The greatest sin

If you are Pro white, allowing christfaggotry in the movement is the greatest sin you can commit.

both Hitler and Dr. William Pierce knew that allowing christfaggotry in the movement is just to pacify the low IQer foot soldiers at the lower levels of the hierarchy. Even Mike Enoch talks about how christfaggotry is a tool of Jewish subjugation.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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christianity has to be abolished

>t. Christnigger behind Israeli proxy / shitskin Palestinian faggot
Reverse psychology.

The other time a real kike skilled for christcuckery, he forgot to hide his flag so he deleted the post. If you truly wanted the destruction of (((christianity))) you wouldn't make such a comment without hiding your Israeli flag.

Lol I understand revere psychology better than you faggot!

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>hates jesus christ
literally why?

Well do you want support or do you want to drive people away through your purity spiral?

op is kike shill, ive noticed the kikes always create anti-christian,anti-muslim threads like come on don't you have shekels to count?

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my sides at this interaction.
Jesus Christ did nothing wrong.
He loves you.
He died to save literally you.

Somehow you are mad at him for this. What did he do, again, that makes you two so upset?

>m-mom i posted it again!

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we dont deserve him