Qutting Weed

Has anyone here ever successfully quit this shit? I've been smoking regularly for eight years, im turning 24 tomorrow. Ive been weaning myself off for the last month and I just feel fucked. It probably doesnt help ive been a neet for two years so I can't just smoke away my boredom but its making me want to go back to smoking so bad.

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turned 27 last month, smoking weed since 18. still trying to stop.

I saw a sorry looking homeless fellow at the train station last night rolling a joint with shaking hands. Maybe for him its better this way. I've never seen anyone improve with weed.

30 year old here, smoke weed every day.

I've managed to quit for about 3 weeks at a time...no more. 10 Year stoner here.

21 years old, smoked for 6 years until 20 since I was a dumb teen. Honestly one day I just quit, I still had some weed with me that I gave to a friend a week or two after I quit. Quitting cold turkey is the only option OP, weaning is only prolonging the suffering

>using since 16
Enjoy your permanent loss of IQ: pnas.org/content/109/40/E2657.abstract

Not that you had much to lose to begin with. I mean, what kind of a retard thinks "yeah, it's a good idea to use a psychoactive substance despite my brain still developing"? Should have stayed in school.

no only when I went to jail for 2 years but I did feel better having not smoked during that time but I started again when I got out

>blaming a harmless plant for being weak.
Go kill yourself.

Quit for 10 years +. Just got to make the decision to stop & like an addict mentality just never go back. The missing & yearning will be there for years but hopefully you will SIG yourself & move on to positive healthier addictions.

Yep. All day for years. Think of all the bad shit it's causing in your life, smash all your pipes, flush all your shit, go cold turkey and never look back.

drugs are bad mkay

Proud of you, Op.

Trying to improve yourself.


I stopped for 3 years after smoking more or less daily for 18ish years. Cold turkey is the way. Don't plan on sleeping. After a few days, when you do manage to go to sleep, the dreams hit. Crazy, vibrant, and impactful dreams. Just roll with it. You'll be able to sleep regularly soon, then the dreams will return to normal. Then you'll smoke weed again and get WAY too high (that's what I did anyway).

I stopped a year ago after 11 years of near daily use since being a teenager. I'd tried many times, especially in the last four years when I was browsing Jow Forums and trying to improve my life and felt guilty but each time I failed. It was a nightmare, at least a mental dependance. When I finally managed it, long overdue, it was mostly down to discipline. Remove yourself from the weed environment and cut ties to perpetual stoners. I went on holiday for a month and didnt touch it during that time, even when offered. The desire started to go and when i'd get the urge I just stayed disciplined. Things got much better when I quit for good. After that I quit porn and also had a huge improvement to my quality of life.

I smoked for five years and stopped. One night I realized I was setting money on fire to get high for 30min and feel like lethargic shit for hours after unless I smoked more. And it was never the same feeling as the first time you smoked that day. Was enough for me to quit cold turkey. What a waste of time and money.

Just stop buying the shit. and stop hanging around people who do smoke.

Yes. Start by getting a six pack of beer. Keep it in the fridge for a night when you're really craving a buzz. It will take the edge off.

I was daily for 6 years. The thing that makes it so hard is that "one last joint" becoming "I'll just buy one more bag to get through this weekend" and it never ends.

You want to quit? Break the cycle, re-learn that your daily routine doesnt have to revolve around smoking.

Don't call it quitting just call it an experiment/tolerance break to test yourself and see how long you can go. Before you know it you'll break the dependency and can develop a more healthy attitude towards weed.

Anyone that says its not addictive is a retard or a liar.

Been trying to quit for about a year. Both my roommates smoke constantly so it's been hard. I've all but stopped however, only smoked once in the past 2 months. I have no desire anymore, weed sucks.

I quit cold turkey after being stoned ~10 yrs pretty much constantly. It was tough, but I was making other self-improvement changes so it was maybe a smaller bite of a larger meal. In the short term, you have REM rebound to look forward to. You think you've been dreaming when you sleep? You'll soon find out how wrong you were

33, smoked daily since 15, complete degenerate smoker. Quit cold turkey end of November, serious anxiety and panic attacks initially, symptoms are slowly dissipating. Retardedly challenging detox. Good luck OP.

Im in the same boat as you OP , same age, same amount of time smoking and same amount of time as neet. I'm quitting at the moment for a drug test to get a job. I've quit for multiple months before but have always ended up coming back. The first couple of days are the hardest. 5-htp helps getting to sleep I find.

I smoked weed for a long time, just about every single day, all day from age 15 to 32. After having my first kid I slowed down. Then after applying for my CCW permit, I knew I couldn’t smoke it any longer and quit. The redpills help a lot to. I no longer want to waste my time money or energy on the shit. The first few weeks were rough, not like a typical (with drawl) but just bored out of your fucking mind like weed is the only way to have fun, read, sleep etc. do it user. Quit cold turkey, if you have piles bings or anything like that laying around, trash it. In a few weeks you will feel like a new human being. You’ll think better, sex is better, excessive is better. The only down side is you won’t be entertained by a lot of movies you used to like, but maybe that’s not even a bad thing

Yes it is dipshit. Many years ago it was less so but today people suffer from withdrawal. I’m a drug and alcohol recovery worker.

Jewish brainwashing and propaganda can afflict any decent young lad in the wrong environments. Even Breivik was thoroughly Jew'd in his teens.

it's really easy to stop
stoped so many times already
the problem is that new first spliff
goddamn it's the only thing I like in this wretched planet

i've gone for a year and a half and you do feel healthier but not necessarily happier. unless you stopped it for a better job, you're not going to rediscover a sense of satisfaction that you once knew or anything like that. a year will go by, two years and one day you'll just be sitting there and think man, this would be a lot more fun if i was high.

34 and I've been smoking regularly from 17 until December 31st. I took a few months off twice when I had to piss clean. This year I'm going full sober on all drugs but over the counter and caffeine. First month was rough as my brain chemistry normalized but I know full well that I will have no issue making it to next January. I don't know if you can count it as quitting since right now I fully intend to smoke in the future. If you decide not to smoke then you can quit.

I smoked every day for over 10 years and quit. I used the money I saved to buy other things that I wanted. I don't miss it.

Just don't be a pussy its not that difficult to do. Although the night sweats absolutely suck dick but the dreams are dope.

I think he's play-acting as the Jewish lobby.

I quit a few years ago cold turkey after smoking daily for years.
It’s hard to stop at first because you are just so bored all the time and thinking about being high.
But then you forget what it was like and you realize life is about more than making your brain all fuzzy.

Stop buying, give or throw away all pot and smoking devices you have.
Start a journal and write down your intention to quit and why it's important.

Good luck OP, today you're not a fag.

In the same boat here. I quit for three weeks beginning this year, but fucking relapsed last week and I fucking hate myself.

spliff, beer and whiskey for me bro.

Check out a meeting marijuana-anonymous.org - we exist and it gets better

I felt like OP once, realized the 20min buzz after years of daily use wasn’t worth it anymore. Couldn’t get anything done and hardly got stoned from high tolerance. Social aspects and performance was at rock bottom. Fuck this shit, and the shit storm coming. I encourage you OP to be ready to fight when the storm comes. Focus on discipline, health, reading, and securing the existence of our race.

God speed OP

I did, 45 days now. get off that poison bro i destroys your ambition

just stop smoking it dumb ass

Damn you seem depressed, I guess the weed is your way of coping with being a bored neet.

My buddy works 40 hours at a bank and smokes weed every night he gets home to unwind.

It depends on the person. Most homeless people are on alcohol, not im not homeless and I have a drink quite often.

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smoked every day for about 6 years.
shit got boring eventually and I just quit. no withdrawals. immediate improvement in anxiety.

now im trying to get off benzos. don't do benzos kids.

Yes just start taking CBD instead faggot, you won't even notice

I quit about 12 years ago when I was your age, before that I smoked it since I was 14 and daily from 16. Those years were wasted and quitting changed my life for the better. I still miss it but it's just not worth it.

Yeah I regret experimenting with it from 18-22. I only ever did it probably a total of 6-10 times, but years of boxing as a teenager didn’t help my brain much either.

42yo here smoked weed daily for 20 years 10+ doobs a day, also a pack a day cigarette smoker (sometimes more) a day smoker for 20 years.

Quit both cold turkey in 2013, no patches, gum etc just willpower and a shitload of snacks

Weed is a piece of cake to quit, smokes are a bitch to quit both physically and mentally

"taking CBD"

that's like saying "taking coffee" or "taking water" lmao

>Weed is a piece of cake to quit, smokes are a bitch to quit both physically and mentally

This. I BTFO the herbal Jew but can't go a day without cigs

>this entire post

what a fucking moron, quitting weed before benzos, holy shitting fuck

>weaning myself off
Quit cold turkey and realize it's going to suck for a week or so. Like others said, you're not going to be able to sleep for several days. Try melatonin or something. Valerian root also helps. I bought some sleep aide pills from the grocery store for cheap. However, the insomnia might be so severe they won't work at first and you're just going to be really tired but can't sleep if you take them. There is no right time to quit. Telling yourself you're just going to smoke x amount more days won't get you any where. You have to just stop. However, it's probably better to do it when you have a couple days off from work or school. It also helps to have some motivation or some reward for getting sober if you can find some kind of goal.

Straight up honest. If you aren't getting medical weed you need to quit right fucking now. They are 'treating' the street shit with fentanyl. It's basically a war.

i'm 33 and i smoked every day for 14 years, quit last year, don't really even miss it. i'd still do it but it made me eat terrible shit, body couldn't keep up anymore. here's some helpful tips: get a new hobby, the shit you used to do while high will only make you miss the weed, i learned to play piano, may seem worthless but i enjoy it more than toking and watching music videos. another tip is to find a specific drink that you only drink when you really want to toke, i drank these neuro bliss drinks, they're 2 bucks each but i just got used to grabbing a bottle of it and trying to trick my brain into being satisfied with that instead. worth a try. but definitely give yourself something else to do, something that uses your brain, since it'll be much stronger after a few weeks without weed. 10-15 IQ points I would imagine, the difference is profound.

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Seriously, it's easy to stop because there is no withdrawals, I smoked 4 times in my life on the stuff, it's easy af. Try opioids, now that's what im having a hard time stopping.

cocaine is better, just graduate up to that shit and you’re good

I’m 60 years old. I quit weed when I was 26, and consider it one of the best decisions of my life. I just decided to work on getting my life in order and moving up in the world instead of wasting my time on something that is of no benefit to me.

Do LSD or mushrooms. Hallucinogens rewire your brain to kill addictions. Many medical studies confirm this.


Just vape. I don't care if people think vaping is gay, I'd rather live longer and be able to walk up a hill without coughing up a lung.

I quit weed about 5 years ago. only got hooked on benzos last year by a dumbfuck shrink.

Go on vacation to a nice lovely place with lots to do, u will be distracted and can easily quit weed.

That's how rehab works actually,.

anyway, having a shitty life wont help much so after u quit weed, make sure life is better than weed otherwise u will do it again

Thanks for all the replys guys its definitely strengthened my resolve

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Just don’t smoke it loser. If you can’t quit weed it’s because you don’t want to.

yeah, I've smoked for 14 years at 1 gram per day, year and half ago had to move with father because lost job and can't find one since. After two weeks of no smoking it's no longer a need and after 6 months I can smoke a single hit and it fucks me up like smoking entire joint and I am able to not smoke for as long as I want to.

once I find a job and move out, I am smoking daily again :D

trading in cigs for a vape was the best decision i've ever made. idc if people think i'm a vaping faggot, i don't want my kids around cigarette smoke, shit was toxic.

Quitters never win

seems like when people quit downers like weed, they get antsy for something to do. this is probably a good thing though. once the dysphoria wears off, it will feel much more natural.

>not taking coffee in the morning
>not taking a beer to unwind

I tried these. They sort of work. You could try them + melatonin

The pills have valerian, passion flower, hops, and skullcap. Or I guess you could just take nyquil or something. Again, might not work the first couple of days and you're just going to be tired but still have insomnia.

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>speaking like a continental euro

>there are people my dads age on Jow Forums
>I’ve been here since 2006
What am I doing with my life

A medicinal miracle plant of nature and you faggots can't even exercise will power and moderation.

Don't wake and bake
get all your work done
go home get stoned

You're all probably city folk anyway blaming anything and anyone for 'muh anxiety' when in reality living within such close proximity is rotting your soul. Imagine not being able to sing lovingly to the heavens without 65428374562384756 people within ear shot. Terrifying.

>using depressants instead of stimulants

LMAOing at your life

I was thinking the only people I’ve ever heard speak like this are my uber French in-laws

I wish my dad was on Jow Forums, instead of thinking I'm a paranoid schizophrenic, kek

Quit weed last month, not hard at all and i have more money now...

I quit. It just kind of happened

>implying weed is heroin

I quit weed in 1975.....you need a reason to quit, a goal, will power

Managed to quit after almost a full year of daily use at 18 years old. Switched to smoking tobacco (which I found far easier to quit afterwards) and help the weed craving with CBD oil, which I can only buy in my state as 'hemp massage oil'. Would strongly recommend getting off weed, though can't say it will be easier to start off with. You'll probably be really depressed for a while and won't know what to do with your time, but just keep in mind that now you have the free time and the clear head to do whatever you feel like. Best of luck OP


But user, you are a paranoid schizophrenic. But the good thing is that we’re ok.

Imagine how hard it would be to quit this maintenance drug in a recreational state. You can literally go to the store legally when you are ready to relapse lol

get arrested. it did me right. still on probation.



Based and dextroamphetamine pilled.

Currently 3 months without it, i feel the same as always like shit kek

they can probably get it delivered to them so they don't even have to leave

Did it as a weekend warrior roughly a decade. It's not difficult if you weren't a daily dickhead.

Quit now for a year and a half. Its not hard when you realize how much it fucks you up

Firing up the Billie in Australia just seems so different to the yanks or any other place that use it so obnoxiously. Good on you for stopping, I think we have the highest rates of drug use in the world. While I think smoking devils lettuce is very unhealthy for the mind, it seems to be the forgotten thing these days with such high cocaine and meth use

Quitting weed and cigs was easier than quitting Jow Forums

It’s not hard to quit at all. It’s a matter of willpower. I don’t know if that translates to minorities.

I managed to quit weed by switching to CBD hemp flower. It doesn't get me high, just relaxes me a bit, but the end result is I don't smoke nearly as much anymore and my anxiety levels have improved, and my dependence on THC has disappeared.

very true. only pussies willingly make themselves even more docile and retarded.

smoked every day since I was 13. Quit at age 23 after ten years. It was because my girlfriend wanted me to quit. She just broke up with me after four years but I still don't want to go back to weed.
How did I quit? I wanted the pussy more than the weed.
Why don't I want to go back? Because I've become insanely more successful since I quit. I'm talking income, creatively, health, everything. I generally take my life more seriously. Smoking weed is basically saying you don't give a shit about your life, and you're treating it like some joke.

hey brother, there's no silver bullet. essentially you've worn a reward pathway rut into your brain, and you need a way to get out of that rut. you can "go cold turkey" for awhile but eventually you'll fall back into the rut if you don't change your coping behaviors.

weed is a coping mechanism for you now. everyone has stress, and needs ways to cope with it. weed actually works but over time throws your life out of balance because it disassociates you from reality. you need a coping mechanism that works but does not throw your life out of balance in the long run, and helps you keep your head in the game.

you need to find a healthy coping mechanism to replace your weed addiction. maybe it's lifting for you. maybe it's running, biking, or nordic skiing. maybe it's something else, but one of your core mechanisms should be physical.

you can also adopt some less healthy coping mechanisms to be used from time-to-time like gaming, or some special time for yourself or a guilty pleasure you indulge occasionally like a cigar. smoking isn't a great mechanism for many weed smokers because it can trigger your weed ritual, so beware.

hope this helps. godspeed user. the movement needs you.

Good point, good luck entire left coast of USA. I guess somebody has got to flip burgers.