(SIG) - Self Improvement General

What the fuck are you doing browsing Jow Forums you dumb niggers. You all know the truth now so do something about it; Get in the fucking Gym. Get a fucking job. Start teaching yourself, bettering yourself in anyway possible instead browsing this feedback loop of cuck depression. Stop jerking off, stop watching porn, stop letting them control you. Don't get caught up in the traps that are made for the spics, niggers, and mongrels. Take pride in who you are and where you come from. We come from people who have endured hardships by nature, breaking the conditioning will be the hardest thing you've ever done but trust me my friends it's well worth it. We are going to need everyone we can get in the near future so make sure you are the best possible version of yourself when that time comes.


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Other urls found in this thread:

we.riseup.net/assets/389236/Kaczynski Anti-Tech Revolution Why and How.pdf
marines.mil/Portals/59/Publications/FMFRP 12-18 Mao Tse-tung on Guerrilla Warfare.pdf

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I've been trying really hard to "better myself" the last few months. Getting myself a sleeping pattern sorting myself out a proper, healthy diet, a workout regiment, cutting out things like sugar and caffeine from my diet.

Ironically just ended up with the flu which really put a stopper in my progress. Been bedridden for like 2-3 days. But you know what, it's made me more motivated. I think I'm able to go out today so I'm going to start my day off by getting a massive cooked breakfast, loads of protein. Gonna have a cheeky coffee for some easy early energy and I'm gonna spend the day cleaning my room and re-organising all my files and programs and what not on my computers. Then hopefully tomorrow I'll have enough energy, and motivation from eating well today and my room being spotless to start working out again. :)

I'm here not depressed because I'm here. I'm here because I'm depressed. Pic related. We knew it was coming and did nothing. No amount of lifting weights and reading books will save you.

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19 year old doomer here
Lately started drinking sips and coffee and smoking

I've lost all motivation in life brehs

Just ride the tiger. Read books too, better use of your money than smoking. Start a redpilled library.

you can't be a 19 yo doomer, not possible dude. You have way too much of life ahead for doomer to kick in. On the other hand, doomer philosophy precedes enlightenment ... and only children God loves are with discipline and training, you are worth training, because you have been deemed capable of learning from it.

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Lost 25 pounds since the new year

another 25 to go

Just remember you're not alone. God is very real.

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Sorry sweetie these threads aren't allowed ;)

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I haven’t watched porn in a good three to four days now, my longest streak yet, and I haven’t felt any urges. Feels good Jow Forums

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I just ztarted college this year at 23 after dropping out in my first semester after highschool because I was tired of working like a nigger for peanuts. I quit dipping cold Turkey a week ago exactly. I haven't had a drink in 6 months. I lost 87 pounds over the last four months and i have started wrestling again at my school's gym on top of taking boxing/bjj/tkd classes. I got a 3.9 last semester and I am on track to do well this semester. I deleted all my social media, I quit watching porn, and gave all my video games to my little cousin.

I feel good bros. I'm making friends, I'm doing good things, it's like I've completely erased the last five years and turned shit around. I got an interview for a part time gig working in a state park, I don't even need the money I'm just excited to maybe be doing something other than shoveling cow shit.


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No thanks, I don’t wanna look like shit and die early, I’ll diet though, and I don’t fap.

Self improvement is good but lets me realistic. Organization is a lot more powerful.

Sharing knowledge with friends, helping to improve each other's morale, being friends with each other.... these are some of the benefits the left have.

Even though they are completely wrong, the left still reinforces itself with constant organization and over-socialization. The right does not do this. Most of us are acting as lone wolves, and because we are lone wolves we don't experience the benefits of friendship.

In the left everyone has a place. Each person gets respect. Thats why its so enticing. They may be destroying western civilization, but they aren't going to stop because each member feels like they are getting respect from one another, reinforcing their sense of importance and self worth, even if it is the most artificial kind.

The real battle is over morale.

Will the left win because of the constant reinforcement each other's importance in support of an unsustainable system? Or will the right win because of the sheer righteousness that makes those red-pilled unable to look the other was and ignore it, and unable to be neutral, even if we act as lonely wolves?

Who is going to win? We have to admit that organization will give us more hope than we have now.

threw out some expired condoms and realized someone put holes in all of them must have been an ex

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Let’s find out



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Jewrge Washington?

not everyone was affected by Jow Forums and the desire to improve themselves in a positive way, at least at first

anger can be very self destructive

fucking nigger, fuck you, i bet you do roids and nootropics like a truely modern meme yuppie, faggot

Havent watched porn in 2 months here...
Good ob, user!! Keep it up.

At 7 days there will be intense urges

11 days as well

When you hit around 15 days it gets easier, you might also cum in sleep but that’s just your body cleaning off prostate liquid

that’s pretty faggoty memeflaggot. you unironically sound like a tranny

Used to be there. Then I realized I had a bad relationship with my mom and dad. Started working out with my dad and cooking with my mom.
>Fixed it for me

What kind of insecure dickhead wastes his Sunday in a gym when he could be lazing around on his sofa annoying discord trannies, scumbag journalists, JIDF and all the other fuckwits lining up to be insulted here?

Also, rolling.

You're 19 lol fuck me its far from over.

>Get in the fucking Gym. Get a fucking job.
>Improve yourself by participating in the world you hate

This is Jow Forums you dumb shit

What's the point lifting if you dont also learn how to fight? Pointless idiocy. Time wasted.

I hate you fucking retarded LARPers.

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Happens to me as well mate, 21 and sometimes lose all motivation in life, but other times I feel inspired. It comes in waves, just do what you're good at and try to develop some passions. It's better to do something you enjoy than to just endure this misery.

eating carbs gives you short term energy but stops working and runs you down if you keep doing it

that may be part of what you refer to by "waves"

but you can possibly get away with it for a while before it starts to really fuck you

Does anyone have that mega link with all red pilled book and military manuals- I’m specifically looking for the one with psyops.

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Sam should keep that look

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Gyms are for faggots. Strectch and do body-weight exercises at home. Lift water jugs at most. Go into a forest and chop wood and lift logs.



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>have wife and kid
>in decent health, can do 10 pullups.
>worthless degree, no student loans thank God.
>decent Job.
>working on getting more IT certs.
>drink the equivalent of 6 shots of liquor almost every night.

I love boos, what can I say. I can give it up for a week, sometimes a month, but I always come back. At this point I am just finding a way to live with it. Also, I am so busy focusing on making more money getting ahead, I want to afford more kids and get a bigger house.

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I believe in you bro. The more you do. the more people like me get inspired. godspeed brother.

you too bro! all the best!
t. fellow nigel

You know what, I think I’m going to eat an apple.

Everyone here needs a reality check. I was a beta loser in high school. I decided to get my shit togeather, read some inspirational books/ pick up books, started an aprenticeship in a well paid trade. gradually red pilled.

Now at 28 I am fit as. I make $52/hr for a 12 hour day (double time after 8 hours). 200k in savings. Still kissless hand holdless virgin. Contimplate necking my self daily. Even more so than when I was an actual loser because I know the truth that NO self improvement is going to make you less lonely.

Bump for best general

thanks for the inspiration

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Man you put too much importance on something as volatile as women and sex. Just let go, it's not worth it: learn to understand what you can change and what not hent work on it.
If you have loving parents or even only one friend, you are not alone

I have no idea how cucked Austria is. And I had the luck of marrying my high school sweet heart. But go to Church or something, your spiritual health is probably fucked with utilitarian horse shit. Their might be some good girls at church. You could try online dating. I have never tried it myself obviously, but I always hear that paid services work best, less whores.

got this list in the past, I don't think this is what you're looking for though
we.riseup.net/assets/389236/Kaczynski Anti-Tech Revolution Why and How.pdf
marines.mil/Portals/59/Publications/FMFRP 12-18 Mao Tse-tung on Guerrilla Warfare.pdf

were you raised by a single mother by any chance?

no shade, genuine question. single mothers tend to instill value systems on their sons that equate to "if you're not serving a woman you're of low value" - my mother always taught me to love, cherish and serve women (subtly) and that eventually a woman would love me for that. that's what led me to loneliness. you don't really get lonely when you realise the problem isn't you, that the problem is women. and the society in question that enables their toxic behaviour (and men, in regards to promiscuity).

Unless you are doing something like priesthood, or some extreme spiritual undertaking, I really doubt their is much that can beat the fulfillment of having a family.

The greatest day of my life was the day my child was born. You have loved nothing in your life until then. or... you love your child like you loved your parents when you were small.

>born to procreate
Why do people think this?

Also, stop playing video games. That’s the way the Jew can control you is through bullshit like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Fortnite, and other games.

I have extended so much effort on finding a partner/girfriend over the last 10 years without even a shread of success. It actually hurts my hart(i know how gay that sounds but its true). Its the giving up that makes me want to end it. Like why even bother making money its not going anywhere. I think about going the next 40 years alone and un touched while a 16 yo walk by hand in hand with their gf.

Good for you, my brother.

Typical Swedish faggot.

Stop feeling depression cucks.

Get a bloody hammer and build a fucking shed in the garden or plant some petunias down there at the back.

Your face sucks? No problem. Make your life even more miserable by suffering physically all the time at the gym as well. Only 10 000 hours and you'll be fucking ripped, you'll look like Dobby from Harry Potter with the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Thought waking up and realizing that you've peed the bed is depressing? Try not masturbating at all and waking up randomly with cum all around your bed because nobody sucked your dick for a whole year.

Your iron will and steely muscles will be super useful against those weapons of mass destruction from space and moabs $5000000000000 stealthy fighter jets.

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Then look like shit, Canadian.

>not fasting like a true man.
Allah is ashamed of you

I was raised by an excellent mother and farther so i dont know what went wrong.

i fast all the time, what does that have to do with anything

Sex isn’t that great at first. It’s fairly overrated and if it isn’t with someone you love, it’s even worse. You feel bored afterwards like “is that it?”

Because carbs are for fat asses like the Americans. Look at their diets which are full of carbohydrates and look at a diet of an Egyptian or Middle Easterner. We don’t use much carbs in our diet

who was the primary parent? and what was your father like with your mother? who was dominant?

i mean today, it's typical for the father to be secondary. the mother tends to rule the roost and have the father by the balls. and that in itself can teach a son a similar value system. especially if the mother shames the father a lot.

i think theres a language barrier thing going on here so im out

>Sex isn’t that great at first. It’s fairly overrated and if it isn’t with someone you love, it’s even worse. You feel bored afterwards like “is that it?”

you're doing it wrong

me and my gf fucked for an hour and a half the first time, and when we looked at the clock both our jaws dropped because it felt like it was about 10 minutes

let not forget too. these values aren't just instilled by parents. society enforces them. you can't even criticise women today without being shamed. and the height of shaming for men is being shamed on one's supposed inability to please women. nothing really cuts deeper because the primary modality of thought for men is "I need to better myself so I can be what a woman needs"

>an excellent mother and farther
So you're spoiled

I speak English, you moron. I am saying that many Americans eat way too many carbs.

Drop some book suggestions, mate.

I doubt that but continue your LARP

nothing about what i said would imply that i do not fast


i would also probably not enjoy sex with some hairy sandnig

I never said that you didn’t, burger. I’m simply recommending it. Allah forbid that an American skip a meal though.

Our women are not hairy. They are beautiful. Have you ever seen an Egyptian woman? Compared to your women, they are goddesses.

>look like shit and die early,
The gym literally does the opposite to you. You've never worked out a day in your life, have you?


Its not even about sex anymore I literally just want to be touched. Like not even by a girl friend just some girl . Any girl. Just hold my hand a touch my face. Like its fucking imposible even to get touched and people out here having mad anonymous sex.

A bit of motivation

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The only workout you do every day is take a Muslim penis inside of your ass.

you sound like me when i was like 12

get a grip nigger

all women want is to be fucked and choked at the same time LOL

Just find a girl, have you even tried? You need to go outside

There are no muslims where I live but I once had a pen pal who was from Iran. I wonder if he died

>I have extended so much effort on finding a partner/girfriend over the last 10 years without even a shread of success.

Like what ? I can’t believe your seriously spent ten years actively searching for love and found nothing, especially since you’re wealthy and Jow Forums, that shit doesn’t happen. I have a leftist cuck friend who is like ~50%body burned snd he still managed to have two girls.

Either you’re doing it really wrong, but like really really wrong or you’re lying.

No he didn’t.

The king within
The only 2 I think a low iq traide like me needs. Some high IQ anons can back me up on that tho.

90% of your women look like shit m8. You’re a race of arab mutts.

Just get a hooker, let her touch you for $200 and save $200,000 in divorce costs. Idiot. Stupid bogan.

I'm not saying wanting a family is a good and desirable thing, I'm just saying: don't sweat it. If it happens, it happens; the important thing is knowing you are trying your best to make it real, more than that you can't really ask yourself

user, this is a blessing in disguise. I was traditional when I was about 16 until I allowed teenage girls to shame me into becoming promiscuous. it ruined me, changed my perception of sex and had me contribute towards the ruination of both men and women, and the family unit. I legitimately wish I was a virgin.

you only want sex so desperately because you're not getting it. when you have your fill, pun intended, if you have genuine intelligence you'll see that promiscuity does way more harm than good, and really isn't worth it. you'll regret it. only people who don't care about the consequences of their actions on other people and / or themselves continue down this path irregardless. you don't seem like this type of person, I believe you're better than that.

screenshot this btw, you'll need to read this again at some point.

>says the Frenchman
Your women are dating men like me, cuck

All is lost, no hope left, save yourselves...save yourselves from hell.

Kek you wish

I don’t wish anything, France. Go make some s’mores in the fires outside of your house.