Make Russian "Vatnik" Memes popular

I've translated them from Russian into English.
Vatnik means a Russian (Fake-)Patriot who believes everything what Putin says, because he has not the intellectual capability for to questioning.

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Why don't you dumb faggots just stop talking about Russia

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The last one

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Why we should stop?

Young Russians are such cucked pussies. I hope that Putin gets overthrown, your population is replaced by immigrants, your women get turned into whores and your kids into gays and trannies. And all you get in return is a cheap iphone.
It baffles me how anyone can see how shit the Western world is becoming and say 'I want that for myself and my family'.

15 rubles have been deposited into your account, vatnik

Not true, Putin is the real problem Russia have.
An engineer gets 400€/month, while in the EU he gets 3000€. Many specialists leave Russia because of that and Putin is doing shit to stop that.

>Not true, Putin is the real problem Russia have.
>An engineer gets 400€/month, while in the EU he gets 3000€. Many specialists leave Russia because of that and Putin is doing shit to stop that!

When your son cuts his own balls off and tells you 'her' name is now Candy remember that was the future you wanted.

>your population is replaced by immigrants, your women get turned into whores and your kids into gays and trannies
This statement
That flag
Fucking kek!

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2015 wants its memes back

Here another one from me
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England has existed as a continuous and unconquered nation since 1066. Less than 100 years ago we literally ruled a quarter of the entire world.
Today English culture is dead, replaced with a bastardized globalism. Demographic replacement has reached a point where it cannot be reversed and our capital city is majority non-British. Thousands of British girls are being raped by Muslim gangs every year and the police arrest people who complain about it for being racist. LGBT propaganda is forced on children and when people complain they get their kids taken away from them by the state.
Only a Russian cuck could look at this state of affairs and say 'I want that to happen to me'.

Attached: ukchan.png (655x742, 316K)

What's this grey thing supposed to be?

>S-stop with this hate speech guys
>Putin saviour of the white race


It's a jacket out of cheap cotton, Vatnik is a saying in Russia for someone who is poor and only wears this cheap cotton things

Fucking mouthbreather you do realise that it's not like Putin is the gate that keeps muh fags and immigrants away. There are fairly conservative former Warsaw Pact countries that also happen not to be complete shitholes ruled by a mafia.