're boring me bitch, just like asian women

Cope harder, lel

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>that webm
life is a cosmic joke

The fact that there is other research into why there was y chromosomes floating around the female brain and it was found to be the dna of a unique child. Not random bundles of sperm.

Michrochimerism is implying that past partners has an effect on future children. We would have found this out years ago if this was a thing. Kys

>Want to guess what it is?

Their pussies?