how can you visually identify a jew?
Purely for curiousity's sake, and i know you fucks know how to.
how can you visually identify a jew?
Purely for curiousity's sake, and i know you fucks know how to.
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behaviourally yields more accurate results
Drop a penny. Notice their reaction when you walk away from it. They will tear themselves apart trying to figure out how to get that penny without looking like a fucking cockroach.
high pitched nasally voice (see vid below)
hook nose
bottom of ears sit above the nose
pointed ears
big jaw or underchin
big semitic lips
flabby or physically meek
Sloped forehead
Hooked nose
Jaw that ends in front of top forehead.
A weak jaw nigger with a hooked nose.
My jewdar is nearly 100% as any goy New Yorker's should be
they are usually hunched over rubbing their hands together
ah yes, I forgot the sloped forehead
Check the nose (of course), ruddy complexion, dark and often curly hair along with beady eyes. These are common characteristics, but some Jews have white features and so you're forced to analyze their names (sometimes they'll use traditional Hebrew first names like Yitzakh, Avraham, etc, and their surnames also have commonalities like Gold, Silver, Stein, Berg, etc. It can be easy to confuse them with German surnames occasionally but you'll get used to it after a while.
The primary way to spot a Jew? The kike's own words. They can't help but out themselves, hubris is actually a big part of their identity. Every time you see an anti-white article in the news, look up the author's background on the Internet. You'll spot a trend, I promise.
> t. JIDF
Large forehead to house the massive caucasian destroying brain
They look like this
the jew in the context of Jow Forums is the member of the international jewry not some random schlomo.
you can recognize him by the way he whizzes in his private jet above your bus.
actually this, also checked
No need their smell precedes them by several minutes
Talk to them for two minutes.
I'm jewish and look exactly like the guy in the picture. It almost looks like my wedding photo.
Based Quads.
I don't believe you're Jewish if you're too dumb to know who that is, unless you're underage, in which case we have rules here.
Can't exactly pinpoint It but you just know
the really slimy jews share certain characteristics
Jews are the worst. If god existed he wouldn’t make such a flawed race
>God made Lucifer and Hell but wouldn't make Jews
Where's the gap in logic? Jews are only slightly worse than those things.
Kek, the bible is the words best selling sci-fi book anyway
Shut up the only way you can get a kill streak as good as hitlers is if you made more school
Why is this wetback wearing the cultural garb of my ancestors?
London as a collective will stab its way there in a few years time anyway
100% you look like your pic related
You man suck aids from bottles of Jew dick
Someone told me that America aids is spreading to Africa :O
It was the cultural garb of her ancestors, first. She is the white flavor of bean.
Whites are not supreme
Well, at least my wife ain’t getting hit from behind by Jamal the nigger.
He nose one when he sees (((one)))
Gay is superior race
You think you can fool me? Those are clearly catholics and niggers what stole our sacred sheets.
Okay, nigger.
>my wife
Even Jamal won't touch your crusty anime pillow
But really. Gays have gone through so much because all you straight people are enslaving our kind
Don't fags want to be enslaved?
checked. The nose isn't always the best way, a lot of Italians and Greeks have larger roman type noses and aren't Jewish
Why would fags want to be enslaved by your uncultured kind. Heterosexual people are gay
>Anime pillow
Kek, Only true men nut in inanimate objects
The ones that don't hide their appearance are obvious, but otherwise, the nose knows
high IQ
morally virtuous
cares about the downtrodden
wants democracy in the middle east
There's no 100% foolproof way.
Ashkenazi Jews tend to look like Southern/Mediterranean Europeans but often have German surnames though.
I know, I came in your mom
So ingenuity, intelligence, and industriousness? That’s great! Congrats, Africa.
Checked and true.
What's a Jewish yenta
Obviously the nose is a major thing, but really they just are dark and don't look quite like whites but don't look like arabs either.
A weak chin is a massive underrated give away, as is curly hair and pointy ears. you just sort of learn the look and skull shape before too long.
I interact with a lot of Jews at my work as I deal with many hundreds of people a day. I meet them, I learn their name, and etc. As I see them before their name is learned I have a reinforcing mechanism for enhanced learning and I correctly pick out the Jews before I see their temple names almost every single time. There are the obvious signs that are not even worth going into like nose shape, head shape, ears, etc. but most are more subtle than that. It is very intuitive and sometimes I wonder at myself that I can tell them apart. At times I think it is something in the eyes. The way they look at people and the world is different.
You mean destruction
Who is this?
Covington boys
Good pic to post in reply to the kikes projecting that hate on us whites
How mad are you that nobody will ever tell you, you look like a young marlon brando? I bet you must be seething.
I'm so angry. How mad are you that an ugly guy like me fucks your mother?
I remember those threads. A million billion dollars in bonds, 10x as much gold floating around as as admitted to, nuclear material being traded between billionaires like art objects, etc.
Spoken like a true incel.
If you're nice I'll connect you to a good doctor so you can get all your melanomas burned off.
Just make sure to finish your homework before bed, Brian.
It's all about the nose, some don't have it, but plenty do. Lrn 2 identify the nose and you'll filter a good bunch of jews.
this , since being redpilled, i've been able to pick them out. they are also often a bit smaller, but not all of them.
it has helped me because i know what their political and social views before even talking and so I can more likely avoid landmines
Starter Guide
Does it piss you off that I was already essentially retired by 27? I don't even have to pay out for your social security, boomer.
>bottom of ears sit above the nose
Yep. Checks out
Look for tells, there will always be signs to guide you in identifying the tribe. Check obvious things matching timeless portrayals of jew caricatures. This could include hook noses, balding, short, bad eyesight, and obsessive hand rubbing. Obviously these could all be covered up or might apply to a number of other races, after all the jew is a shapeshifter. Lessor obvious signs are the jewish bone structure. A brittle and slightly disfigured skeleton structure, a crooked back, their jew foreheads, jew jaws and jewish teeth. In jewish women especially the signs to look for include but are not limited to dyed/unnatural hair, yid tattoos, faint scars from cutting herself as a teen, and almost all are likely to have large breasts known as jewbs, a completely real and well known phenomenon intended to trick the unsuspecting goyim into relinquishing his genes to the jewish curse. Other clear signs can be in their diet. If you spot them in a kosher butcher or cafe? Jewish. As European imposters they are often lactose intolerant. Beside visual cues listen out for verbal cues. Yid gibberish like "oy vey" used unironically are obvious signs, but other signs to listen out for are subversive terms associated with marxists such as "white privilege", "institutional racism", "racial equity" etc... It's also worth taking into account their profession. Jews love to larp as respected members of society like doctors/dentists, and while some are and use it for subversion, they are far more likely to be a lawyer, a banker or in the media/entertainment. Finally the most clear and decisive way to identify a jew is that they wont shut the fuck up about being jewish. They will use it as a point of reference for everything in their lives and wear it as a badge of honour. Finally if you cannot be certain place a gold coin in equal measure between a nigger and the suspect jew. The only race who will pounce on a gold coin quicker than a thieving nigger is a thieving kike.
take the nose of the goblin first individual from the left (not the goblin itself but the dude that looks to the right), that's the perfect example of a jewish nose, try to memorize the shape, you'll see it as a pattern repeated in many jews.
For me the vocal is often the largest indicator
You can't, it's not a distinct race it's a culture/religion. There are ashkenazi jews (european), sephardic (north african, spanish), mizrahi jews (arabs), ethiopian jews, etc.
When Jow Forums means "Jews" they are specifically talking about ashkenazi jews which are a distinct european ethnic group the same way italians and germans are their own white ethnic group
on 8ch sometime back they were trying to build a database to be able to identify
A lot of them get plastic surgery these days. The most reliable way is just to drop a coin and see who jumps for it.
Hahahaha I'm a 6 5" jew with thick straight blonde hair, a thin average nose, and way above average eye sight.
I should be infiltrating your faggy get togethers for israel, I would be making shekelz out the wazoo.
see that gave you away
You're probably like 10% Jewish then. Full Ashkenazi are pretty distinct looking.
Hook nose
Thin upper lip
"Fleshy" eyes
Also eye shape but it's harder to put into words
Misshapen ears
Nasally voice I guess?
Really dark, especially curly hair, but there are obviously Europeans with dark hair
Jew behavior like twisting meaning subjectively to fit agenda and predictably bitter anti-White attitude
Of course this is going to be a lot harder to spot with someone who has a lot of European DNA. Obviously you can't spot a Jew convert by looks.
>the most clear and decisive way to identify a jew is that they wont shut the fuck up about being jewish. They will use it as a point of reference for everything in their lives and wear it as a badge of honour.
Jew confirmed. You just can't help yourself kike.
Marlon Brando. Not a Jew.
Here you go.
Can you imagine what a Neanderthal looks like?
And it's not just their faces, but the entire body.
More stocky, different skeletal structure.
That's a Jew.
See it?
Marlon Brando's Father is Polish with Scottish ancestry; mother is Ashkenazi Jewish
Wrong. Show source or shut the fuck up.
Anyone know where I can find the “they took this from you” memes from yesterday
N0t fee .ding your A{I} OP.
Exhibit A
Drop a quarter
Exhibit B
>Short/smaller stature
>balding or receding hair at a younger age
>curly hair with white skin
>big nose and lips
Guess I'm a kike now.
I checked, only Jew after a dozen or so searches I tried where this applied to was Natalie Portman.
Fuckin roasted
Gahan is also a Jewish name.
Possible but a quick search hasnt provided conclusive evidence. It suggests Gahan is more likely Irish in origin.
I did find pic related but its only one person and could be a jew who married an Irishman therefore at this stage I can neither confirm nor deny it as fact.
sorry forgot the pic
Questionable evidence. I can't find any sources that explicitly state he was Jewish. In fact, every random site I've googled has claimed he is definitely not Jewish. The only evidence you have is one last name from an unverified family tree that is possibly Semitic in origin, but even the source you listed for its Ashkenazic origin goes on to say "The personal name was widespread among Christians in the Middle Ages." No one else corroborates the conclusion that either he or his great grandmother were Jewish. I'm still not convinced.