Since PizzaGate

Let's talk about all the crazy things that have happened since PizzaGate. I'll start us off and I thank and appreciate every one of you for your contribution to the truth.

Fake News.According to Google Trends, Both the terms "PizzaGate" and "Fake News" were pretty much a non thing up until October 2016. What happened then? Well, a bunch emails got leaked and a bunch of autists went to town (God bless their souls) and they discovered a global child trafficking, baby raping, blood drinking, cannibal cult. The investigation was public and being watched and so they broke the term Fake News before the actual news about the PizzaGate scandal made it to the alt-news. Everything was censored, debunked before anyone even knew about it, etc.. I have no doubt that it's all true.

Flash forward to the Vegas shooting, Parkland, Charlottesville, Thousand Oaks, Cesar Sayoc, Tree of Life Synagogue: Those Jews got what they deserved, but I'm pretty damn sure they were sacrificed by other Jews.

Did I miss anything?

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Oh, I forgot how RussiaGate is entirely a counter-pysop and only brainwashed retards believe. Please try to stay away from those people for your own safety. And, ALWAYS be armed.

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Where are all the facts i've yet to see some

She was never hit. She died from fright and obesity. Heart failure is a bitch. But, it is a thing. Maybe the producers of this scene should be held to account.

Sometimes I wonder about these things, how much of this is dog whistling meme'ing on their end and how much of it is accidental.

For example. I work in a machine shop and I am sometimes described a concept for a part, something pretty simple and I'll make it without a hard and fast set of dimensions to work from. So I will often put meme numbers into the part I am making (eg. 911, 1488, and so on.). I wonder if everyone ever notices, and thinks it's part of some grand conspiracy

>dog whistle
Only kikes say this. Seriously you Israeli shills just need to fuck off and wait for muslims to kill you worthless bastards.

okay schizo

Kek. Proving my point...

there was literally a heather heyer body double who does get hit. The real heather never got touched

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you kind of sound like a schizo tho

I dont get it

every time

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the BMI = 666

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tam luzzatto never gets enough attention. still not even 100% sure she is a real women

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no u

>calling someone a schizo when you are the one that puts in numbers and implies people can give them some sort of abstract meaning by putting them inside your daily work

Gina Haspel posted the extremely rare and guarded manuscript to "Bloodlines of the illuminati" on the OFFICIAL CIA website. She also wore a lovely "white hat" dress to the SOTU. That book connects a lot of dots on why the world seems to be going mad.

now that's weird

McBrain claimed he had cancer but we NEVER saw him get gaunt as cancer patients near death do. We did see him forget & put his electronic monitor on the wrong foot though. Mayo clinic helped him cook that shit up and the q team out that swamp dog down right on schedule.

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I didn't get anything. What's it supposed to be? The illuminati book was a download and I downloaded it.

Let's see what else, oh someone we called RENEGADE posted a big dump on Hollywood child traffickers and said he would wear green socks to the Grammys which is tonight I think.

didn't he imply or say he was a nigger? i can't remember.. so look for a nig with green socks who was an A+ list actor in the ~80s

its the link to the CIA library that has the bloodlines pdf book