D.C. insider says AOC is a “CIA asset” That Was “Placed In The Dem Party To Help Destroy It”

Considering both the republicans & democrats have torn her apart over her "green new deal" bullshit, it seems possible. Will the dem party split by 2020? If so, this is good news for Trump. Maybe in some bizarre plot-twist, cortez was placed in the democrat party to help Trump win re-election. Hmm...

>A supposed Washington, D.C. “insider” with intimate knowledge of the situation explained exactly what is going on and why Ocasio-Cortez was chosen to be the new darling of the Democratic Party:
>“The deep state has turned on the Democrats; the sh*t storm in Virginia is the opening salvo in this effort. Before tomorrow`s [State of the Union Address], I wanted to share one last bit of information and [want you to] think of all that has happened and [then] maybe the pieces will fall in place for you.
>“Cortez is a CIA asset that was placed in the Democrat Party to help destroy it. Her election was a fraud and her actions now are predicated on her instructions to split the party into Socialist and Democrat parts. Many of the Democrats will split off to the Republican Party and by 2020, the Democrat Party will be totally Socialist.
>“She will leave office after one term and will retire to Europe where she will have access to a 56 million dollar Swiss Bank Account.“


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Other urls found in this thread:


No, she’s just the poster retard for a party of retard voters

Fake & gay. She's just a retard.

Nope. Just retarded.

>being retarded is le CIA epiz ruze

Underestimate this murderous bitch at your peril

Why, besides shilling and activist disruption, are there twelve AOC threads?

Shes a naive airhead and kikes want another cuckservative president because its the most beneficial for Israel.

Full of shit.

fuck Clinton and fuck the CiA!

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Yea no, New Yorkers are dumb as shit and they elected a brown that they wanted to see nudes of. The most socialist one they could find. You're over thinking it.

She represents 16,000 voters. If she wasn't letting some web marketing dork fuck her butt no one would even know who she is

>cia wanting to destroy the dems
bullshit, they want to keep the liberal theater going so nobody gets the idea to do socialism

She was elected in large part by loser millenials from other states who come here and live off their parents allowance.

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She's just a stupid fucking retard.

Go ahead and make a socialist party out the Democrats. It will be so easy to buttfuck that order, and why they would use high crimes to establish it makes the idea all the more retarded.

If you deep niggers really scripted this plan, then wow, you're all double stuffed fucking stupid lol just like your retarded ringer.

Take the bread pill.

Victory if the larp is not an insider

Sage and report aoc spam

>swiss bank account
fucking larp niggers watch too many movies

Yo dude, does your gf even know you're on Jow Forums?! Tell AOC I said she has nice tits. 1488. Screencap it faggot.

lol no ones underestimating her you fucking idiot. if she's a tool then she's a tool. if she's an idiot then she's an idiot. you should have said don't underestimate the deepstate or some shit

Unknown website quotes anonymous source. Seems legit.

To be fair it's not AOC that's the issue, it's the Democrats themselves. They've been on a path to self destruction for years and Hillary cheating Bernie being exposed was what lit a fire under everyone's ass. The internal fracturing due to identity politics would have done it eventually anyway but it hastened the process.

>Guys I swear she's not retaded!
maximum keks

why the fuck would they do that? the democrats are a CIA asset

>$3k suit

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Wrong. She's a retarded fuckface retard.

Fucking kek, you guys know this is from an FBI insider thread right?

I posted in this thread like 3 days ago

>t. Israeli

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go away

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>Fucking kek, you guys know this is from an FBI insider thread right?
Yeah That's Victory of the LARP. A known Zionist LARPing faggot. Israel is trying to destroy AOC and they're so stupid that they think spamming threads about her on Jow Forums will somehow take her down. All it does it make her more popular.

Even if she is a plant what difference does it make when what she is doing now is literally what people voted for?

I wish the right wing would have "plants" as representative as she is to her crazy constituency

I believe it

Lol, get spooked, spooks.

holy fuck op is retarded

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Don't forget to Sage all AOC threads.

Based CIA destroying commies as always.

I love this, I read this this thread and now some user is being quoted in the media as a DC insider. Wtf? Any user on here may have their LARP quoted in the news and Jow Forums is listed as the source. Fucking KEK!!

That's what New York is though. almost everyone living in new york isn't from there. Our diversity is our strength. that's why no one fucking speaks english and the entire island of manhattan smells like shit and piss.

>AOC is a “CIA asset”
>Dem Party To Help Destroy It

why would they want to destroy their own assets?

Exactly. Maybe she's being paid to be a retard, but if she didn't fill this particular spot, someone else would. Everyone here knows generally how many Americans are susceptible to socialist signalling right now and that's the entire political game.

look at all the Marxist propaganda for 10+ years
flat eart
gematria ect
all of these little cults have 1 major thing in common
all boils down to rich vs poor
the world seen simply as a power paradigm
marxism 2.0 faggots

This might actually be close to the truth. The dems have been pushing degeneracy too hard and too fast lately its possible the jews have inserted AOC into the democratic party like a poison pill. In order to avoid a weimar germany level of resistance. Aoc destroys the dems or at the very least splits it. As a result alt right goes back to sleep. And the jews pick up where they left off 5 years from now.

I believe it, but I don't think AOC knows she's being used

Sounds great until the Dems eliminate her district and she is no longer in Congress. Easy fix

you have no say in this matter
fix your own pm then comment

Unless they rigged her primary I don't see how this is possible. It's far more likely that she's just an airhead who was elected by the retards who live in her district.

CIA loves itself some infighting.

Oh good. Another thread about this horse faced cunt. Was getting worried.

>Unless they rigged her primary
I'd die laughing hysterically if this happened. I hope another Bernie shows up with sweet, empty words and gets BTFO into another "it's her turn" again.

She talks like a 16 year old cheerleader, it's fucking hilarious and eerie at the same time.

Trump is from New York

In October of 2020, as a final bit of spite, Sanders says he's retiring from politics, and asks his supporters to vote for Trump

She's just a plant for all the butthurt Berniefags who are still upset because Hilary won the nomination against Trump. AOC is just palatable and retarded enough to keep them in line, and when it comes to the next election they'll shove in another establishment cuck to face off against Trump again.

Now THIS article from the same blog is definitely interesting...

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>The CIA glow Niggers
>Destroying the party that supports and expands their powers
What is Bullshit Alex?

More like rebuild/reboot.
System has to crash and burn the motherboard before they can put a new one inside the cover.
Trump kinda is doing that onthe other side, on his own or not so much...

I dunno I sort of think OP might be onto something. The CIA wouldn't be doing its job if it didn't make all of their schemes look like mere coincidences.

Running list of ignored AOC threads. For fuck's sake, does anyone here actually care about this cunt?

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Were you raised here? I tend to find that those who grew up here travel in circles of their own so it can seem to outsiders that we are rarer.

Lets hope. After whites become a minority in the USA your best strategy would be to split and fracture the democrat party into smaller identity driven parties, eg. Black party, women party, lgbt party, Hispanic party etc. Divide and conquer boyos

>clover chronicle
>quotes Jow Forums meme posts

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Sure, just like Trump was put in the GOP to destroy it.

I think it's pretty obvious that she is a Russian plant and the Russians coordinated with Trump to hack the election by doing this.
Her real name is Anastasia Olenka Chakradhar.

let's say that she IS a plant

it's clearly backfired as a lot of Dems support her and her crazy ideas

and even then, if this were true, the plot would have been organized by white males. who do they think is going to continue these operations in a brown majority country?

>He think the democrat aren't ready to be retarded in the name of votes

Anyone remember the name of a sheboon nigger who appeared with Hillary during election time, being promoted as a victim of wrongful judicial system only for peoples afterward to find out what she was accused of, and boy it wasn't pretty. Torture until death of some random white businessman with some of her negress friends, really nasty shit overall. If the fucking presidential candidate for the democrat party was retarded enough to get someone like that, it isn't that much of a stretch they'd promote some lol-cow whose sole merit is to have survived a false flag.

>“CIA asset” That Was “Placed In The Dem Party To Help Destroy It”
Whos the crazies now

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fake, but if true, would have been a brilliant idea

It would be pretty cool if she burned a few (((producers))) in the kitchen

Yeah, and there were people calling Trump a Republican spoiler put in place to assure victory for his longtime friend and associate, Hillary Clinton.
Nice source you got there.

This is just Democrats trying to save face because the new poster girl for their party is an absolute idiot. Next theyll claim shes a plant by Republicans.

>Joke's on you, she only pretends to be retarded to troll everyone!

Democrat here. Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on.
I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off.
And there's nothing special or exceptional about me.
You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires.
I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them.
But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars.
The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers..
Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again.

All fields.

No place for pre op horseface discord trannies. Make pol great again! $@ge horeseface trannies.

Heres a real kike shill. His attempt at derailment indicates AOC truly is an agent of checks and balances.

wtf are you talking about??

>D.C. insider says AOC is a “CIA asset”
It's a lie. While Trump is president, the fucking Kremlin is a "DC insider".

A "CIA asset" narrative is designed entirely to un-fracture the party by an attempted sabotage of AOC's character. Only if she is "fake" in some way could it be possible to dissuade her followers. Maybe.

To me it seems overwhelmingly unlikely that she's "handled" in any sense and overwhelmingly likely that she's completely sincere. But that sincerity is why she's going to destroy the Dems. The mainstream Dems who control the party are neolibs in bed with big business and status quo, while AOC is a true progressive who's only in bed with poverty-stricken millennials who got the shaft thanks to the boomers and American capitalism as usual. These millennials don't like big business or much of any American institutions anymore because everyone lied to them, they're saddled with student loan debt slavery forever, they can't get married, they can't afford kids, and they can't get advanced in their careers. Many are the permanent victims of the Great Recession, their careers forever forestalled by coming onto the market in a time when no one wanted newbies, and now running behind younger newbies. Make no mistake, these people hate capitalism and they hate the conception of the halcyon days of the 50's because that is what they were promised and that's what they never received. If someone says about AOC that "she's going to destroy America!", the only honest response most of this crowd has is, "Good."

So she puts the mainstream in a bind. They need progressive votes, so if they suppress actual progressives like AOC they're in trouble, but if they don't suppress AOC then they'll have to do tons of stuff they don't want to do. Like Bernie in 2016, her mere existence on the national stage undermines their legitimacy as the leaders of the American left, and forces them into rhetoric they'd rather not launch.

This split isn't the work of the CIA. They did it to themselves, by pandering to identity politics and other bullshit instead of having a real platform.

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That would be some tasty pasta if it wasn't spilling out of his pocket and all over the floor.

>CIA wants to destroy democrats while Trump is in Office

>zero relaxation coca said
>coca aids zero relaxation
>coax rationalized coarse
>a coca roar lionized taxes
>taxes colonize a car radio
>zodiacal orion race taxes
>taxes or a zodiacal coiner
>taxes lionized a coca ardor
>aid lazier taxes or no coca
iunno but her name sure anagrams to some funny shit

Not really "the South rises again" but more like rural white rises against nigger/spic/left-wing white urban. The Pacific Northwest would probably be a dangerous place for shitlibs, friendo.

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Nigger please.

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This sounds like my dream job. I am so jelly.

>“Placed In The Dem Party To Help Destroy It”

Implying that's not what they actually support.

This seems reasonable. It's commie nonsense all the way until
>c'mon guys, let's be grown ups and support Biden.

Nah, she's just really that retarded.

All fields


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No she is just a fucking retarded spic. In America we have many.


Cortez has shown the true face of the democrat party. Since other hard core establishment leftists like Booger have signed onto her green new deal I doubt she is a republican plant (controlled opposition). She is fortunate happenstance.

fuck off AOC shill
remember to sage

She is just an idiot who was a bartender a short while ago and now is drunk with power.
If the Media would actually report what she says she would just disappear like the laughingstock that she is.
Green Raw Deal...my sides.

IM fucking with you
Now what?

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Which bar and where is it located? Just curious.

The deep state and the CIA have now TURNED! They are now working for BASED Trump and will use their power to give more subsidies to Godly Israel and to give illegals in america amnesty.

Truly BASED and REDPILLED. Trust the plan! MAGAPILLED! Where one go we all go! This is the call before the storm my friends...