He gave birth to a daughter/daughters

>he gave birth to a daughter/daughters

Anyone else cringe at males that give birth to daughters? Imagine waiting 9 months to realize that youve given birth to a useless financial anchor. Imagine realizing that you’re so low test that your faster swimmer was a roastie

>destined to get dicked
>destined to fall for liberal studies and other useless degrees
>will never amount to anything
>will probably still be seeking handouts from you when shes 35

Fucking disgraceful. Im seeing these men with 3/4 daughters and no sons. Bitch boys like that deserve to be shamed in public and castrated whats the gubmint doing about it? Absolutely nothing

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Where can I sign up to get paid for this kind of shitposting?

You sound like you have a daughter.

Off yourself, OP.

God I don't want girls as kids later. Boys are easier and more fun to raise.


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So true. Imagine being so beta that you actually raise a female just so another man can use her young tight pussy and dump her afterwards. Your family name also gets lost because the man carries the surname.

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>low test father spotted

Your daughters gonna get dicked in all her holes & you’d be responsible for not birthing a son.

How many sons have you raised?

You're responding to yourself by switching to mobile data or a different WiFi network fag


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I have raised two boys, they’re fine lads. Show your flag seething daughter cuck
Thats not me you fucking idiot, my wifi IP is banned only have one IP left

that dopey meme is hillarious

Resetting your router or getting a dynamic IP is hard isn't it

Women are more likely to have babies/carry on your genes than men are. Also when a woman has a baby, you know 100% it's hers, you never know for sure (without DNA testing) if it is really the mans.

Plus women are more likely to care for you when you are older.

>Anyone else cringe at males that give birth to daughters?
I cringe at males that give birth regardless of the gender.

If your not cucked having a daughter means you get to adopt a worthy man into your family

>not dicking your daughter first.

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First of all males don't give birth and you don't get to chose the gender of your children. Your pic looks like a nice family and without a doubt you don't have any children. I have two daughters and wouldn't trade them for anything in this world. I also expect they will produce a few grandchildren each in the future.

worst thing that can happen.. being a father to future roasties

>have daughters
>daughters are sexy, cuz they're half me
>easily get pregnant
>each one guaranteed biological offspring, 0% risk of cuckage
>my bloodline proliferates with less risk than male offspring
>be genetically successful
feels good man. Or it will, I hope

I would prefer daughters because the law favors them. They will absolutely never see their children (my grandchildren) taken away

i have a daughter she's almost 1 years old
only thing i can do is make sure she has white babies
for that, it's worth it

Is that you Henry the VIII?

>not wanting a loli or a dozen of your own
What are you, gay?
>you don't get to chose the gender of your children
It's called sperm sorting, its over 90% effective.
>i have a daughter she's almost 1 years old
When are you going to start teaching her to suck your dick?

What could be better than having a half dozen lolis all to yourself? Having more maybe.

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Could be worse, could be a dad who gave birth to a son who couldn't get a girl.

He's grooming white women so niggers can fuck them while he has to pay for the wedding. He can only rejoice in the fact that while he worked his life away to still be a genetic dead end, at least no nigger mutt will carry his name.

A man's job is to watch over his daughter and to make sure that she is upright and intact when she is married.
When a woman is married, she wears white, which symbolizes PURITY. The father walks her down the aisle, demonstrating how he has defended her CHASTITY throughout her life. Then the father hands her over to the husband. She is now under her husband's care. Her husband takes the girl home and makes her into a woman, and she will bear his children.
It is all very beautiful, really.

Haha! Nice try you ghoulish man-hating SLUT.

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They don't need training. Sucking dick is an instinct to get free shit.

Obvious Left-wing shill thread.
These fuckers are so uncontrollably stupid they can't even disguise themselves when hiding behind anonymity.

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1) You're just a fucking asshole and a retard
2) It's not cringy, is just a little sad. Every man wants a son and for the name to carry on.

People have no control over the chromosomes their child will be.

You're a faggot.
A man with lots of daughters is still a man and can be happy.

Does this guy look unhappy? No.

And more respect for the man who keeps trying and pumping to get that son. Cause not only is he hitting it every night, he's working hard to provide for all these daughters.

So fuck you faggot. You're a virgin.

forgot pic

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>It's called sperm sorting, its over 90% effective.
While highly accurate, sperm sorting by flow cytometry will not produce two completely separate populations. That is to say, there will always be some "male" sperm among the "female" sperm and vice versa.
>The exact percentage purity of each population is dependent on the species being sorted and the 'gates' which the operator places around the total population visible to the machine. In general, the larger the DNA difference between the X and Y chromosome of a species, the easier it is to produce a highly pure population. In sheep and cattle, purities for each sex will usually remain above 90% depending on 'gating', while for humans these may be reduced to 90% and 70% for "female" and "male" spermatozoa, respectively.

>your face when you select for sperm from a male separation and end up with the second documented human XY mosaic with functioning dick, womb, and streak gonads and grows up to do pregnancy porn with BBC niggers and spawns an entire sub-race of true trannies that hybridize with jews and communists on the moon

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Lies. We all know Canadians are experts on semen, but this is fake science bullshit.

>Lies. We all know Canadians are experts on semen, but this is fake science bullshi
you really think I would lie about dicks?

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This understanding of genetics is mentally handicapped-tier at best.

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Don't engage shill/d&c threads, post a redpill and leave.

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>males that give birth

I call bullshit.

High Testo men always have daughters. Look at Bruce Willis and Dwayne Johnson.

>show your flag
(Using meme flag), ok.
Fuck off you Chinese bastard, we need just as many women as men to preserve the white race.

Like you can even get a woman.

my father has a daughter and has fought against 300.000 Russians when he was 16. your father is a pathetic faggot compared to mine and so are you.


Some of them need training, or are you unaware.

>Men can voluntarily pick the sex of their children?

>he gave birth to a daughter
Really makes you think.

“If you only knew how bad things really are”

Hey I have a daughter who is almost 1 too. I’ve already destroyed any depictions of non-whites in all of her books.

Yeah, your bloodline proliferates into a bunch of miscegenated mongrels and your Y-dna marker gets cucked out of existence

Raising a proper girl is the most important job when nation building. I would be proud as fuck of OP's picrelated if that man raised his daughters right, they will bring many Aryans into this world :).

*hits pipe*

There are evolutionary mechanims in place that does influence odds of male vs females. It has to do with a few factors. Such as exppsure to pheromones, availability of food/water, and a few others. High resource and low female pheromone exposure leads to increase towards female children becaus it affects the Y sperm. Meanwhile heavy female exposure and poor environment favors Y sperm maintenance and X sperm suffer/deform/die off.

>Guys with daughters are cucks.

How can Leftie shills be dumb enough to think anybody would fall for this stupid shit? Hahahaha!

So basically if you don't hang out with women often( female exposure) you have a higher chance of producing girls? I heard that female sperms live longer and swim faster than male ones also.

XY sperm die quicker and are more sensitive to cold so if you have a small dicks nd the sperm have to swim a longer distance it’s mostly that you’ll have daughters. If you dick is long and you cum right against the cervix you’ll have a better chance at having a boy.
Same with sex positions. If your in a position where your not getting as deep you’ll have a girl. If your bottoming out every thrust you’ll have a boy.

The face of a man who is perpetually erect

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The true red pill is matrilinealism. That is, lineage gets traced through the mother's side. Think of it: if you have a daughter and she has a kid, then whoever got her pregnant is free to fuck off and her kid gets raised by your daughter, with your son being the mentor. That's how it is in a matriline--a girl's brother raises her kid.

Contrast this to patrilines, tracing descent through the father. Your daughter runs off to be with another man, your son stays with you but his wife always has the option to take your grandkids away.

There's a reason the Jews trace their descent through the mom's side. They didn't always used to be matrilineal, they adopted the system. It's a guarantee way for a man's descent line to stay unbroken and for his inheritance to stay in the family.

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?


I have 4 sons and 1 daughter. That little girl is beautiful and I am going to raise her correctly so she doesn't become "modern". Go find a woman and have some kids user

It's funny now that you mention it. But when I see beautiful young white girls, I think to myself that humanity still has a shot and is worth preserving.

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There doing gods work.

I cringe at your parents for giving birth to you.

Yes goys! Be afraid! Hate white women. Believe our cherry picked degeneracy examples. Let Tyrone and Jamal impregnate them. Just play vidya. Women are too much trouble!

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I hate having to feel. I hate having to wakeup early on weekends. I hate these kids.

>Pregnancy in a hermaphrodite with a male-predominant mosaic karyotype.
>Schoenhaus SA1, Lentz SE, Saber P, Munro MG, Kivnick S.


To report a pregnancy in a hermaphrodite and review of the literature.

Case report and literature review.


A patient with male-predominant mosaic karyotype 96% 46XY.

Removal of left ovotestis in combination with a supracervical hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.


This is the second report of a mosaic true hermaphrodite to demonstrate fertility. This is the only case of a pregnancy involving a male-predominant mosaic 96% 46XY and the only case to confirm the genetics of the offspring.

behold, the mosaic of God

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he still got laid 4 more times than me

better do a good job so becomes a trophy wife and marries into a rich family ,so she can pay for your old ass

Majority threads on pol are garbage tonight. Wonder what is being slid. The Wells Fargo stuff? Might be a good idea to expand the catalog out.

your a dumb fag only alfa males have girls his girls get 89% of his dna.. boys get 89% of moms.. ur stupid af

may this meme never die.

Why the fuck would anyone want to have a son

Imagine having a Chris-chan or any Jow Forums poster really. Imagine your son growing up to be the next Ed Gein.

If you have a daughter you are guaranteed to have grandchildren and you don't have to worry about being murdered in your sleep by your psychopath son.

I'm sure their dads' are happy.

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I had thought about this before on my own, interesting.

The grandchildren that you have through your daughters are of lower tier than proper grandchildren. I'd say they shouldn't even be named the same or have any familial tie at all, because the actual grandchildren share the seed of your forefathers and the fake ones don't.

>your son stays with you but his wife always has the option to take your grandkids away.
Not in non matriarchal socities.
You shouldn't raise your grandchildren through your daughters, how are you supposed to relate to a boy who came out of another man's balls?

Notice the ginger looks retarded.?

Based and pippinpilled

He doesn't get paid. He does it for free