> yellow hand
> "tiny" hand gesture
New symbol for asians having tiny penises appears
Whites to Blacks: “Stupid Niggers, all you could say is ‘Muh dick! Muh dick!’”
Whites to Asians: “Muh dick!”
Actually. Anyone who posts this meme is a confirmed Israeli shill. Thanks for giving Jow Forums another indicator. Fucking kek you people are stupid.
memes rely on the number of the demographics posting them.
95% of pol is gook males, nigger and spic males, white females (anti white male)
and actual white males makeup less than 5% of this board.
you and I will never ever be able to spread this meme, simply because ling ling will hijack it and spam it back at us in such numbers we wont stand a chance
based schizo poster bumping this thread.
Some people apparently wanna turn this into a symbol of hate. Pretty dumb.