Will jazz fake her periods like these ladies?

Will jazz fake her periods like these ladies?

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these people are ill.

is it too much to ask for an asteroid to wipe out humanity?

this is fucking mental. if this doesn't prove that these people are just sick, nothing will.

>be vegetable
>grow slowly on a farm with nothing but love and care
>have hopes for a bright future
>maybe be in a salad, veggie drink, or as a side dish
>become a drink
>excited to give my nutrition to someone
>some person with a wig and beard buys me and my fellow vegetables
>get a little nervous but I will fulfill my role soon
>the strange person puts me into bottles and freezes me into a cylinder shape
>oh, I'll be a nice frozen treat in the heat
>little did I know how wrong I was
>person shoves me and my comprades up his gaping wound to simulate being the opposite sex
>get leaked out onto a pad, mixed with blood and puss, then tossed into a public restroom toilet

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>giving the bacteria in your festering wound a smorgasbord of sugar to snack on
Seems like a pretty easy way to go septic. How do we encourage more of them to try this?

My god


Underrated post

V8 tomato juice is disgusting on its own.

Just imagining the putrid stench of it emanating from some trannies inverted cocksleeve is making me dry heave.

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This is normal bigots



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Why would Jazz need to do that when he's got the money to buy them ready made?


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No, playing video games is mentally ill. These people are perfectly normal

>have a festering wound that is prevented from healing
>shove foodstuffs into that wound
seems like a good idea

Will OP?

this should be shared endlessly on all social media platforms. Normies have no idea what really goes on in the minds of these psychopaths.

If I have some tomato juice going out of date why not? I'll free bleed tho

Dont you dare! Do I need to remind you that those games you play on your phone makes you mentally ill? Now apologize and I wont tell your friends you are psycho


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How F2M trannys "mimic" cum ejaculation? I mean this fantastic feeling when you can shoot your cum on a large distance.

They will NEVER be able to know what it's like.

he doesn't have to because he is already bleeding from the open wound exploding

Probably have a separate tube inside their pseudoscrotum that pumps out go-gurt or something.

As a woman I have to say the worst thing about being a woman is periods and cramps, I can't believe anyone would try to poorly simulate it. They also don't go through the monthly hormone roller coaster to get there. I hate these disgusting people more and more. I mean this seems like a fetish gone horribly wrong and mental disorder.

I'm sure they are working on it.

The funniest thing is if you say that in public you'll be flooded with death and rape threats calling you a TERF that liberals will applaud.

go-gurt?! well now i have to suck it

I’m a woman as well and I was legit redpilled for sure now. I was on the fence because I don’t interact with them but fuck this shit. They’re not us and I don’t want these ballsack larpers fed any lies anymore

How can you say that about a vulnerable and harmless minority.

It's not like you're even using those tampons anymore.

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top zozzle
put me in screencap

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So when are we as a society going to acknowledge that we have been forced to fulfill the sexual fantasies of mentally ill perverts in states like MA, that allow transgenders to go in the wrong shower rooms and bathrooms?

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> the left is ever going to admit that the whole LGBT thing was a mistake

What tipped you off? Them choping off their dick, or them taking pride in it?

somebody cap this when it has 20+ replies

Like pottery.

Well done

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top kek

Oh God no....

I keep screaming, but God won't answer

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A period is when the uterus sheds its lining to make way for a new, more fertile one. And since men who chop off their dicks still have no uterus, yes, they are indeed lying and faking having a period.


Kill yourself faggot

How can ANY doctor look at this and say it's healthy normal behavior. In 100-150 years the worlds gonna look back on the early 2000s and view us as absolute RETARDS for allowing this shit to happen.

>Have to dilate to keep a gash from healing as biologically intended
>Have to shove frozen red substance up a gash to melt and feel as though they're having a period.

Am i really supposed to think these things are women? Not even that am i supposed to respect them as fellow human beings? What happened to respected earned? Its like how everyone thinks they should be shameless over shit like abortion i don't fit in anymore.

This is beyond fucked up. I could have lived the rest of my life just fine without ever seeing this. I do not believe it’s real. Is this real life?
Honestly, I do not believe in murder, but wouldn’t putting these sick fucks down be mercy? Good God.

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I'm starting to feel at ease knowing that those sickos are living in their own self inflicted hell.

FFS, real women don’t even like having periods and will even use BC to not have them. Why do the fake women even try this hard? GROSS and mentally deranged

I want to see the Kubrick version.

hopefully within 100 years doctors will return to drilling holes in these peoples heads.

God or whoever, please, if you're there...it's now or never....
the evil, abuse, distortion and oppression of truth is too much, for any sane soul who just wants good wholesome family values and live in a world. You've really fucked up letting drag on this long!
On the other hand if we were the product of ayys' genetic manipulation and splicing these niggers are going to be shocked when they come back to see their aquarium.

Things, like this, make me realize WW3 is already upon us and WE are the enemy --the people themselves. They want a smaller retarded population of serfs, with NO culture, NO history, NO education and a world with NO borders, ergo a world which is their entire playground.


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As a child I wondered what the far off future world would be like. I am so disappointed that I am more than willing to push any button that would end all human existence.

>fake periods
Who pays for this shit?

Get in here!