There's only one race the human race.
Daily reminder
I wish OP wasn't part of my race
Then that explains the multiple breeds of cats, dogs, cattle, lions etc...
I wish OP wasn't part of my ideology group
>different categories
What did they mean by this?
same shit, different asshole
Classic self own here. Skeletons of different races are easily distinguished even by laymen. Gays aren't a race and neither are atheists - only difference with their skeletons is we'll all be seeing them a little sooner than the others.
That black skeleton is not accurate at all.
Of course we're all the same when we're dead, user.
Yet, minor differences like the hips width, make all the difference in the world.
Anarchism: 99.9%, equivalent to malaria deaths, that which is disease prevalent in non-civilization tier places
Rh- and Rh+.
Nope, black is much different than whites and Asian, Asian different than whites n blacks, whites different than the rest.
Op is retarded
Gays are superior to other races. It’s just facts
>Anarchism: 99.9%, equivalent to malaria deaths, that which is disease prevalent in non-civilization tier places
should be beaten
should be beaten
should be beaten
One black bone is significantly bigger
LAST TIME I CHECKED, stinking Juden werent humans. Need to correct
Gays are the personification of a non-Human:
Those who refute their rational faculty.
Anyone have the Jew scull one handy?
BBCpilled af
Everyone hating on gays what did we even do to deserve all this. Heterosexuals are inferior that’s just fact
Based OP. This is now a reality-pill thread.
>Hollywood, TV, companies, etc. etc. are full of liberals and "politically correct" people because to be a successful actor or engineer, you have to be TALENTED, MOTIVATED and SOCIALLY WELL-ADJUSTED. Therefore, you are not bitter about everyone, and carry moderate, logical views.
>In contrast, extreme Jow Forumstards or SJWs are bitter about their lack of achievement, and rationalise the only way they can claim superiority to the liberal masses- by claiming that they know the truth and the masses are deluded, and do all sorts of mental gymnastics to come up with intricate alternative world views.
>Jews do not control the world or brainwash the media. This is a tired myth. Yes, they are over-represented in congress, because they make good candidates and Americans vote for them, despite America generally being a racist country. They are the top of many industries also, like the media, because they are one of the highest IQ groups, with stable families, cultural respect for education and hard work, etc. etc. and growing up on a sideline of a white christian nation, they appreciate what it is like to diverge from the norm, an appreciation that is important for creative work.
>Jow Forums uses many old anti-semitic tropes, like jews exploiting the holocaust, considering themselves better than others. Whats really tragic is you use the past persecution of jews as proof that they really are bad, when each one of those persecutions quoted previous ones to justify theirs.
It’s skull you pleb. if you can’t speak English you should get sent to the chambers.
The only thing worse worse then straights is jews
>muh dick
yo niggers, that isnt a bone
>thinking women's skeletons have the same proportions as men
>thinking black cranium is the same as white's
This would only seem the same to the sort of person that believes in OP's pic.
>all the same
>able to clearly identify skeletons based on traits
Damn, a faggot speaking sense. Rare
source of hate is religion, the source of that was due to population decrease (contemporary motivations)
nowadays its due to pedophilia and other stupidity from the lgbt movement
rationally, its like walking with your hands and grabbing with your toes - possible, but not metaphysically natural
> Underneath we are all the same
Completely false.
Different races have totally different skeletal structures and skulls.
They have totally different health risks.
They have varying IQ levels.
No the breeds of human are not just skin deep. They go all the way to the bone.
oy vey, how dare they make fun of us
Fails to point out ingrained jewish greed mentality
Homo Sapiens is a species, not a race. Within that species, there are many races. It's like that with all animals. However, because of political correctness, scientists aren't allowed to categorize human races - and that's the only argument Leftists have. "B-but why doesn't the nomenclature support your race theory??".
The negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous ; i.e., the lower face projects forward in the manner of an animal's muzzle. The negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the "simian shelf," a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites.
The arms and legs of the negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the ape form. The negro has a shorter trunk; the cross-section of the chest is more circular than Whites. Similar to an ape.
The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape. The negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of apes. The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the ape form. The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees, like an ape, as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
Taxonomists and geneticists believe that negros should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the negros are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification as a different species.
True. I have a theory that Jews brains deteriorate during child birth which is why they choose to be Jewish. I might take it to the public
>totally different
>literally exact same except minor variation in identifiable and universal structure
You think some people are missing sulci or foramens?
>b-b-b-but the shape is slightly different!!!!
Still waiting for my reply quainz
As far as I understand, a species is described as members within a race that can successfully interbreed.
Sadly, we must acknowledge that niggers and whites can successfully interbreed. Not saying that the outcome is in anyway successful though. But it's viable, nonetheless.
The only real issue with race is if the physical differences are significant enough to warrant any real policy changes - as I see it, unless we are as cognitively capable as apes, there is no overrideable traits.
Except this is outright incorrect, because you can tell race, age, gender, and a whole host of our things about a person based on their skeleton
Typical delusional fag, always talking about some dumb shit
Also takes into account what the concept 'We' inasofar 'Human' means.