What knife do you carry everyday, pol?

And if you don't, why the hell not?

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No niggers and I’m rich

BUCK 722
with BOS S30V steel


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I carry an old ginsu knife in my asshole.

I carry a gun, you 12 year old faggot.

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Jow Forums is a bored of piss

I carry a gun.

Knives with blades more than 3 inches and/or blades which lock in place are illegal here.
I do carry a Swiss Army Knife though, but only for its functional use, not as a weapon

Just a Swiss Army knife with basic tools, it does its job.

Cos I live in England

`The maximum penalty for an adult carrying a knife is 4 years in prison and an unlimited fine. You’ll get a prison sentence if you’re convicted of carrying a knife more than once.

Basic laws on knives
It’s illegal to:

sell a knife to anyone under 18, unless it has a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less
carry a knife in public without good reason, unless it has a folding blade with a cutting edge 3 inches long or less
carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife
use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife)'

rat 2. light and inexpensive if lost.

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>K E P H A R T

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I should really get a punch knife, though,
I saw some cool ones that looked like shark's teeth, but I was looking for one that was actually made out of a shark tooth.

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I carry a gun, and prefer it that way.

>not posting your own countries dank knife

Fake flag

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Gungang report in

Why bother with a knife? Carry something that can end a MF from a distance.

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I'm on parole and it isn't worth 4 more years in prison.

I got myself the K-bar plastic punch knife. It's nice because I always just keep it on my back pack and even when I forget to take it out, I can still pass through metal detectors no problems.

I carry the inox because I liked the walnut.

I prefer my fists or a glock

>rubber sleeve on grip.
Doesn't know how to hold a gun

Looks like something you'd bring on a picnic to spread some cheese.

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benchmade automatic apb (discontinued)

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Just a bike tire (inner tire). I train with the Army reserves in a lot of shit weather and it helps a lot.

I carry one of these in my wallet

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Any Al Mare

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Those things are so cringe

no front sight?

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No. More likely to get arrested for carrying a knife than assaulted.

Sweet trijicons, how are they? Just got a new gen 5 G19 and I want to move away from the tru glos I have on my CZ

Best money I've ever spent.

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It's kind of a bitch to sharpen due to the recurve nature of the blade. I like it though, but I've had it for a while now and am thinking of the next knife.

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What's up with the shape

They're great for quickly aligning the sights compared to the default Glock sights, but I once had this happen to them (see pic related).
I have no idea how it happened, or even how it's physically possible, but when I fired the pistol the front sight rotated. The base that the sight is mounted to isn't a round shape, and it was locktited (blue) down.

Strange shit. Never happened after this, though.

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A Kershaw tanto. Nothing super special, but good.

ESEE 4 for 6y straight
Knives are not for self defense. Guns are.

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Use loctite on the threads

Got a nice Ruike folder blades about 3-3&1/2 inces long, sharp as hell, and some nice olive drab g20 scales.

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I use this guy

it's great quality blade, great quality handle, and my favorite part is the cross draw aspect. Wear the sheathe on your belt on your left side and it's an extremely quick and easy draw and holster. It's small enough to be legal in most places unless you are a pussy faggot brit.


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I did use blue loctite. That's why it's so weird. With the barrel, guide rod and spring in place there really isn't much space left for the thing to move or even loosen up.

Engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever.

My nigga!

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I use my penis.

Endura 4 FFG


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Just different styles

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i was fucking with it, putting a pajeet on it.

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Trap Card Activated.

>You lose 1 Penis.

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get a load of this faggot still playing league in 2019

i really like that one where did you get it?

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knifes are for fags and muslims and niggers. i have hard fists and hard skull as a half polak. never needed a knife.

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What if you gun runs out of battery or powder or whatever gay shit guns run on?

that's cool faggot. Now please teach me the ways of cutting open packages or whatever with a fucking gun you imbecile.

Holy shit, yeah loctite is your friend my guy. Would you say they are worth the 120$? I was looking at those or the travis haley sights

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You call that a "knife"?

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>doesn't know that guns run on steam

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Sharpfinger. Can't bin.

kershaw brawler. I carry it everyday and and use it hard. its light, good size, reliable, inexpensive. i bought a few other Kershaw after because i liked it so much.

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Very light and well balanced
Also compact fits right in my pocket.

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For me they were worth the money, because I could barely get proper groups with the original Glock sights. That's more a problem with me having trouble with aligning them properly and consistently, I guess, but the Trijicon sights worked wonders for me.

>please teach me the ways of cutting open packages or whatever with a fucking gun
Easy, I just point it at one of you knife fags and take your fucking knife.

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>what if your gun runs out of battery

I carry a gun because I’m not a faggot living in a faggot country. I can also carry explosive devices and toxic chemicals, but I don’t.

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That thing is cool. I think I'm gonna order one.

Very nice, I have the buck vantage s in 420hc, the buck vantage pro in s30v, the buck compadre in 5160springsteel, and the buck csar in 154 cm. Also the regular buck hunter folder. And others. I also have several Mora knives, one spyderco too.

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my EDC

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opinel master race

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I have a sog twitch II I found in a dresser I was asked to help remove after the alcoholic owner abandoned it along with a ton of other shit

I'd never spend that much on a knife normally so I appreciate it a lot

>browsing and posting on Jow Forums while doing 75

Guess I'm not the only one

Very good, the rat in d2 tool steel is also very nice. These 2 are my daily carry at work.

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I carry an automag sometimes incase I need to meme on a nigger

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OP. If you are implying that you DONT carry a nice for self defense and carry it as a tool. You realize that makes your thread NOT POLITICAL AT ALL and totally off topic. Bound to be banned

>only 12 year olds like knives
Whats a knife collector? Whats a gun collector? Ive met both. Doesnt hurt to have some knives hanging around.

Here's a pic of me with my katana

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Fucking beautiful!

All top quality too!

Kimber, benchmade, excellent!

>My nigga

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>goes to target
>buys shitty cell phone car charger
>sealed in crazy plastic case
>looks around, see's me with belt knife
>pulls gun on me, steals knife, opens care charger

sure thing there pal. I'm sure you aren't a zoomer.

>why the hell not?

...you're a leaf....and you're asking this?

Is that mora full tang user?