Ten million dollars

Ten million dollars

Attached: Screenshot_20190209-193101_Chrome.jpg (1438x2102, 1013K)

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Just in time for the rating system to be removed.

*3 million dollars.

Just imagine: A year ago she was living paycheck to paycheck, worried about being homeless.

bullshit, a busty bartender gets tipped like crazy. She just made herself poorer and poorer to get the dispossessed 'cred.

her fame and congressmanship is entirely artificial, but we understand why she's being pushed by the elites.

Ten million dollars
Ten million threads
Ten million oy veys

>Ten million dollars
.......to the production company.

Until we actually see it. Fake News. Like the Obama deal turned out to be.

Attached: Drevil_million_dollars.jpg (300x318, 9K)

They should put a 70 percent tax on ads to siphon the wealth from the kike propaganda machine


And now capitalists are capitalizing on her story.

God damn user, you're stupid af, that money is not going towards AOC, but they ones that made the documentary.

grass roots fame is hard to come by. Even Trump can’t claim true grass roots fame. Does the media landscape make everything artificial and an inferior copy of itself which is distributed to the masses?



$10 million? That's an awfully capitalist price for a socialist to be paid


What the fuck is her end game.

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This girl is actually fuckin retarded

I can't wait to see it. That thing is bound to be a comedy goldmine.

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>1 view
Fuck, I just got bamboozled

Her goal is to turn USA into a commie shithole and be the ruler along with her sugar daddy Bernie

that was fucking fast

Good guuuuud. Everything is happening as I have for seen.

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The gold pill

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She's going to get rich win or lose. Probably the only reason she's doing this desu.
fuck this gay earth so much

Director, $400,000
Editor, $100,000
Cameramen, $30,000 a piece x 3 = $90,000
Executive Producers, $1m
Sound, $30,000
Mixing, $10,000
Budget expenses, $100,000
Equipment rental, $90,000
Laundering money to leftist politician, $8m.

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>believing this shit

Attached: obamahussein.png (493x667, 699K)

she was 2 missed payments away from the next 2 girls one cup sequel

Why the hell are the mainstream shilling so damn hard for this cunt? What did this bitch even accomplished? It all feels forced and artificial. Do they think she'll be the next Obama?

Attached: a question for the ages.jpg (603x506, 83K)

>busty bartender gets tipped like crazy

Only when she does the Bend y Snap.

Attached: bend and snap.jpg (320x240, 22K)

Hard worker who pulled herself up by her bootstraps. Inspirational!

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Honestly, she really does look like those brazilian half beaners from all the poop videos. Fucking gross favela dwellers, man. Dark, glassy eyes. Weird brown/white complexion. Just gross all around.

She's just a poor girl from Bronx with a grassroots following.

She will pay a 90% tax on that income, right?

She's the 'Obama-like' answer to Trump. The next Manchurian candidate that will be pushed by the Democrats and the Media non-stop for the next 2 years.

Attached: SheGuevara.jpg (603x506, 187K)

The rightsholders; Jubilee Films, Atlas Films and Artemis Rising

How is this (and the Obama production deal) not a political contribution?

>How is this (and the Obama production deal) not a political contribution?

Because non of it goes to occasional cortex