What’s the prospects of all us moving to Alaska?
There’s hardly an issue of illegal immigration, tons of land, lots of jobs, and it’s the most distant we can get from the Feds.
Alaskan Migration
Exact opposite.
Alaska is a fed State with all Fed goals.
There is not much land since the "natives" own 1/3, and feds own 1/3.
Plenty of illegals, especially Russian Yupiks.
No jobs.
But Yes all honorable white men and women should move to AK and change those facts.
Alaska is run by 'Native " corporations that have native preference hiring.
Which means injuns get huge yearly shareholder checks, free healthcare, school, grants and gibbs, and still get all the jobs.
A drunk blind injun will get a job over a sober healthy white everytime.
The Feds love those injuns and all the no compete federal bids they have to give the natives.
Really fuck Alaska, it is the most cucked State there is.
As someone who owns land and does business in Alaska, I have to say, this is the greatest state of any states... y'all want 200 acres 1 hour from town? how about 10-20k? The land has NO PROPERTY TAXES, you just own it lol
Dude, you're one of those "muh getting a job"... nah, Alaska isn't about "getting a job" its about owning your land, working for yourself, and doing whatever the fuck you want.
Damn. If my country does not burn down I can retire to Alaska in 3 years minimum.
>Alaskan Migration
>posts pic of Emerald Lake
>in the Yukon
I'm down.
Fuck off we're full
It's kind of cold though, right?
The land does have property taxes, user. You better call your accountant
Nothing I'm not used to. I for one welcome the cold because it keeps people of pigmentation away. I'd love to live with snow all year.
No. Stay the fuck out.
must be fuckin great to live there
i would leave this shitskin-pozzed shithole any time for an icy and lonely destination like this
its heaven on earth
Considering it in the not so distant future. Though having a whole town of you faggots might be annoying.
I took this today and it was about 29 degrees out.
Anything outside of the boroughs does not. You're the one who has to call your accountant
Wrong. Good luck getting US citizenship.
Sorry, but that takes time. You could try simply overstaying a travel visa, but that is always a little bit of a risk, even for Europeans.
That is exactly what I do faggot.
And you only own the surface rights to your land, and nothing underneath it while my mineral rights go as deep as the Core if i wanted.
Now go get a job you welfare wagon burner.
bich, anything that has a deed before 1959 you own the mineral rights to, get your shit together and own a decent section of land, like my 50 acres on richardson WITH MINERAL RIGHTS
>Anything outside of the boroughs does not.
They even post signs when you start leaving the boroughs “you’re on your own buddy”
Just go to canada lol
Yes my friend, you are on your own, you are your own master... welcome to true freedom
Homestead land does not have mineral rights or it would be patented mining lands. But maybe you did inherit a 50 acre mining claim being a spoiled lazy punk, who doesnt want to work and should just hang themselves.
The Mining act, Homestead Act and timber and Stone act are much different. Truly Alaskans are the dumbest fucks on earth, so it would be good to import some more smart ones. You prove this logic halfbreed.
dude you have no fucking clue and are pulling shit out of your ass, mining claims are one thing, and mineral rights are something completely different.
keep running pussies.
you can't hide forever.
Stfu freak
That is the dumbest thing ever written on Jow Forums
You have no clue what patented land is, or even TA homestead land.
You inherited some swamp land from your drunk gramps, good job.
The feds own all the rights under your swamp Shrek.
I've heard they're mean and grumpy over there.
The only problem is that it's rightful Russian clay and you know it. They will take it back one day.
Hello fellow alaskan user.