Brazil was great and white, where did the world get lost?

Brazil was great and white, where did the world get lost?

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The south is ok

there are multiple monkeymen within that picture

Niggers and Jews, huebro. They ruined everything

I miss Brazil empire

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It was always shit, they took a picture of some isolated place before the "zombie" invasion.

>where did the world get lost?
You should have taken a leaf out of the North Americans book
And wiped the indians out

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Everything used to be better.
Reminds me a lot of the scenes of Italy in The Godfather.

if we had killed all the savages, Brazil would be a powerful White empire

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At least two of the people in your picture had shitalian ancestry and look more Mediterranean than white

we received many Italians and they saved Brazil, Italian immigrants in a factory in São Paulo(Saint Paul).

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italian is white

better italians than blacks


Are Greeks white, in your exhalted opinion?

woah.. they were all basically normal white people............ how did the modern brazil meme evolve?!??!

White means European.

1945 happend

we are NOT white

nowadays the poor class is miscegenated while the middle and upper classes are white,and as 45% are white, then we have 55% of the population in poverty and misery

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but we went through two dictatorships (1930 and 1964), so no whites have culture and we only have white skin

You bought the cheap crop picker the merchant was offering and then let it reproduce like fucking rabbits.
Probably at that point but hey we are going down.

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They all resemble children playing dress up. The suit is a white man's outfit

you became a brazilian 2.0

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Every Italian I know considers themselves white. Are you a shitskin rapeugee?

Wasn't actually white, but it wasn't nigger.

brazil was never meant to work, just the leftover of colonial exploration


You are, but only when it’s convenient amirite?

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>where did the world get lost?
Importing 10x as many African slaves as America did was your mistake. Funny how know one knows that though.

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