Seems like the perception of your “personality” is highly influenced by what you look like. If you’re ugly, is it ever possible for a woman to feel attracted to you?
Is being good looking the only thing that matters for getting girls?
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That's not even remotely close to the truth but it's what you want to hear so I'm not going to bother responding properly.
Why can't you just be honest and say what you think? Are you a male or female? Are you ugly or good looking?
Have you yourself never been attracted to an ‘ugly’ person? I’ll speak for myself that i’ve been attracted to ugly people before. but they were all skinny and the ugly features looked cool. Also their personality was great too. You need to go outside and interact with people
I've never been attracted to an ugly person before
No, status is more important.
Have you talked to an ugly person and got to know them? When you like someone they become 3x more attractive. I’ve gone out with girls that my buddies are like ‘why the fuck’ but all i care about is havin a good time, not posturing for others
tl;dr: Women want a man who is comfortable with himself, isn't a coward, isn't a needy pushover, and is willing to give to a relationship independent of what is expected in return.
-t. guy who is attractive but has never gotten dates while his ugly friends get unlimited attention from girls until he changed his shitty, typical, modern, semi-numale attitude
Bullshit incel chart
What do you guys say about this ?
I know a couple of ugly fucks who are happily married. The girls they are with are also ugly fucks but it doesn't mean they aren't happy.
[citation required] gunna wanna see some supporting evidence that this chart wasn't just made to fuck with people.
Also I can kind of see it. Ugly dudes, at least on here, tend to have huge chips on their shoulders and are your typical niceboi faggots who are absolute cunts to women in reality.
correlation =/= causation
People associated those with higher "looks" with a higher level of "personality" because yes, in many cases, those who were more attractive were more confident and therefore more charming. That does not however, mean that if you're ugly you can't project yourself as more confident to maximize your value. Look at a few of the outliers. Some people with high "looks" scores had shit personalities. Not denying the strong correlation, but just because you're ugly doesn't mean you are completely hopeless.
If thats not some made up crap, i can see it being true but only for okc. I went there once and it was a fucking cesspool of the worst people imaginable gathered into 1 dating site. I mean it was clear that were fucked up socially and mentally from what i saw. Guys requesting dick pics, girls all being lazy land whales with 7 kids each...real life is not okc dude.
You don’t think the simpler, more logical explanation is that people tend to project good qualities onto people they find attractive?
Dude it’s okc. It’s 10x worse than tinder and i just cant take anything about okc seriously. If you want to talk about correlation, give me a scientific study done, that i can verify actually exists. that some angry neckbeard didn’t just make up on powerpoint in 5 minutes. Then i will talk to you about it. That chart is redpill shit from the look of it
"Also known as the physical attractiveness stereotype and the "what is beautiful is good" principle, the halo effect, at the most specific level, refers to the habitual tendency of people to rate attractive individuals more favorably for their personality traits or characteristics than those who are less attractive. Halo effect is also used in a more general sense to describe the global impact of likable personality, or some specific desirable trait, in creating biased judgments of the target person on any dimension. Thus, feelings generally overcome cognitions when we appraise others."
(Standing, L. G., in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, Volume 1, 2004)
"Thorndike's goal was to determine how ratings of one quality bled over to assessments of other characteristics. He found that high ratings of a particular quality correlated to high ratings of other characteristics, while negative ratings of a specific quality also led to lower ratings of other characteristics.
"The correlations were too high and too even," Thorndike wrote. "For example, for the three raters next studied the average correlation for physique with intelligence is .31; for physique with leadership, .39; and for physique with character, .28.""
I’ve heard of this effect and i won’t lie that it exists. But you didn’t or refuse to take into account that the correlation isn’t totally 0:0 or 1:1. Yeah you do get more points automatically if you look good. People like you more if you’re hot.
But you’re not gonna get 100% intellgence einstein level (sorry i’m bad at correlation numbers) automatically just because you look good. Same as if you’re ugly. You’re not gonna get a 0% score of intelligence if you ugly. Sure the world ain’t fair. I was born a minority and not tall white anglo saxon. Does it mean i’m gonna give up? Nah dude. I’m not gonna give up. I win sometimes. I lose sometimes. If you just lie down and get fucked by life then you’re just the bottom of the barrel
no one cares about your fucking personality. If you're ugly no one would to know your "personality"
one of my friends
guy starts getting pussy handed to him since he's such a fucking unit.
Guy is pure charisma
he would be a 7/10 if he lost weight tho, women are also attracted to potential
you didnt see this guy as devastated as i did hahaha
huawai p20pro makes some very good pictures, keep that in mind
The general answer to this question would be 'no' in my opinion. Looks aren't the only thing that matter. As we've all heard, personality traits like confidence, charm, social skills etc. are also very important and it's true. However, i do believe that for example, looks and confidence tend to go hand in hand to some degree.
If you are a good looking guy who gets plenty of positive female attention, it's easier to be confident in your own attractiveness and this confidence in its turn amplifies your attractiveness even more. Also, think about the 'halo-effect' which some anons posted about earlier, it's a real thing. If you are good looking, people automatically make favorable judgements about your personality as well which gives you another edge.
However, you have to also realize that looks are largely within your control. The genetic side of your looks are only part of it. Things like: physical fitness, style, hygiene and posture are all very much within your control and make up a big portion of your looks.
Bottom line is: no, looks aren't everything, but they are very important no doubt.
Women only want social prestige in the eyes of their (female) peers. If you can offer it by being handsome or rich or famous, you're set.
Yes it is
I won't date someone if I only want to talk to them because of looks
I just want someone to build a life with, and I found that man
You will see girls with fairly ugly guys all the time if you actually leave your house.
I think status is what matters as long as you are not extremely ugly.
If looking good was requirement for males to spread their DNA, men would evolve like women: to look good / sexy. But that isnt true at all.
You as a man need to be witty, confident, bold or simply best at something to get the pussy. Also majority of women are super insecure about their looks thanks to TV ads. Just compliment her and see how flattered she will become.
You gonna get a bunch of normie cucks that don't want to admit it and a bunch of femanons that also don't want to admit they're so vain and shallow, but it's true.
Being good looking, tall and a 'bad boy' makes every female fall for you.
>itt: uggos try to convince themselves they can lose their virginity someday
Stop. It's pathetic.
Threads like this attract Jow Forums incels like fire attracts moths. Basement dwelling virgins thinking they are experts on women.
Based and redpilled
Women are not attracted to potential, or nearly every skeleton and fat guy out there would have a girlfriend. I know a lot of guys that are really handsome and have potential, but their bodies are literal spheres of fat.
I'm also supposedly a 7/10 but I'm a skeleton and the only glances I get from women are the "Ew, what weirdo" kind.
>data is incel
oh you pathetic uneducated shits. you are probably also the kind that votes for algebra being removed from colleges for none stem subjects or biology being removed from entrance exams as limits the bible belt cucks.
please buy a rope and hang yourself
The only uneducated one is you, blindly believing a single fucking graph with no source purportedly only measuring a pathetic subsection of the populace (people who use OKC) and assuming its results apply to an entire gender
Incels have zero scientific literacy and believe any made up meme graphs. They also go through incredible mental gymnastics to interpret completely unrelated things as proofs.
You are a high school dropout neet. Leave this place.
>goes up to qt girl
>shows her graph
>"according to this you are attracted to me, I'll have my sex now please"
>gets rejected
>wakes up
M8 a friend of mine who looks like a literal troll doll with a unibrow is happily married with kids. Another pal of mine is fat, manlet, looks like a middle-aged mexican man with a huge mole and is just 22 years old. He has a qt gf and a sidebitch.
Meanwhile girls all lost interest the moment I opened my boring aspie mouth, despite girls repeatedly saying that I looked, dressed and behave like a macho male model.