I can't for the life of me understand how anyone wants to fuck a chubby/fat/'thicc' girl. Like, I literally can't even get hard for a girl this size. I've tried to be attracted to personality, tried to just accept it as a slumpbuster one night stand, but I can't do it.
I tried to pick a picture of a semi-reasonable "chubby" girl and even I can't get into that. None of my other friends seem to be either, but is it just some hidden secret everyone is keeping? Fat is gross and the more it's accepted the more girls are going to think this is what's desirable.
wow it's almost as if people had personal preferences
Michael Sullivan
Nor I.
There have been a few instances where I've found women who were "chunky" or slightly overweight attractive, but their overall physique was still normal and resembled a healthy and appealing human shape.
Jose Ramirez
How dare you even propose such outrageous theories?! Begone!
You'll get it once you get older, see you in a few years
Christopher Barnes
I'm 32. Still don't like fat chicks. I'd rather be celibate.
Personal preferences are one thing, but a large part of this site is obsessed with "thicc" and keeps pushing it. It'd be like a bunch of people saying "no woman wants a guy who brushes his teeth. Don't do that," and then we ended up with a bunch of people rotting their teeth.
William Stewart
Ryder Harris
Dont worry user, you just happen to be low test.
Carson Cruz
I just prefer thick women. I've had some enjoyable relationships with thin ones and good sex but I dunno something about a thick girl just makes me go hnnng kinda shit where my dick gets instantly hard and starts leaking precum. You don't have to like it or understand it just as I don't have to like or understand your preferences. Do you need advice on something?
Bentley Russell
higher fat percentage=higher estrogen=higher fertility. Also, thicc women like pic related tend to be more loyal and less picky, so less likely to cheat
personally i dont understand how guys can like a girl with the body of a 12 year old boy... that raises bigger questions imo
Thomas Richardson
I think it's just a preference. I really don't know. I get rock solid when I see a girl like your pic OP. Thin women make me as flaccid as thicc women do for you. It's always been like this for me.
Angel Morgan
I like a little belly to grab and hold on to. Most I've been with don't like me touching their stomach like that. Self esteem, etc but I just can't help it. It's just so fucking intimate.
Dylan Sanders
I don’t get it either. I wouldn’t even think about fucking a fat chick much less drool over them like some guys I know do. I think guys into fat chicks suffered childhood trauma
Tyler Bell
For me it was always the opposite, I thought for the longest time that I was broken because I didn't like thin chicks. The one in pic related is at the bottom limit of how thin I go - it's only up from there.
Michael Richardson
I was the same way. But as I left university where everyone is young and in their prime, and hit the real world full of older, irresponsible, out of shape, unhealthy adults, I was forced to learn to appreciate chubby girls with curves in the right places and a good face. Actual hot girls are too rare and competition too fierce. I'm not good enough anymore to fuck a girl that is young, healthy, and in shape, they have better options.
Angel Reyes
>Like, I literally can't even get hard for a girl this size. there is definitely such a thing as too fat. however, if you can get a bitch who is like your OP pic just turn the lights off idiot. the ass will be good for spanking and a nice cushion for doggy.
Andrew Thompson
>Actual hot girls are too rare and competition too fierce. few talk about this. the struggle is real. at some point i lowered my standards rather than be celibate. shame i know but gotta nut
>Fat is gross and the more it's accepted the more girls are going to think this is what's desirable. Its not the fact that you aren't attracted to big girls, its the fact that you're such an autistic cunt about it. Other people have just as much right to find things desirable and to embody what they believe is desirable as much as you or anybody else does. Get over yourself. Chubby girls and the guys who find them attractive have absolutely 0 effect on your life.
Chase Mitchell
Listen here white boy if you don't like ass and titties get the f*** out
>bigger boobs >bigger ass >more cuddly >squishy all over Whats not to get? Chubby girls are goat. I get some people prefer smaller for whatever reason but a lil chub is perfect to grab, grope, bite and tease her with. Oh and theyre probably gonna be better at carrying a baby than a girl with
Carter Sanders
What I don't understand is how guys can like girls that are bigger than them?
Dominic Rodriguez
plump wet pussy still feels good - even if the girl is fat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Liam Turner
Wide hips means good at pooping out babies. It's natural to be attracted to wide hips, and a bit of fat shows she has excess energy which is also good for baby making.
It's also nice to have something to grab or bite. Btw I'm talking about curvy/thicc not bbw aka obese
Lincoln Smith
Do you not understand how some guys don't like bony women?
Joseph Lopez
Just becaue you like women who look like pre-pubescent boys doesn't mean we do.
Jordan Reyes
Daily reminder that "thicc" is a particular fat distribution, and NOT a blanket term for 'large'
Curvy, Thicc, Chubby, and Fat are all different things.
there is a chubby chick i will probably fuck on thanksgiving and i will try to explain briefly why I am on this path
with conventionally attractive girls there is a higher probability of baggage, her having a surplus of options, the greater possibility that she is already dating someone, and my own latent insecurities.
with a chubby chick, her sheer enthusiasm at getting attention is infectious and her genuine desire can honestly make me get pre-ejaculate in my pants just talking to her compared to a hard to catch attractive chick for whom my meat will barely shudder.
then again I am a sick fuck who likes a quick fuck so I can understand if dudes like 'the chase', personally I would just smash.
I legitimately an only attracted to “thicc” women. Skinny women honestly just do nothing for me in terms of arousal anymore.
Adrian James
People have personal preferences OP. I've always maintained being fat isnt inherently unattractive but women who are fat tend to be unattractive.There are many exceptions to the rule. Its like being thin. I know men and women who are thin as fuck but honestly are unattractive. The girl you posted is very attractive but I would definately consider her overweight. The problem also lies with terms and curvy women have been clumped with obese women under blanket terms like thicc.
I do believe you are grossly exaggerating the effect it has on society with your comparison to brushing teeth. Healthy is inherently attractive. To keep the comparison fair, overweight girls are like shades of yellow in your teeth or a little crowding. Not a deal breaker, but completed jacked teeth and morbidly obese will never be accepted. No amount of Tumblr posts can contradict health rooted in actual science.
Owen Johnson
Because some people have lower standards and yours is just stupidly high.
Landon Kelly
It's just the jews and blacks, man
Aiden Foster
yes there is a limit, but if you're talking about your picture, that's perfectly reasonable, you're an autist.
Ian Morales
How are your testosterone levels? A girl like that is a test magnet.
Easton Gutierrez
Fat (provided they're not morbidly obese) girls are so much fun to be with, I'm with my first gf and the sex is fantastic because you can grab them and be rougher or more gentle and just bury yourself in their milkies as much as you like because they can take it, I am tall and work out so I think the things I like to do would hurt or snap a thin bony girl in half. I pull rib muscles each time she's on top but it's fantastic, it's like workout DOMS.
Take the Pierce Brosnan pill.
Jonathan Brooks
Actually fat girls are prone to pcos which means they can't really have children and they don't produce enough estrogen and don't have regular periods. Grow man hair on their body and etc
Isaac Torres
Because they're so soft and jiggly. More fat means larger tits and the same softness all over. Its great. Chubby girls are the best.
Michael Anderson
It's because most people on Jow Forums are in university or of college age, and they're surrounded by people their age constantly. They don't know, yet.
Ryan Smith
last frieday i meet a chubby chick in a club. i went there with a bunch of friends and after i talked her up she was all over me the whole night, didnt leave my side asked for my number asked my friends about me. she was kind of pretty, curly brown hair which i like a lot. kind of cool and a 19yo. i never had a gf and been lonley for pretty long and looking for a girl but im kind of shy 27yo. she wrote me the next day and i told her i wasnt intressted in her in a romantic kind of way.
i cant get over myself. i just cant understand how a person, espacially a women would chose to be overweight.
Benjamin Allen
So either a guy finds your bulldozer ass attractive or he is a pedo.