I call them bug people. Most East Asians can barely be considered humans. Mostly robots or insects.
Noah Ortiz
Parker Taylor
They don't have niggers.
Landon Ward
China's fertility rate is absolute dogshit too.
Asians fall for mindless consumerism and bugculture even more than whites.
Thomas Ward
Feminism Children are expensive South Korea's future is obscure/uncertain Jobs are shitty and badly paid
Justin Williams
so? White TFR in USA is 1.7, same in UK, France is 1.75, Scandinavia 1.7, Russia 1.6.
Even without factoring in shitskins, white TFR is significantly higher than these bugpeoples'.
Tyler Reyes
>Feminism I thought SK and other east asian countries weren't pozzed in that way.
yes, go to Vancouver and you see rich asians driving McLarens and all kinds of shit. They have no sense of excess and when the money dries up they'll go broke.
Daniel Price
Higher sex drive, also white people are more impulsive so more likely to get pregnant/impregnate when they weren't planning on it
Leo Campbell
Birth rates are literally for propaganda purposes to import niggers and shitskins everywhere.
Homogenous Populations naturally fluctuate. Right now white birthrates are low precisely because of shitskin importa, high housing prices, college debt, inflation and decreasing wages.
Jackson Adams
Asians realized there is too many of them.
Josiah Butler
They live in over crowded cities. Maybe they are getting wise to the fact being crammed into pod apartments and the like is not good.
Logan Cook
In Australia and Denmark when governments really pushed heavily for a "baby boom" they got it pretty close to 1.9-2.1 a few years.
Same here in our capitals. There is no sense of anything other than status and prestige, except when you're 5'7 and 55kgs wearing $2,000 designer clothes you just look ridiculous. It is sad though that such a smart group of people are just all a massive hive mind of BUY CONSUME BUY. Its always like talking to a literal NPC. I only see birth rates going lower.
Tyler Hill
Will the scenarios in hentai actually become real? Will the government have to start paying women to be impregnated and married based on a lottery system?
Oliver Hall
We just experienced huge population growth in all countries for the past century. It wasn't going to continue like that forever. We're going to level out now.
Isaac Ramirez
>we're like your niggers This whole thread is stupid. Whites and asians have low replacement rates bc we're both highly advanced and low birthrates is an unfortunate natural consequence. Quit with this divide and conquer bullshit. East Asians are a worthy people. Our differences are relatively insignificant and in fact enjoyable. We are the good kind of human diversity. The question is how do we keep white countries white and Asian countries Asian?
Ryder Sanchez
>In Australia and Denmark when governments really pushed heavily for a "baby boom" they got it pretty close to 1.9-2.1 a few years. How'd they pull that off?
Nathaniel Edwards
>Falling for this meme Nigger, the white fertility rates were as low as this in the 1970s USA as well. The white fertility rates worldwide are quite high given the level of female education. However, they should still be higher. These are just excuses for white people who are frankly too lazy and don't want the responsibilities of starting a family.
>Birth rates are literally for propaganda purposes to import niggers and shitskins everywhere.
Agreed, TO A POINT. But a TFR of 0.96 is just disastrous, that means that every year the population cohort size will shrink > 50%. That's not just a fluctuation, that's a massive drop.
Jack Martinez
sk feminists make western feminist look nearly normal
Logan Davis
Only a matter of time before the Jews force blacks into these countries too because "muh declining population".
Christopher Foster
Why do leafs make slide threads? I know, it's because they're also bug people.
Grayson Gray
Daily reminder that 1 fertility rate means the population is reduced by half every 20 years.
>implying the statistical counts of white people is accurate Every now and then a Jow Forums thread shows up with mugshots of "white" arrestees. Its pretty fucking obvious that the definition of whiteness is being stretched pretty thin in America. Take American white statistical figures with a pretty big grain of salt
John Miller
Can anyone tell a brainlet why population decline is so bad? I mean, you can't grow indefinitely
Hudson Cruz
See, the thing is though, that a TFR of 1 means that every cohort will be shrunk in half. The demographic cake is baked. So while now it's levelling off, the population is going to crater in 50 years.
asians see whites as niggers. there will never be any unity between the two groups unless they control us.
Lucas Ramirez
You're making too much sense. Shut up before you trigger some liberals.
Too many old people and too little young people means no young people to pay for the old people's social security-type demands.
Gavin Barnes
see population decline in itself isn't bad, when it's a slow and level process taking place over decades, but these east asian populations are going to be halving every 20 years at this rate. (starting around 2040). That is disastrous for them.
James Gutierrez
Nice study source there, kid. I too have learned how to make graphs in Word.
Samuel Collins
Lots of people here believe those TFR statistics are fabricated.
Charles Fisher
>implying they'll use niggers SEA and India are closer. Chinks are turbo fucked harder as I recall since one child policy with men outnumbering women badly.
Cameron Bennett
>Feminism >I thought SK and other east asian countries weren't pozzed in that way. Did you miss the time when it was revealed that South Korea's president was a puppet installed by a feminist cult run by a group of billionaire women who were operating a shadow government?
They suffer from overpopulation. And because they are intelligent human beings, not animals like feral nogs from Africa, they are taking action to combat it
Wyatt Russell
Study plz
Brody Anderson
They'll use niggers. Sub-Saharan Africa is set to outnumber every other continent.
Cooper Price
What a faggy and emotionally charged reply. The leaf noted that Asian birthrates are lower, I offered a potential explanation, do you have a problem with that?
Samuel Hernandez
>Lots of people here believe those TFR statistics are fabricated. why would the government fabricate them? To scare people into having more babies?
The reason it's still growing is because it had a high fertility rate until relatively recently (1980s). So when it has a low fertility, there are still old people not dying off. But the decline will be steep and coming soon.The natural population growth shrank to 30,000 this year in SK, and will probably be negative in 2019, or 2021 at the latest, then it will drop like a stone thereafter.
Tyler Morris
Learn to read, dumb faggot. Link is in that image.
>why would the government fabricate them? UN Replacement Migration plan includes SK & Japan. Gotta justify it somehow.
Henry Williams
cash transfer payments and time off for both parents.
Connor Bell
All I'm doing is trying to get you to read your own "source." Try go a tad closer. It doesn't say nearly what you think it does. I'm not blaming you, though. You can't help your stupidity.
Wyatt James
They're too busy chasing the (((GDP))) meme to prop up the global jewish usury pyramid. It's okay, 200 million illiterate, not-housebroken niggers will help keep the bank debts and GDP rolling.
Niggers are getting RICED by chinks though thanks to their venture in Africa.
Jace Scott
>doesn't say what it says >link literally says liberals don't breed >additional image shows who makes up liberals Cope harder.
Charles Phillips
I'm sure these TFR statistics are real, but the meaning is a lie. They want to tell you that you need immigrants or else you will have no pension when you are old. (This because they need young poor immigranst to load with debt).The truth is TFR can grow rapidly and probably will grow rapidly once the pop start declining, until a plateau is reached and pop is stable.
Wyatt Kelly
Isn’t there like 4.5 billion Asians And only 1 billion whites
Lol how is it a concern
Ryder Martinez
Ayo, at least it ain't whitey n sheeit! Gib reparations!
Jacob Sanders
How DO you solve the fertility problem? Please don't say more immigration
Jacob Reyes
i have no idea about other bug people, but japan is chugging along just fine >tfw these anti asia threads are being shilled nonstop >go look at the archives except china, fuck them kek
>disastrous numbers. kys faggot rice-nigger, all a low birthrate means is less competition for jobs and higher wages for the next generation. Go peddle your somali male-order husband business on some other door.
Samuel Turner
> >>They don't have niggers. >so? >White TFR in USA is 1.7, same in UK, France is 1.75, Scandinavia 1.7, Russia 1.6. >Even without factoring in shitskins, white TFR is significantly higher than these bugpeoples'.
>No they're not. You lie. You haven't factored for shit. >No they're not. You lie. You haven't factored for shit. >No they're not. You lie. You haven't factored for shit. >No they're not. You lie. You haven't factored for shit. >No they're not. You lie. You haven't factored for shit.
In Norway 35% of newborns are second or third generation invaders. In the capital it's over 50% already. So the fertility rate of REAL Norwegians is about 0,8. England, Sweden, USA, Belgium, Netherlands, France and especially Germany is even worse. >the slantyeyes have the highest birth rates of the civilized countries in the world, except Israel of course. Because genocide by multiculturalism is for us and not for them.
(And that's not even adding the actual invaders coming in each year, or the illegals, just the newborns. Calculating "immigration + deaths + births + emigration" gives about 2/3rds of the yearly population growth in Norway coming from non-norwegians + and unknown amount of illegals)
That includes shitskins and retards from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh (who are still reproducing).
The intelligent East Asians are around 1.5 billion, and are going to shrink an insane amount in the future.
I don't think anons here fully understand how steep their decline is going to be.
Carter Allen
Conservative White reproductive levels are above replacement level.
Camden Martinez
Developed/mature nations naturally start to decline in population until they will eventually level off, maybe gradually increase again then decrease. To oscillate.
The problem is since we have jew run fractional reserve banking and debt it is impossible to allow this to occur other wise their entire ponzi scheme would collapse. So instead of nations being allowed to naturally and gradually level off and become more advanced technologically in their equilibrium, we have to import brown hordes to buy the jewish run global banking scam a little but more time for them to suck more wealth out before the collapse.
You're a retarded nigger. I thought Norway had a good education system.
White % of the population is still declining, because of immigration, which is growing the shitskin population faster than the white population is reproducing. That doesn't mean they have a low TFR of 1.
Leo Miller
>Asians fall for mindless consumerism and bugculture even more than whites. The Chinese in particular are kind of forced into it by their hivemind.
Charles Morales
The writings on the wall user. Niggers and Muslims are the future. We’re like that last white rhino with no mate. Just wandering the plains waiting to die off.
Adrian Reed
That's not a good thing. Nigger genetics destroys anything it touches. So you'll have nigger savage ooga booga gibsmedat disposition with higher intelligence.
Nolan Brown
Not really, population momentum will keep them technically growing for a few decades even at below-replacement levels. They just have to wait for the bigger generations to age and die.
Brayden Johnson
based leaf
Blake Barnes
This is not arcane knowledge. It's well known that liberals have extremely shitty birth rates. Who woulda thunk with all the faggots, trannies, self absorbed atheists, childless feminists and virtue signalling nigger adoptions they would be essentially destroying themselves.
This particular study seem to have been done by GSS. gss.norc.org/ although I'm too lazy to check further.
Thomas Perez
>Right now white birthrates are low precisely because of shitskin importa, high housing prices, college debt, inflation and decreasing wages. They were low before all that. Materialism is at the heart of the matter. If you put your DNA above all else, you wouldn't care about acquiring X amount of cheap Chinese shit before you have kids. You'd rather live like a Nigger than no have kids.
Cooper Rodriguez
Japan's TFR is also significantly higher than China and SK. 1.4 - 0.96 is the same as 1.4-1.9. Big difference.
Connor Stewart
It's like watching an experiment that you know has already gone wrong yet others double down on everything to try and make it work
Oliver Rodriguez
Fertility rates are dropping like a stone and there is no difference made between shitskins and humans. You lie you stinking leaf.
Social security ponzi scheme and retarded capitalistic economic system that demands constant growth= population decline mean catastrophic consequences.
The flooding with immigrants is 'supposed' to fix this but the problem is the immigrants being provided are shit quality in terms of production potential and hence will make the inevitable correction that much worse.
Japan is literally the only East Asian country playing the long game and they are going to massively fuck over Asia later on since they've been preparing for this for a very long time.
Adam Lee
i'm going to post an unpopular opinion:
we're somewhere programmed deep-down inside to be able to determine how many kids we need. based on factors like stress and environment, we'll naturally want to have 2 kids over 6 if life is good and there's plenty of people around already. without jewish influence, it's probably good to have a lower population if you don't need excess for war
Я дocтaю из шиpoких штaнин дyбликaтoм бecцeннoгo гpyзa. Читaйтe, зaвидyйтe, я — гpaждaнин Coвeтcкoгo Coюзa.
As the most valuable of certificates I pull it from the pants where my documents are: read it envy me - I'm a citizen of the USSR!
Oliver Allen
The same reason as in the West. Housing is too expensive for family formation at a young age.
Juan Richardson
Zachary Cruz
Yeah well most men are jerking it to Jew porn everyday, so it's hard to figure what their instincts would be telling them otherwise.
Jack Hernandez
OP blown the fuck out. Germany has had sub 1,4 (- whatever the non-Germans invaders have added, which is a lot) for 50 years now, WHILE THEIR TOTAL POPULATION HAS GROWN. Genocide of Germany by demographic replacement is for all practical purposes complete. Germany is done.
The Chinese government just modernized their population control efforts. instead of chasing women around to force them to abort, they just neuter the population by dumping stuff in the water.
Angel Rivera
Stop letting women go to university, unless they demonstrate exceptional aptitude. I was reading an article in ((The Economist)) the other day, saying African fertility rates may actually start falling faster than expected, due to investment in girls education over the past few decades. Apparently current trends reflect a decrease in girls education funding that occurred in the 90s.
>asians see whites as niggers. Is this the reason Asian girls crave BWC?
Jason Torres
no mention of feminism on wiki though. But the story is fucked up.
Jacob Reyes
>white people are more impulsive this isn't necessarily true. whites have lower time preference and are better investors and loanees than asians, there were economic studies on this
Adrian Fisher
Reminder that your fertility rate goes into the shitter once you empower your women. Also reminder that South Korea banned porn yet its fertility rate continued to drop below 1.0, so advocating its ban here won't make white people breed more.
Technology has lowered the amount of jobs in rural areas leading to increased economic centralization. People are forced to move to cities to make a living but these cities have a higher cost of living making raising children unaffordable.
Hudson Gonzalez
turns out nobody is attracted to asian males
Josiah Rivera
Check their work hours. Wageslave is their life due to their past