How can i mentally condition myself to be repulsed by romantic relationships?

How can i mentally condition myself to be repulsed by romantic relationships?

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It isn't hard. Look at it this way:
Romantic relationships cost you money, time, energy, and most of all, you have to deal with her nagging and female insanity with potentially no chance of sex. People I know, including myself, will put on a front to make it seem like their relationship is wonderful and happy, but there is ALWAYS some bullshit going on behind the scenes. Just stick to your bros and family and video games or other passions you have instead of wasting it on a woman who doesn't like anything you do and has no appreciation for what you do for her.

Not not all women are like this, but it is becoming increasingly more common because of the advancement in tech and social media and society in general.

Good luck.

whats that anime called? I saw it a decade ago!!! I forgot the name omg pls tell me

it says the name right there dumbass

Compare every single woman you meet to that particular one I'm not going to name because of the dumbass in the thread. No actual woman living or dead can compete, therefore they are all trash.

the words say "kimi ni todoke" so it might be that

Make a cost-benefit analysis from the male perspective and realize the juice isn't worth the squeeze. At all.

>Not not all women are like this
ALL women are like that. Every woman is a slut if you catch her on the right day and under the right circumstances.

I cant read fucking japanese u fuckin prick omg

learn it or stop watching anime you pretentious nerd

I can see why you want to make sure you're as far away from romance as possible with that tremendous stick up your flabby ass.
Anyway, don't worry, just date some woman and make her miserable as you're wont to do so she cheats on you, thus dispelling the image that you and romance will ever be compatible concepts.

Watch romantic movies and rub hot sauce on your asshole.

its just natural. Without genetic variation, we would have died out.

lol you think OP knows japanese either
all you American "otaku" are cancer and deserve to die alone
I bet you can't even sing the Cutie Honey theme song all the way through

Have many hobbies and keep educating yourself. Earn good money and enjoy spending it on yourself. Find a fetishistic object for comfort. Revel in your freedom. Observe men pushing prams.

I don't think someone who watches Kimi ni Todoke is likely to be an otaku.

Kimi ni todoke, it's some good shit, do recommend. Probably not good for what OP's looking for though, in fact it's liable to do the opposite.

>How can i mentally condition myself to be repulsed by romantic relationships?
I am going to strongly recommend against this. You have deep needs for romantic relationships and what you are describing is repression and coping mechanisms of repression. If you do this, you will develop hysteria.

If male, pick something almost everyone does to get angry about. It doesn't have to be supported by evidence, but it helps.

If female, just imagine that any guy you end up with has a nonzero chance of being me.

it isn't bleach naruto or one piece so it's not like normies are going to watch it

Oh you don't really need to do anything. Just give it some time... happens naturally as you get older.

>bleach naruto or one piece
Those are normalfag shows for guys mainly. Kimi no Todoke was mainstream as fuck among girls 12-18 at the time it was most popular.

>mainstream as fuck among girls 12-18
So basically, OP is a faggot?

>be loser in high school
>go to college
>still introvert
>graduate high in class
>go to grad school
>even poorer and even less able to go out
>grad that
>get job
Haha, how to "condition" being repulsed by relationships...
Just live life
Fuck me