If Jesus, the son of God was a Jew, does that mean that God himself is Jewish too...

If Jesus, the son of God was a Jew, does that mean that God himself is Jewish too? Did you ever think that maybe the reason why Jews wield so much power and influence over us is because they really are God's chosen people? Maybe God is allowing whites to be systematically wiped out because he's a Jew and he's in on the plan. What do you think?

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Talmudists/Frankist/Rothschilds/Freemasons are the Synagogue of Satan. But God so loved the world that he sent Christ, his only begotten son, to die for our sins and show gentiles and Jews alike the way to access the kingdom of heaven.


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fren if it makes you happy. yes.

Communicatio idiomatum can be taken too far. In the person of Christ, yes, God was Jewish. But when we speak of God's essence, it is unknowable, so we cannot say God is Jewish.

Why would God pick the most repulsive race of villains on the planet to represent him of God isn't a filthy kike?

Checkmate christcucks.

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Jesus was a Judean, a person from Judea


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Sounds pretty fuckin jewish to me

that's a lot a juden in one sentence.

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Meanwhile... he cheers and celebrates marrying a white woman off to a nigger LMFAO WAKE UP CHRISTKEKS YOU'VE BEEN TRICKED BY JEWISH BULLSHIT

Jews are just smarter than everyone else.
That's why they control so much.
A lot of selective pressure over centuries for intelligence due to being restricted to certain occupations (e.g. banking).

He wasn't just "a person from Judea." He was born there, but he was more associated with Gallilee. Anyway, he was a Jew. A descendant of Abraham who worshipped Yahweh at the temple in Jerusalem, read Jewish scripture in synagogues, upheld Jewish law, celebrated Jewish holidays. There's no point it trying to make semantic arguments otherwise.

>this guy holds a different opinion on me on the mixing of races, so I'll go to hell.


Israel means one who struggles/wrestles with God as in they can't help being evil Moses was barely gone for a few days and they started worshiping Satan

>due to being restricted to certain occupations (e.g. banking).
Yeah, good job christcucks, forbid usury to christians, let jews handle all our money great idea :)

You see, for the past thirty years, Europe has been infected by a loathsome, philo-socialistic intellectualism, which is both internationalist and antipatriotic, which separates body from spirit and gives a ridiculously exaggerated importance to the mind. It teaches forgiveness for offenses committed, it proclaims universal peace and the abolition of war, whose horrors would be replaced by wars of ideas. Futurism hurled itself against this intellectualism, which is Germanic in origin, in praise of instinct, physical strength, courage, every kind of sport, and war.

You see, for the past thirty years, Europe has been infected by a loathsome, philo-socialistic intellectualism, which is both internationalist and antipatriotic, which separates body from spirit and gives a ridiculously exaggerated importance to the mind.
It teaches forgiveness for offenses committed, it proclaims universal peace and the abolition of war, whose horrors would be replaced by wars of ideas.
Futurism hurled itself against this intellectualism, which is Germanic in origin, in praise of instinct, physical strength, courage, every kind of sport, and war.

You see, for the past thirty years, Europe has been infected by a loathsome, philo-socialistic intellectualism, which is both internationalist and antipatriotic,
which separates body from spirit and gives a ridiculously exaggerated importance to the mind.
It teaches forgiveness for offenses committed, it proclaims universal peace and the abolition of war, whose horrors would be replaced by wars of ideas.
Futurism hurled itself against this intellectualism, which is Germanic in origin, in praise of instinct, physical strength, courage, every kind of sport, and war.

>It teaches forgiveness for offenses committed
Like christcuckery then?

>what is a credit union?

Oh shit that was close to the get who got it?

>replaced by wars of ideas
Yeah, like if we don't like your ideas you get fired.

Reddit pic for a reddit argument. If you knew the first thing about Jesus you’d know his intense criticism of the Jews is what got him framed by the yids as “the King of the Jews” and subsequently nailed to a cross and his loot stolen and rolled for.

Why do pagan retards victim blame Jesus? He’s the poster child for “getting Jew’d.” Are they merely pretending to not know this? Modern day Jew worship is the product of mass media brainwashing and public education propagandizing. (Both industries that just happen to have a disproportionate Jewish bent)

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>gives a ridiculously exaggerated importance to the mind

To the point of deja vu.

To the point of deja vu.

To the point of d eja vu.