If you are a california user and you're not switching to Democrat to vote for Kamala in the primaries then you are...

if you are a california user and you're not switching to Democrat to vote for Kamala in the primaries then you are fucking up. you literally get nothing for voting as a republican here

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That dumb bitch Kamala won't even be in the top 3.

They've all been BLACKED by the superior BLACK bull.
U mad wh*Te bois?

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why are decent white girls wasting themselves on being hoes. imagine if they wore dresses and they were happy and healthy and would have a family in a few years.

i'll take that bet


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This is true. Cali user and this is what I'm doing.

CNN did a pol showing most people prefer biden

No. You serve the devil and your final resting place will be hell. Jut like your ancestors before you with this magic eraser shit. Your warm white wholes are going there with you. But you wont be fucking in hell.

All heil the Yewish people. Gods chosen.

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Malibu fag here. Try me. Ever since my house burned down and most of Malibu homes you can be sure we despise Commiefornia's budget and politics and soviet union style fire prevention. Get fucked!!! We're going 88mph back to the 80s when California was a red state.

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those pepperdine students are hot as fuck!

and also coalburners, which makes you a cuck by default


this guy
this guys post
its so bad guys

How is a Republican going to affect the Democrat primaries?

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U mad whyboi?

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>vote dem in dem state, get nothing
>vote republican in dem state, get nothing

WTF is wrong with you people? Every single time, you make it a choice between voting for cyanide or arsenic.

by registering as a dem like i said you illiterate nigger

she doesn't even look white

I always vote peace and freedom :^)

i vote for memes because i think its hilarious california has a party on the ballot whos official platform involves free guns for everyone and shooting insurance executives, you cant overturn the bourgeoisie by voting in bourgeois elections

This state just voted to keep its gas tax increase in place. No way we're going back to the 80s.

So much coping from wh*Te bois.

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