Based Temple University


Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-09 Temple University on Twitter.png (723x668, 259K)

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>Not having the Islamic symbol

I think these people should be relentlessly reminded (Legally) that they are islamaphobics. Then after they make the change, the need to include the sickle and hammer. Rinse and repeat.

What’s the white triangle supposed to represent?

everything is so gay

that is the ugliest flag ever
change my mind

Calling that in a few months the normal rainbow flag will be considered hate speech.

I like how they made the flag literally mean niggerfaggot

There's a reason no country uses brown on their flag, it looks shitty.

Worse than a fucking maple leaf on a flag?

I went there. :)

nice try leaf

ah bloo bloo

This is really going to happen someday isn’t it?

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it really is worse than the leaf flag although he's still a faggot and so is his flag

> What’s the white triangle supposed to represent?

oppression of the Slavs

Attached: 1005.jpg (172x135, 11K)

Need black and brown stripes, a pedophile symbol, a furry symbol, a bestiality symbol, maybe something about amputees, 47 chromosomes akin to the american stars, a fat symbol, etc
This would be easier

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no stripe for people of color?

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When did universities stop caring about education?

It stands for the start of all these problems.....white folks.



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You know, has anyone ever considered pushing these types of people on that?
This flag has completely morphed into nothing more than "LOOK AT US, WE'RE PROGRESSIVE". It doesn't even mean anything anymore. You gotta include trannies, blacks, and gays or else you hate them. It's all just virtue signaling, an amorphous ugly blob of ideology.
So, it makes sense that by their reasoning, the reasoning of "if X group isn't on this flag, that means their being left out!". Well, then they're clearly islamophobic (no Islam symbol), anti-semetic (no star), fascist (no antifa symbol), capitalist (no hammer and sickle), anti-immigrant (no mexican flag), anti-journalist (no washington post logo), anti-green energy (no greenpeace symbol) I could go on. Hold these people by their standards and I think that will send them into a mad descent into trying to include everyone before just making a flag that says "fuck white straight males, but everyone else is okay"

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What. Every day it gets more insane

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not a fag or anything but help me find god

Ok now this is epic, good one Mr Putin

>lets make this group that encompasses literally everyone but heterosexual white males

Yes that's why using the normal rainbow flag will be considered hateful. You are now purposefully leaving out other groups. So keep adding more and the more the original point is obscured and the more the original point is taboo.

Temple University

USNWR 385th best college in the world

Please clap.

almost like it was by design

that flag looks like someone ate a fruit salad and shat it all out onto paper

Accelerationism is attractive until you really sit down and think about it. They will have to fuck shit up pretty fucking bad to make people outraged enough to do anything. I'm not sure I want to find out where the breaking point is because I am afraid that the brwaking point of society is much farther beyond my own and I will end up raising goats and rutabagas in Siberia/ rying to get away from it all.

> “We are an inclusive university, and we try to do a better job every year to be inclusive,” said Jason (((Levy))), senior director of Student Center operations and conferences. The installation of the Progress Pride flag came as a result of joint efforts among Levy’s team, the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, Advocacy and Leadership (IDEAL), the Queer Student Union (QSU), and Temple Student Government (TSG).

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> Nu’Rodney Prad, director of student engagement for IDEAL

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>full of niggers
Pick one.



>european humor

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I don't know why it still makes me laugh after these past few years, but holy shit, these 2% motherfuckers truly have infested our once great nation.

> Take that, Cis-shits! It's Her turn!

Attached: progress pride flag hangs in the Howard Gittis Student Center.jpg (800x533, 224K)

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You know europeans wrote and directed that movie, right?

Temple panders to every "minority" cause because they want that sweet tuition money. They could care less about all this stupid shit.

t.senior at temple

The leaf at least has some sense of design. This faggot flag is literally just a bunch of random ass colors that don't mesh together in any way.


>We're modifying our image again!
Now we're LGBTQT76B20XYZR2D2

The absolute state of America.

I watched Armageddon and thought you guys were legit, like totally legit. Hehe I'm outie.

it wasnt very funny either

Needs a crescent moon

It wasn't funny because it's not a comedy film

>black is a sexuality

As a homo this really bugs me. Non-whites are THE MOST homophobic people on the planet. Violently so.



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forgot the P, the most essential one.

Faggot? Not sure why you're here posting when you should be necking yourself, but whatever.

How new are you that you think /polgbt/ isn't a thing? Anyway, I'm gonna finish this dolce rosso and then I'll hang myself before bed.

No, being a homo really bugs you.

Eh, I wouldn't have chosen it but c'est la vie.

How come it just looks ahitter and shitty the more of these colours are added.

Same reason our civilisations do.

Evil whitey pushing down the "marginalized" with their "privilege".


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What about pedosexuals?

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If I was LGB I'd be pissed that flag has been obviously designed to make it look like those new colours are pushing the others out of the way.

>caring what a middle eastern war god thinks

Pride is the real evil. Sexuality is pure and good.

Think about why they mix same sex relationships with the word pride all the time!! They want you to think all of it is bad and throw it all in one pot. The bad about it is the pride aspect that makes one narcisstic and careless.

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Looks like Kurt Schlichter was right. Shame he isn't a good writer though.

good shit user

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Accelerationism isn't about making people mad, it's about letting the left's stupidity bring down society and then the radical right sweeps in and reclaims everything in the ensuing chaos.

What are black and brown for?

Ruined in record time well done

why not just make a white flag at this point?
oh, wait

black metal and brown people

these guys a better a fascism then you dorks


the brown is for black people

the black is for..
wait for it
can you guess


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The flag represents the blacks and Mexicans leading the attack on the gay menace. With based traps following them and whites leading from the rear. The proper way to lead.

Holy fuck that's an ugly flag

Just mix all the colors together to get shit brown. There you go, you have your diversity.

someone makes a flag that represents literally everyone regarding sexuality
well we can't have that now can we. your cause is popular and our cause is shit. So your flag needs to change so that people will associate us with you and like our cause.
Your flag based entirely around sexuality is now unjust unless it also is racialist and gender oriented.

the next step will be poly-amorous people. then furry. I guarantee it. Watch this flag become a greater absurdity over time.

There were already trans-flags. There were already black power flags. These were good flags, the did their jobs as flags well.
This isn't about joining together, it's about crowding out the less valuable.

Hoist: 5 half sized stripes representing trans individuals (light blue, light pink, white), marginalized POC communities (brown, black), as well as those living with AIDS, those no longer living, and the stigma surrounding them (black).

>it's reversed

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This looks like a really really shitty version of the nigger south africa flag.

It was no doubt the inspiration.


They will choose white to be some arbitrary group doesn't matter who and they will do to whites what the pride flag did to rainbows in the first place and prevent whites from having any opportunity for awareness.

After enough propaganda , white will mean transsexual amputee ketamine dealers in Venezuela forever more and white pride will be the gayest shit ever, like how gay used to mean happy but doesn't anymore

white people

The pattern on the window to the right looks like a hail hortler spastika

When being a fag became lucrative

Maybe on my resume I'll just say I went to Drexel instead.

Based aussie shitposter pulls through again

Turning into a great thread