Im desensitized to rape

I'm a guy and I actually think I'm desensitized to the rape of women

Like I've read enough accounts from rape counselors + articles on the internet where many women who are raped have an orgasm during the rape. They feel "betrayed" by their bodies, and get told that an "orgasm" is purely a physical occurance and you can get raped, cum and actually have it still be raped.

I've also read accounts of men who couldn't make their partners cum during regular sex, the partner gets raped, has an orgasm, and the man will understandably resent the fuck out of her.

I've been told I'm a savage and that if someone forcibly jerked me off or raped me and touched my prostate I'd ejaculated immediately and so I can't judge

I think it's a load of bullshit. Like has anyone ever stopped and thought about actually having an orgasm? Your mind has to actually *be there*. How many women NEVER cum for their men? How many men have SEVERE erectile dysfunction or have a hard time ejaculating to pretty ANY stimuli? People make it out to be like wow you touched some bodies balls once wow look at all that jizz - honestly it's quite telling how inexperienced one is based on these types of comments

And I still cant that if a woman is capable of rape orgasm, why the fuck do we demonize it so much?

I legitimately can't empathize with a woman who is "traumatized" by a rape.

Instead of just accepting that submission is CORE to the female experience and surprise surprise getting struggle fucked and beaten is going to turn your body on, what it was designed to do, we have all the "I've been ruined I feel horrible" etc.

In b4 "I hope you kill yourself and get raped yourself you asshole"

Someone please talk me through this, because it feels like a dangerous line of thought

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imagine the fatest most disgusting woman ramming a dildo up your asshole to make you cum. is that also not rape?

You need to exercise...

Do you understand that there is a difference between submission and rape?

Yes, when a woman has sex, she is by default in a submissive position. I agree with that. After all, it's the woman body who gets penetrated and the man basically 'gives' to her.

Yes, there is a massive difference between a woman consensually allowing a guy to fuck her, and not giving a guy consent. Whether a woman orgasms or not is entirely irrelevant if you ask me. The definition of rape/consensual sex isn't about whether a girl orgasm dude. It's whether she allowed the other person to have sex with her. I don't really understand why this is such a complicated difference to you.

>Do you understand that there is a difference between submission and rape

I feel like you just played yourself

>imagine the fatest most disgusting woman ramming a dildo up your asshole to make you cum

I called this out exactly in OP. This is like saying "what if an asteroid hit your house and killed your dog would it be sad lol"

Reread your post, rape is an extreme forced submission. So you REALLY just played yourself

what? where? you said in order to have an orgasm you need to be "there", I'm giving you an example of reaching it without arousal...
that's not even a valid analogy so I'll drop this troll thread if you don't reply with a serious counter argument

Please dont ever have sex

>rape is an extreme forced submission.
Doesn't the word 'forced' not sound like a pretty important difference to submission that is 'not forced'?

Well you have special kind of autism dont you honey but it's not your fault mommy drank when she was pregnant :)


A forced submission is 1000x more authentic and real than a consensual one

There's the consensus that orgasm rape is possible and actually not uncommon

But now I'm interested specifically in the intensity.

A woman having missionary sex with her partner might get off a little and a disgusting rapist gives her an orgasm that shakes her to her very core

Do I still have to "be there for her lol" and she gets pity points from society?

Fuck that shit


Love to be

If you have ever actually seen a rape, I mean an actual rape not a "roleplay", you'll realize just how traumatizing it is.

You sure about that?

Not OP
But where to see actual rape? Not asking in a sexual way but it sounds like a good idea to show someone actual rape every time they say "it's not that bad" or "women love it"as to prove my point?

Can you really not imagine a nigger brutalizing some woman to the point shes bleeding from every orifice

Yes i can
Me myself have been half "raped" meaning i said " no" and "stop it" multiple times but he just kept going and it hurt like hell but dumbass people need visual evidence

I've seen a couple webms on that looked pretty much like rape, and those are just the ones where the girlfriend is in tears asking her boyfriend to stop and that he's hurting her while he just keeps pumping, that's not the really awful ones of someone beating the shit out of a girl.

Ignoring the rest of this thread, cam we all at least agree that the average woman enjoys rape more than the average man?

>Ignoring the rest of this thread cus I'm all out of edgy arguments
lol grow up

I'm not even op, I just felt like pointing that out without having sort through the rest of this thread.

You're not responding to OP.

Cherry picking retarded posts is just as toxic as what you're accusing the other shitposter of

>reddit spacing

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No they don't
"Rape fantasies" are something very different from actual rape.
In a fantasy, the man "rapes" a woman because he couldnt resist her. In a fantasy, it doesn't hurt, but is hot and passionate. In a fantasy, the woman is still actually in control of when the "rape" happens, what the "rapist" looks like and for how long and in what form it takes place.
In actual rape, the victim can't choose any of those things so can you see the difference?
"Rape fantasies" are not fantasies about actual rape, but rather their crush having unexpected hot great sex with them.

>using paragraphs instead of word vomits
>must be reddit

Go away

>in actual rape, the victim can't choose any of those things so can you see the difference?

The only difference is in a fantasy the woman fantasizes about having a gushing orgasm

In reality they actually have a gushing orgasm

He's talking about hitting enter twice.
Paragraphs are normal.

Full line breaks are plebbit.

That's kinda my point. Normal dudes don't fantasize about raping a hot chick, they fantasize about having sex with a hot chick.

Did you even read what i wrote??
In a fantasy, the woman (or man) is fully ready, it doesn't hurt, it's with a person they are infatuated with, the one having the fantasy gets to choose whether it's bdsm, anal, oral whatever that happens. And most importantly, the one having the fantasy IS OKAY with being "raped". So it's not actually rape, but unexpected or sudden intercourse where the "victim" is submissive but has all means to end it whenever they want to.

Ffs next time read what i wrote

And in actual rape many don't orgasm.Some do, yes, but the vast majority doesn't.

still a very edgy thing to say, no one enjoys rape

>the vast majority won't admit it.


I think u feel that way because rape is so sexualized in porn and you get off to more fucked up shit each time. I think ur problem is ur porn consumption and ur false view of actual sex.
as a healthy and empathic human being, with passion and love you should never think that actual rape (not raw sex fantasies) feels great for women. pain without consent is the worst thing that can happen to one. it's like being tortured. please get an healthy mind user.

Okay if you were given the most amazing hj in history by a hairy dude and you nutted from it and then the said hairy dude fucked you in the ass against your will til you bled.
Would this be okay? No? But you nutted, didn't you?

See how fucked your logic is?

Stop larping user, I'm sorry you've been raped

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I don't know ...

I got raped (I'm a guy) a bunch of times and don't really give a shit. I used to give a shit and I allowed it to define me. Like default position was "hey I'm user, let me tell you my fucked up story and you'll feel sorry for me and it'll explain why I'm a piece of shit"

Eventually I got sick of being a piece of shit with a fucked up story. I accepted the past was out of my control, but the future was pretty much within my control on a good day. I stopped repeating the story, reliving the trauma and wounding myself again and again for dubious benefit. I mean, I really was making nobody happy, not even myself. The sympathy that I gained wasn't making me feel any better. In a way I even felt like I was exploiting others for their reaction and they were exploiting me because they got something emotional from the experience. In quite a short period of time it ceased to impact upon me at all.

Yeah something happened in the past. Yeah I can't change it. Yeah it was awful. Yeah so what am I doing now? What am I proud of now? What is positive in my life now? What have I control over now? What do I want to do? What do I want to be? How do I want to influence and interact with the world?

It is far more positive. But to reach this point. You've got to let go of the sob story, the position that comes to define you. It is a powerful thing, being able to at any point make everybody in the room feel sorry for you and excuse all your mistakes. It is kind of addictive.

That is what I feel many people and women especially struggle to let go of. How dare you even imply I should get over this. YOU NEVER GET OVER IT. Well, ok, not if you don't want to you don't. I get it. I felt like that for a long time, but it doesn't strengthen you, it just keeps you stuck in the same mental space forever.

Guys shouldn't rape women. Who gives a shit if they came or not? Why do you even give a shit? What does it have to do with you? You just support people who are suffering.


Empathy is feminine and a pussy drier

You talking to the wrong kinds of girls then

>I'm a guy and I actually think I'm desensitized to the rape of women
You mean in the same way women are desensitized to the rape of men? Or the death of men for that matter? Don't be ashamed if you don't feel pity for those who see you as less than human.

No, that's "hilarious" and "I got lucky" when that happens.

oh boo hoo look at me I'm such a cold hearted person. that means I'm cool as fuck. I'm the boss. I'm so great. I don't feel anything. Just a straight dude doing straight stuff.

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Yeah your post is all that a woman wants to see

Showing emotions and vulnerability as a man backfires almost always

Fuck off

To be fair, women do want men to be vulnerable from time to time. So they can learn what makes him tick and use it against him. Never lower your defenses around thots. If somethings bothering you and you need an outlet, go to your friends. That's what they're for.

>MGTOW rant
>"I got lucky" when I have a dildo up my ass
your latent homosexuality doesn't count, user

y'all so into bitches that you dont see anything about real and honest people anymore.

you fuck off and stop being so thirsty and then cry when the bitch leaves ur dumb ass

And a hanged man will orgasm... doesn’t mean he enjoys the experience.

Bitch, please. Did you know male rape victims can be forced to pay child support to their rapists? But hey, just dismissing me as a MGTOW or homosexual or whatever will surely change the law and reality itself.

How did you get raped?

I'm just replying with the same quality you did
I couldn't care less about american laws, you have people jailed for weed lol

I see where you're coming from but this is really an individual matter. There's also the fact that statistics are just what people want us to hear when they're tallied up.

God knows the truth is even more fucked up considering things like Stockholm syndrome and rape fantasies. I don't know about you but rape is straight fucked up... I have no idea why anyone would fantasize about it but then women always bear down on me like an enemy when I suggest maybe this is extremely fucked up even for a fetish.

Like I said-- I think the real truth here is that this is a rabbit hole, Neo. I think we are both better off with the blue pill, here.

>I couldn't care less about american laws
I'm not American either, but I care because I know feminism is a virus. Affirmative consent started out in California and Europe laughed. Then it spread to Sweden, then to Spain. Who knows where it will end.

All we need is a high profile case in Europe where a woman rapes a man and gets pregnant. You bet your ass the man (or rather, boy) has to cough up money he doesn't even have.

Stop talking like a nigger

Older sisters when I was 6-10.

lmao you're going way off topic with the mgtow senpai

> I have no idea why anyone would fantasize about it but then women always bear down on me like an enemy when I suggest maybe this is extremely fucked up even for a fetish.

Islam + pre Christian religions had it right

Women really should've be afforded all they have.

I feel you man. As soon as you suggest that maybe you shouldn't enjoy being degraded you get swarmed. It's insane.

A hit dog will holler

>Your mind has to actually *be there*
Nah. Some women will orgasm doing daily activities such as running, doing pilates, horseback riding etc. There's such a thing as having involuntary, spontaneous orgasms. Pretty natural some of them should occur when having an unauthorized penis thrust inside you.

Honestly dude, the saddest realization of my life was realizing women don't want to be respected.

Modern western women maybe, but far from all women. Travel the world a little, you'll find that respectable women exist in many places. I would say these places are usually not laden with riches, but spiritually healthy on the other hand. It's not a human nature thing, it's a culture thing.

>another fucking rape apologist thread
Our once noble society is truly turning into the worst image of deep African village culture. Go live in shit, drink fermented horse cum, rape your sisters and your mother OP. We're all fucked now that these threads are commonplace. You have fucked us all with your delusions and fall from grace.

Are you trying to imply women's sexuality isn't fucked up beyond belief?

I dunno man I just sort of backed tf out of it all. There's women out there who are sensible people just trying to survive each day but like, these women are rare. You'll go searching for them, deadass. And you'll find them in places you don't expect, namely, in the women who are discarded as undesirable. But then you look at the desirable women and they're all fucked in the head and cheating on their men with endorsement.

Look, somepoint, I had to admit a fact: if humans fuck up all the time, and fucking up things is sort of what humans do, doesn't it sorta stand to reason that maybe following mass opinions is just how you get into fucked up situations?

t. Never even seen a woman in his life
Fucking edgelords

It's more fucked up to want to rape than to want to be raped.

Rape is disgusting, which is why I think women are fucked up. Anyone who fantasizes about either side of it is mentally ill.

Rape is possibly the most natural and biologically authentic thing two humans could engage in

I masturbated to this post no lie

So is dying of syphilis but that doesn't mean you should fantasize about it.

you're either a starter or a piece. nothing cool about abuse of any innocents. fuck the physiological reactive justifications. If youre looking to get shot, fucked up or worse.. youre on the right track.

>Yes, when a woman has sex, she is by default in a submissive position.

This isn't actually true. It's just a bunch of societal baggage that makes us think the receptive partner in a sex act is the "submissive" one.



I think separating the two is splitting hairs as a means of trying to regain face because rape is inherently fucked up and wanting it to ever occur in any fashion at all is just plain sociopathy as far as I'm concerned. I also tend to find chicks who are into that shit to be a bit, I don't know, borderline-y.
>talks about authenticity of human interaction
>on fucking Jow Forums
If the irony is lost on you, I'm not going to bother filling in the blanks for you.


You mean honest?

This is the correct post

Female orgasms are different then men. They don't need to be turned on to cum, they can literally be forced to with physical stimulating.

Men require a hard dick, or they have to teach themselves how to have a prostate orgasm. If you tied up a woman and put a vibrator against her clit, even if she's begging you to stop, will still cum.

>Female orgasms are different then men. They don't need to be turned on to cum, they can literally be forced to with physical stimulating

Tell that shit to the following faggots:

The hairy dude reply person here

THAT'S EXACTLY MY POINT????? Women don't have to be turned on to cum, meaning they can cum from rape or from giving birth or whatever else without wanting to.

So you just can't say "oh rape is okay cause women cum from it therefore they must love it". They are NOT turned on by any means and therefore they don't love it, even if they cum from it.

Like wtf how autistic are you

>Women don't have to be turned on to cum

Define cum please

To orgasm

Orgasms are by definition pleasurable.

>If you tied up a woman and put a vibrator against her clit, even if she's begging you to stop, will still cum.

Jerked off to this

Yes but that's besides the point. If you tied a woman up and put a vibrator on her clit with her telling you no and to stop it it would still be rape even if she came like 10 times

That's fucking stupid

Aight i'm done
you bitches are too dumb to actually read what i wrote but will never touch a pussy anyways so it doesn't matter

Exactly how is it stupid???
If i forcefully sucked you off 5times in a row with my fist in your ass against your will and you're telling me to stop but you cummed each and every time would this be okay? It would not, would it now?

Yikes friend
I'm pretty sure orgasms are like 80% psychosomatic. If you're completely turned off by something you'll have a hard time climaxing.

Not true

> If you're completely turned off by something you'll have a hard time climaxing.

Tell that to the "don't blame the victim" cucks shit posting in this thread

>That's kinda my point. Normal dudes don't fantasize about raping a hot chick, they fantasize about having sex with a hot chick.

Yeah because in both cases the fantasy is about being desired.

Female orgasms are easier when they're turned on, but it is fairly easy you force a girl to than a guy

I can't agree with you. Men hate being raped because something is being taken from them against their will. For most women it is the same. A submissive woman willingly gives, so if it's taken against their will it can be damaging. On the flipside I have had many women ask me to break in at a random time and force them (rape fantasy) but they assumed it would be me. Yes many women have thought about it.

Rape is never OK in today's society. Maybe if we went back a thousand years it would be semi normal. Still morally wrong in any case

>enjoy vanilla loving sex with my boyfriend
>read this thread
>"all women want to be raped"

If my boyfriend slapped me, hurt me, or called me degrading names I would cry and never have sex with him again

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No, your mind doesn't have to be there. Children can be raped by pedophiles and have an orgasm, does it mean they actually wanted this or even understood what was going on? Getting an orgasm is like feeling physical pain, your body does that without you having any choice on the matter. You don't have to be there emotionally.
Also, you assume that every woman has an orgasm while raped. But it is very rare for women, much more so than in case of men or even little boys. Women rarely get an orgasm when men only want to pleasure themselves, this is exactly the reason why female orgasm during rape is so talked about, because it almost never happens.

Women who are traumatized by rape can be these kind of people who find any physical contact disgusting or are more traumatized by the fact their friend raped them, not the rape itself. I think that sex is very disgusting activity in general and don't like being naked in front of anybody, so of course rape would probably traumatize me.

Btw some men can't avoid getting erection during prostate exam, does it mean they are attracted to the doctor?

But men don't want to be raped.

Even if you're a 36 year old larping virgin, thank you for being a voice of reason.

Yes they do, go to /d/, Jow Forums, or /trash/. Femdom is HUGE. Sissy submission is all over those boards
But they don't want REAL rape, they want to feel safe having the person they love take control of the situation and make them feel desired on a primal level

Those guys are a tiny minority.

Any girl worth a damn will enjoy getting spanked and spit on during sex

I'd hate to date you you're probably an Asian nerd girl who wears hoodies