"The female wall is past 40. The male wall is pre 30"

>"The female wall is past 40. The male wall is pre 30"
How much do you agree with this statement?

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The white female hits the wall around 23. 23 hits women like a truck full of brick doing 90

the fuck? if anything it would be the opposite. Do males even really have a "wall"?

>Anonymous (ID: 3+XbRd0Y) 02/09/19(Sat)18:46:09 No.202


women peak at around 25 to 30. after that they begin to fall apart to the trials of old age and apathy towards their bodies. however, before this, women can have a lot of worth too. men like women as young as 16 (LEGALLY).

men are not worth SHIT until theyre 25 or older.
if you dont have a career, have finish college, have a valuable trade, have your own place (rented/owned/shared evenly amongst 2-3 people) youre a waste of time in most women's eyes.

im 23 and PRAYING i can finish college by 25 (started at 19).

None at all

My dad is 52 and way better looking than me at 24

Switch em

Gay men hit the wall at 16.

>male wall is sooner than the female wall

Absolutely false.

It’s true. There’s variation within that theme but for many reasons it is true.

Is my wording wrong? Or are you reading it wrong? I mean to say that men hit the wall when they are younger than 30, leaving it afterwards, while women hit the wall when they get older than 40, as in men gain more value as they get older and women lose it.

Females stop growing and start aging at 24.
Females sexually peak in their mid 30s. This is nature's way of telling them "this is your last chance to reproduce"

Lol. Try again.

Not at all. Age hits women a lot harder than iy hits men.

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To be real, male or female, you're hot in your 20s, then you notice subtle changes in your 30s indicating your body is starting to wear out.

Female wall is 19

>>"The female wall is past 40. The male wall is pre 30"
>How much do you agree with this statement?

not at all

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He means to say that before a man hits 30 it as though he has hit the wall because he is immature before he becomes a grown mature man @ circa 30 and women prefer men to boys.

It makes sense to me, what the fuck. I picture it as the range of a function. The male wall closes at < 30, while the women's open at > 40

>Pre 30"
Are cocks bigger than 30 " even real?

Bullshit used to make old men feel better. I lived in America as a kid and at 15 I got offered plenty of free sex (mostly from negresses though). No 70 year old guy or even 40 year old gets offered sex.

"Hitting the wall" as I understand it, is when someone ages to the point they're no longer a desirable mate.

Yeah I’ve seen some walking around. The talk and vote and watch a lot of TV. I hear California is full of them.

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its just an average based on choices and genetics

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Female wall is at around 19.

You have it backwards.

>The female wall is past 40
Utterly disagree. I would never marry a girl older than 23-25 or so.
>The male wall is pre 30
I'm in my 20s so idk. Doesn't seem like it though, a lot of 18yo girls probably wouldn't mind a 30 year old as long as he has his shit together. Best not to wait that long though.

Eh, I've heard that older guys can get sex from divorcees and the like without too much trouble. Probably not from hot 20 year olds though.

>gets sex offer from the one demographic which no one even bothers to rape

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nice LARP Maria

Elderly men can get you pregnant with perfectly good sperm and their telomeres will be longer anyway. The male "wall" is self-doubt.

The male wall is 60. The female wall is 40.

The wall is not a gradient, it's a complete stop. You slow down before hitting the wall, but once you hit the wall, you'll know. A man at 60 stops accruing resources and his testosterone has been slowly declining for decades. His skin is saggy and his muscle mass has greatly decreased. His wealth is now fixed.

>im 23 and PRAYING i can finish college by 25 (started at 19).
lmao brainlet

Apart from that one line, the rest of what he said was fairly enlightened for a 23 y/o.

Female wall is much soon, around 25-35. This is because good, high quality men of that same age range will chase after younger women.

>Bullshit used to make old men feel better.

There is nothing like a good income to make yourself more attractive to women. The average 38 year old might look like shit, but if you keep up with yourself, women throw themselves at you. 30's > 20's.

It seems to me like you're jealous. The Jewish matriarchy keeps a firm high heel stomping on your testicles and circumcised dick.

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>women peak at around 25 to 30
t. roastie

Women peak at 16-25. Literally everything is downhill after that.

This board is getting too pedophilic lately. Have we been compromised? Who the fuck says a 16yo child is at peak sexual life?

So you walked past hookers aged 15, let me guess with a pocket full of change jangling it like a big shot. He’s still got that change and his virginity and a lot of good memories, of the change.
I am over 30, I always got a lot of pussy, it was easy then and it’s easy now, I tend to do what I want these days, I was always manipulated and living with chicks, now I go out and bang for fun and there’s not really anything to consider out of my league these days.
I do think it’s all easier when your a grown man, more women smiling at you, more options, a lot of women are turned off by immaturity, wjich manifests as stupidity, it’s weakness. It’s not the absolute rule, but it’s the way things slide. Doesn’t mean you don’t get laid young, I had 3 kids by 20.
>the wall
Different questions. The walls when they fall to bits and go gross.
You should marry and breed as young as possible though. Definitely get that shit done. Kids are shit bastards that scream all night and digest your money and poop it on themselves for you to clean. That’s @ 15. Other ages are worse. Once it’s done you can tell their mothers to fuck off for all the torture they put you through and go and have a good time/keep all the money/spend it on the hottest thots. That’s why the hottest thots exist and make themselves like that, to attract exactly me, it’s the end goal of all life - being happy. Done my duty to the race, now I’m going to have a lot of fun. Some leave it this late to start breeding, I pity you. You live and struggle, get comfy and then have to fuck it all up with brats and their cursed mothers.

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>Jew says biological truth is "Bullshit"

dude they were all pedophiles

The Wall is not something you get passed. When you hit The Wall, there's no recovery. Things aren't going to get better after you hit The Wall. It's rare for a woman over 35 years old to still not have hit The Wall. Some women hit the wall at 17, some at 25, most every woman by 30.

Men, on the other hand, really do not hit The Wall until they become disabled or geriatric. If you're not either of those things, you can always get ripped and rich, which happen to be the two big things that women of all ages want.

0% agreement

>How much do you agree with this statement?
not at all.
women hit the wall 24-29 depending on lifestyle.
men hit the wall 35-45 depending on lifestyle.

Yes women should be over 40" tall but the male wall is way higher than 30". That's midget-tier.

>The male wall is when they go bald and/or are earning less than double their age*1000 dollars per year.
>The female wall is when their nasolabial folds become permanent.
Prove me wrong

If you're rich enough, being bald is a choice. Elon Musk.

Stupid Brazilian monkey.
Every single survey I have ever seen has women peaking at 14.

>women peak at around 25 to 30
women peak at 18, they lose all value at 25 to 30

Not at all.

>Who the fuck says a 16yo child is at peak sexual life?
Literally every single civilization since forever, before relatively modern feminists lobbied to increase the age of consent.

Maybe for you and your cuck country.

Smells like denial.
In most cases, men age like wine; women like milk. I look way better now at 30 than I did at 18-25.

Hey you subhuman monkey, women finish puberty at 16. It means they are biologically adults at that age

>Wants to fuck underdeveloped kids
>I'm the animal here

Men age like wine, women age like cheese

Women head toward a wall that they hit by 30. Men head away from a wall that they break the hold of by 35, leaving it further and further away as they make their way through their 40's.

maybe like 75-80 for guys? most women are donezo by 25-30 though. The trick is finding one that will make it to old age without looking too bad.

30yo boomer here, can confirm I am fitter, richer, and much better dressed/groomed now than I was at 20. And it’s only getting better

I personally do not want to settle down. But I do want money and power. I plan on investing and when I become independently wealthy I will start runing for office.

What I’m saying is. If you don’t waste your money on a woman, you can invest it and then live off the dividends and even reinvest the surplus. My income will grow every day of my life.

So 60,000 when your 30 and 120,000 when your 60. Seems doable for me. But I want nothing to do with women.

I’ve seen what women do to men. I see men being bossed around out in public. I saw what the divorce courts did to my father.

No thanks. Change the marriage laws and make the marriage vows legally binding, then we can talk about white babies.

lmao, men age like wine.
women age like milk

>Is my wording wrong?
No, it makes sense. In essence, I'd agree.

Wine and milk are meant to be consumed, slurped up and then pissed out.

I know it’s just a metaphor, but men are better than some old fucking bottle of wine. Fuck being used by society, or espically a woman.

Men are like blue chip stocks, woman are like junk bonds.

>The male wall is pre 30
male is pre 20
female is past 20

I fucking kekked.
Good one, user.

Funny OP, cause you are very wrong.

Im late 40's been humping and just dumped my 26 YO gf, and i dumped a 24 yo for the 26 yo.
that all happened within 2 months

And I fuck 20's somethings on the reg. I don't see many late 40 something women with 20 yo something men.

So...someone's hitting a wall, while others are getting their stride on.

I will let you figure out who's who.

Literally fly to your country and marry a girl half my age.

Good lord, just fuck off

Women peak at 25, stagnate until 28-30 and then they take a nosedive.

>tfw 24 y/o and first year of uni
At least I'm going to jew the fuck out of other people's money once I'll be done, that's one thing to look forward to.

fuck you're stupid

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

That's because you are a disgusting kike though.

>the female wall is 40
>the beliefe that worth is tied to age

It’s messages like this that drag down a country’s women, diminish motherhood, destabilize families.

When all this falls to shit, look at yourselves, incel, immature, broken sexless losers.

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about 60% of it. Male wall is pre-25 while the female wall is post 30. The latter hits really hard, while the former is gradual (provided he takes the necessary steps).

Female wall is 25-30, male wall is when he's too old to control his bladder.

>freedom is slavery
>war is peace
Yeah, all sound right to me OP.

>incel, immature, broken sexless losers.

newfag fell for the meme

Actually I age like piss

i think you are far to ugly to worry about it. get a life loser.

Do you need to put an end to it?
Asking sincerely.

Pfft no

>incel, immature, broken sexless losers.
Could all be cured by women having compassion on them instead of being frigid bitches towards them while still being whores for degenerate Chads.

"offered sex" we are talking about forming lasting relationships, shlomo. why am i not surprised you think like this?

Some females can make it past the wall and age into maturity gracefully similar, but not as well as men, but most get hit so hard by the youthful drop off that they give up and make the wall worse.

>All these "you're just an Incel" posts
Why does age discussions make women such great lolcows?

Stupid fucking Brazilian monkey

Could be helped too by the "incels" improving their health and diet, learning skills/having hobbies, and actually doing things outside. Maybe start going to a church or start rock climbing or some shit idk .

Better yourself and make yourself an interesting person. To improve your chances at finding someone worthwhile you have to make yourself worthwhile to others.

Having a pity-party will get you no where. A good first step would be avoiding Jow Forums or Jow Forumsbraincels.

male could be sort of correct, maybe, but in the belittling way it was surely intended, it's just that a male is peak horny around 20-25 and past 30 he couldn't give 2 shits about wymin
wymin afaik remain horny well into their 40s

>past 30 he couldn’t give two shits about women

How does it feel to have a broken dick from over masturbation to porn?