How would you react?

How would you react?

>met gf 7 months ago at work
>been “official” for 5 months
>it’s all lovey dovey right now
>she’s met my parents I met hers
>birthdays, holidays in between, all good
>I mentioned I met her at work (retail)
>I left a few months ago she still works there
>everyone knew there was something between us cause we would always take our lunches together and leave together
>she’s really hot tbqhwyf and she would get hit on by a lot of the guys
>like we would’ve eating and they would give her a hug and it took everything inside me not to REEEEE
>last night we went out
>she tells me she’s been talking to two anons from work
>she reluctantly tells me that one of the guys admitted he liked her
>I play it off like whatever
>she goes to the bathroom
>I check both conversations
>one guy saying shit like “oh you’re so mean to me I’m a nice guy” and “you better be nice to me cause you know I treat you like a princess” type
>the other one who said he liked her said some bullshit about “opposites attract” and she said it would never happen between them and he replies “you never know”
>it somehow casually comes up in conversation during our date
>having read the texts, I play it off like “you shouldn’t tell guys they’re a really nice guy” cause that implies you would date them if you weren’t ina relationship
>she does like a “oops” reaction and stops chewing
>I’m like you did that to both of them?
>she just nods
>I playfully say “yeah you should probably clear that up lol”

I’m not the jealous type. Idk why this situation has me so worked up. She was so innocent with “lol they’re such nice guys” but I have a penis, I know what guys want. It’s like now that I’m out of the picture in the retail job it’s like open season for everyone at work to hit on her. It’s so bad that tomorrow there’s a sale, and I want to go just to show everyone we’re still together.

What would you do?

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You know these two fucks, right?
Go put the fear of God into them.

>gf told him there want a chance in the text
>still get jealous
The first dude is a loser, dont sorry about him. The second own was already shut down by here.

They were coworkers, never friends
I just want to show up and specifically shake their hand tomorrow and look em in the eye while me and her shop

At lest she was open enough to tell me before, and then I saw the text myself and saw nothing

I just know they’re gonna hit on her constantly

So what
Women need to be worshipped socially in order to be happy and men need to be worshipped phallically in order to be happy

Just be happy you know who the guys are and she's not hiding anything or acting funny. That's when it's a real problem.

Yeah. You walk up to them and tell them explicitly that you are the one dating her and they have one chance to stop trying to sabotage your relationship before you crack their skills open where they stand.

Cause what has me worried, I know guys are persistent. I know they aren’t all “welp she has a boyfriend that’s over with” and truthfully the first guy I’m not worried about. That second guy I know he always liked her and she liked him when she first started working there. I playfully warned her like “if they ask you to help them get something from their car they’ll probably make a move on you”. I could bring it up in conversation in a few days but it just has me shook cause like I said she texts a few guys from work but I know it’s nothing serious. These two texts are different idk why though.


It's not that guys are persistent, it's that girls who feed on this can't be trusted and need to be kept in line - but if you don't finesse that just right, they will use your overbearing behavior as an excuse to cheat or run off.

It's worth noting that women respond to this sort of flirtation (that's what it is) with jealousy but that response draws them to their men more intensely, because the fact that other women are interested in him means his sexual market value is high. So they sometimes think we react the same way when they flirt with other men, when in fact usually it just makes us sick to our stomachs and fucking miserable.

There’s good and bad in what she told me. I would’ve never checked her phone had she not mentioned anything. And the conversation with the first guy was mostly
>(her)hey user what’s up
>lol I’m drunk rn
>(her)lol cool
>yeah but I work 10 am tmrw
>(her) yeah I work 5pm
It was very bland. I’m more worried about the other guy cause he’s obviously flirting. If I remember correctly it was mostly like
>(her) yeah I knew you liked me before but it would never work
>why not
>(her) cause were too different like we have nothing in common
>lol opposites attract
>(her) yeah but it’s different like you’re a really nice guy but it wouldn’t never happen
>lol never say never

Something to that extent. And like she did share a Snapchat of us and posted “with Babe” and picture of me.

I really just want to have the dumbest smirk on me tmrw and talk to the guy while she’s distracted something like
>yo user I heard you were hitting on my girl
>yeah man she was showing me the texts lol you dumb as hell
>oh d-did she
>yeah man we were just laughing at it bro you should probably work on your flirting

Just smile and walk away

Honestly op the biggest issue here is the fact that you went on her phone without her knowing. It's a pretty big red flag where you're essentially implying you don't trust your gf. It'll probably come up in the future.

Besides that it's not your girlfriends job to tell these guys to fuck off. They know she's in a relationship and continue anyway so the best option for her since they're her coworkers is to ignore it and have it be water under the bridge. She's committed to you and that's all that really matters desu, and if people compliment her she can't really do much about it.

she can though, she can block them/ignore them and not feed back into it. This girl is keeping her options open and you just wait until the OP and this girl have an know who shes going to turn to and she'lll def start riding that dick. OP start talking to some girls and see how she likes it.

I feel like blocking them is a bit much.

That list bit you said, I started panicking and am like damn should I keep talking to other girls.

Bitch here. If I had coworkers flirting with me even after telling them no, I'd be infuriated and trying to shut them up. I'm surprised your GF is so chill with it, but maybe hot people are used to that kind of attention.

Are you stupid? I love it when my girlfriend does this. I even ask her to do it. I love it when she shows me or sends screenshots of her conversations with virgins. The fucking shit some of them say, man. The shit that gets posted on r/niceguys is not nearly as good as knowing that a man is right now being emotionally destroyed by a woman that you get to fuck on command.

Just be chill, but prepare for the worst.

I had a girl cheating on her bf with me when we worked together but the second I got let go she immediately stopped talking to me.

Once the work magic is gone a lot of times the relationship is BUT do NOT freak out or sperg out. If there's a chance it will work be chill.

I got a girl who shuts down other men and ghosts them when they try to get romantic
Get you on that level, brudda.

You shouldn't have gone through her phone dude. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Like if you really don't trust her to favor you over some other bozo maybe you should date someone else?

You should be confident that she knows that no one can make her feel better/provide for her better than you. That's basically what is gonna keep someone faithful. Acting all fucked up and jealous is only going to push her away unless maybe she's into that.

OP, you two must be very young if this is going on. Normal women will completely ignore these kind of text if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

That being said, I'm a 6/10 and I have just aggressively chased women who "weren't" interested and they LOVE the attention / chase.

Long story short, the more they talk to them the more she "might" be come interested.

I got my dick sucked this way a few times. From married women

Attached: 1537641130759.png (481x637, 83K)

Pretty much this whole post. If she wanted to cheat, she wouldn't have told you about them. From a femnon perspective, she most likely told you because they made her uncomfortable and she wanted you to know you're the best for her, she'd pick you over anyone.

If people cheat it is because they are already feel dissatisfied with their relationship or have low self esteem. OP should be able to tell. As a side note, aggressively chasing women who aren't interested is creepy. Either they were playing hard to get or user is shit posting.

....Also, don't go through her phone without asking. It's possessive, implies you don't trust her, and if she's not a dumb teenager she'd be creeped out. If you really wanted to see the texts you could have just been chill and asked her "hey, can I see what it is exactly they sent you?" If she is a true and pure golden potato she'll let you read it.

There's so much to unpack here. Literally just drop this girl. I'm serious.

Throw all of her stuff out in the street. No conversations, no negotiation, no yelling and no fighting.

>inb4 muh soggy knees

Only women and women (male) would be okay with the woman they're dating being a Tinder slut on the side. Full stop.