even if 911 was an inside job what was the purpose of demolishing building 7?
Building 7
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3 nukes 3 towers. Thats the fucking truth.
Another insurance payout for Lucky Larry
Larry only owned those three.
pull'd it
IIRC it held a lot of court or other data that needed to be destoryed.
More insurance money duh
not sure why israel would bother making one random kike richer
seems more likely, elaborate?
I recently looked at it like he wasn't in on it and just had extremely poor timing, and then was given a warning the day before or something to keep his family away, and then was just too jewish to take a loss on his investment and had to keep suing and suing until he made money off the deal, no matter how it looked. It has that ring of truth.
>no planes
>beam weapons
obligatory moronic disinfo/strawmen
Flight 93 was supposed to hit it, but was shot down in Pennsylvania by an over eager Air Force captain
No. There were military planes remote controlled. No beam weaposn. No crazy bullshit. Remote controlled planes. Bombs inside the tower to create a chimney with the central shaft and nukes.
how do we know he was told to stay away the day before?
So what did they do once they found bomb residue and radioactive material in the debris?
(((Urban Moving Systems)))
The entire thing was covered up. FEMA was coincidentally in New York for drills the day before. COINCIDENTALLY.
gee, if my local DMV fell down would that clear my DUIs? :)
to make everyone hate muslims
when we should be hating jews
He had a meeting scheduled that morning in towers but his wife scheduled a dermatologist appointment for him that morning.
Close. Flight 93 was mistaken to have been hijacked, assumed to have been en route to an attack, was shot down. They lumped it in with the “hijacked” narrative to save face and to not disappoint an already grieving public.
Jews gathered first Tax Day after 9/11 in Wash DC to celebrate their new grip on Tax Payers.
You can't make this shit up.
the entire floor owned by the staging people, nist? nsa? its been so long i forget, google it.
and yes the literally "pulled it" I saw it live on tv, not on youtube after the fact.
This was where the documents were kept and the offices of the SEC investigation into the missing billions from the pentagon budget was located at.
Attack Delays Investigations
By Margaret Cronin Fisk
National Law Journal
September 17, 2001
Additional details emerged Friday about the effect of the collapse of 7 World Trade Center on investigations being conducted by the New York offices of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, both of which were housed in the building.
The SEC has not quantified the number of active cases in which substantial files were destroyed. Reuters news service and the Los Angeles Times published reports estimating them at 3,000 to 4,000. They include the agency's major inquiry into the manner in which investment banks divvied up hot shares of initial public offerings during the high-tech boom.
Flight 93 was not in that shitty hole in the ground. The earth doesn't just swallow an entire airplane.
That plane was shot down and the pilot was probably court martialed in secret, tragically
Thread sountrack.
Security Exchange Commission office and other federal legal departments had many cases which implicated the US government in embezzling money and flat out fraud, the Enron scandal would be an example.
When the tower was ordered to be demolished by Lucky Larry Silverstein all of those records were destroyed
this is why
to spit in your face about how obvious it was to humiliate and ostracise anyone not mind controlled enough to question the whole scene.
Building 7 held data caches for the CIA, FBI, SEC, and the NYPD. All of the records for Enron, and every other SEC investigation vanished.
its always the jews and israel
Salomon Brothers Building. they were just
trying to keep me from returning, but i am
here and i'm going to enjoy watching my
enemies reap what they sewn.
the twin towers are linked to the two
witnesses of God, they were destroyed
in ritual so satans two witnesses come
instead of Gods. you all have no idea
what trouble everyone is in.
S.E.C. offices, with 1000's of files related to enron and bank frauds.
why would god let satan fuck with reality
unless they are the same guy
I think it was partly symbolic. The two towers represent the pillars of the temple, and building 7 was the temple of Solomon. I believe the building was actually owned by someone named Salomon?
Because the control centre for the entire operation was located in building 7. Covering up evidence after a successful operation
> mistaken to have been hijacked
Nope. Hi JIDF.
◄ Isaiah 65:17 ►
"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth.
The former things will not be remembered, nor will
they come to mind.
satan won't even be remembered, what he and his
wife lilith have and are doing is for nothing.
why do fucking retards like you exist? you people are the absolute worst
no they just wanted to go to iraq to wage war
There was an ongoing criminal investigation and WTC7 had a bunch of the evidence.
No, you're retarded.
7th times a charm huh
fine, I can see there is no changing this. begin the end.
Didnt the CIA and or FBI have a ton of shit stored in building 7? on computers or otherwise. there's a good video on it ....... somewhere
correction - the CIA niggers
>package delivery on upper floors will make the lower pillars collapse dozens of floors down similarly
Lurk moor
they're after victory, 9/11 happened after the
great conjunction. next one is coming up.
messiah begins his return, you will know he is
here when jupiter is at earths north pole.
Coroner at that time said no body s found
Something in his quote was like
"It looks like a hole was dug and parts dumped into it"
Look into it I'm with shit service phonefagging
nice one you got me good, did beelzebub whisper that comeback in your ear you fucking legitimate schizo
this is the best video with respect to 9/11
Joachim and boaz
Where the op was coordinated so covered their tracks
See Also 2 planes + 2 buildings = three collapses
Right from 1984
The NYSE used to be housed in the Twin Towers, and the rumour was if you destroyed the stock exchange, you destroy the econony.
But the NYSE moved out years before, unpublicised, to an unmarked warehouse under computer control. NYSE still exists only in movies.
So hijackers thought they were crippling the economy but were just annoying a bunch of mid-tier offices, over packed with heavy muricans.
> pulled
Right, I heard that too. At the time! Our office did nothing that day but watch TV.
Surprised your reply is this far down, this has been known as to the motive for the demo of 7. This was literally before the paperless records act and none of the incriminating docs were digitized yet.
Oops sorry all evidence was destroyed, tee hee
Now that Trump is a president, do you think they told him exactly what happened?
I heard live on the radio on 9/11 that it was shot down.
>3 replies
>two mins
>one reply to your own post
Go back already
This was probably true, but being an empiricist, I don't have any evidence supporting it, so I don't necessarily accept it. That said, my gut instinct is that just like how we look at the CIA fucking about in Cambodia/Laos during Vietnam with MAC/SOG or supporting cocaine traffiking in Central/South America to fight communists and leading to the 80s crack epidemic, we will likely hear more in 10-20 years and look back the same. I doubt they engineered it, but I do think they let it happen, and definitely took advantage of it (a la Gulf of Tonken).
I can almost guarantee that declassified documents will confirm that flight 93 was shot down by the military in like 10 years. The story of the common man taking over and killing terrorists was the cover because it sounds good, but I'm almost certain we just took a page out of the Russian anti-terrorism playbook from the 90s when they were fighting Bin Ladden.
Exactly this, government said "no radiation", despite the fact that they admit to having found tritium at 50x the background level. Tritium is radioactive so the radiation level had to be increased (maybe not dangerously, but measurably) from that tritium alone.
Then you have WTC responders with thyroid cancer and the only factor known to cause epidemic of thyroid cancer is radioactive iodine.
Then you have other evidence, like the presence of barium and strontium (other well known products of uranium fission), and altered Cu/Zn ratio in WTC steel in line with neutron irradiation.
And the site has been poured over with concrete with water on top, and this is exactly how you would secure a radioactive site (water is a good radiation absorber).
And the NYC tried to ban Geiger counters.
Definitely nothing to see here goy.
you're embarrassing yourself all the time always
of course they were already there, it takes them three days to respond to an event otherwise :^)
remember that hurricane and the resulting flood? FEMA does
>purpose of demolishing building 7
It housed all the files for the most high profile white color crimes in the country. Most of those cases were dismissed as a result.
Among other reasons.
The tritium doesn't make sense. It's only in the big bombs that you use deuterium/tritium fusion (which still doesn't happen efficiently, hence the lack of a true fusion device/energy source outside of nature). If you want to take down a building, it would be stupid to even use a micronuke/small suitcase nuke because of the radiation signature, but it would be full of fucking retarded to use a thermonuclear device. I know thyroid cancer among other cancers can be explained by asbestos. While lung cancer is the most common as that was the most common absorption point for it, a lot of genetic factors can play into developing cancers elsewhere in the body without first developing lung cancer (specifically mesothelioma). The increase in various forms of cancer among first responses is not necessarily indicative of radioactive exposure outside of material that would have been a part of the buildings' structures. I don't have an answer for an increased background tritium presence, but I'm also no expert. Again, though, tritium is only used in thermonuclear weapons, which are way way way way too powerful/obvious for this. 12 oz of semtex took down a plane over Lockerby in 1987, you could accomplish this demolition with 24 lbs of semtex in the right places with ease. Going nuclear is unnecessary and too risky.
I have heard theories similar to this. There was a classified CIA office in WTC 7. I haven't really looked into it, so I can't make any judgements, but it may merit additional research.
im not sure I believe it myself but the best explaination for the tritium, the metal turning to dust, the "perfectly fine" jumpers, is the hutchingson effect
effectively nuclear transmutation at room temps with radio waves, to the layman.
nukes dont make sense, imo. but then they banned gieger counters in NY, so what do I know.
I know jet fuel does not melt steel beams, and I know the building was designs with the intention of taking the impact of a plane (and the counter argument that the mafia did a shit build)
3 trillion dollars went missing. where was the proof? in building 7.
oh noes, it got blown up despite never being hit by any plane and never being on fire. what a coinsidence.
>can't respond to more than one post at a time
Ad hominem
More than that user
WTC7 SOLOMON building is clearly in plain view, yet they announce BEFORE it was blown up (clearly demo dropped) on live cam. they cut the live feed because they knew they fucked up.
DISPROVE THIS, you shill faggots.
> The tritium doesn't make sense.
Tritium makes a lot of sense. Tritium can be produced by both neutron irradiation of water and uranium fission, even if the weapon does not use fusion stage.
> It's only in the big bombs that you use deuterium/tritium fusion
B-61 has a programmable yield in 0.3-400kt range. And of course it's a fusion weapon.
Besides, various independent calculation of yield needed at WTC all fall in 50-150kt range. Which conveniently is a typical yield range for an off-the-shelf two-stage weapon.
> I know thyroid cancer among other cancers can be explained by asbestos
By what mechanism? There is a molecular barrier in the thyroid that accepts only iodine. Asbestos will not enter inside.
oh sir, it's worse than that.
20 million dollars for "FIREWOOD" that's unaccounted for. 9/11 isn't a joke, but this is proof of how bad and terrible the corruption is. i already know.
>Ad hominem
Yes that's correct. Good work.
Despite what your cult leader tells you, saying pretentious shit in Latin is not a magic spell that stops people from thinking you're a completely deluded fuckwit who should unironically kill themselves. I can understand being an insane person, but why would you walk around telling everyone about it all the time?
I never asked for your worthless opinion, cutdick brain damaged slave of jews
>the bbc news network is somehow in on an underground US government scheme to attack itself
Do you think a british tv reporter is actually standing there you fucking brainlet?
In other words, you propose a theoretical weapon which has all effects of a nuclear weapon except fallout.
Ignoring that:
> a lot of weapon research went into reducing fallout because it kills your own soldiers, and best way to do that is to minimize the fission yield while maximizing fusion yield, and the fusion stage uses tritium
> if the weapon was detonated underground than most of fission products (being heavy) would stay in the produced magma lake and only gases (tritium, iodine-131, xenon) would escape
Also your theoretical weapon fails to explain why the ground under WTC was hot for months. The entire point behind a DEW is to have something that evaporates the target and switches off without burning your own people. On the other hand if Silverstein Valley was filled with a mixture of molten rock and radioactive fission products, then the reaction would continue for months producing heat, exactly as observed.
Well if they said it collapsed before it actually did then obviously they were.
its not theoretical, the dude has PLENTY of youtube videos showing radar equipment melting blocks of metal like milkshake.
They rigged the bldgs with explosives in a "renovation" ahead of time at intervals....the Gelatin Crew were rappelling and rigging through the nights...
The big bombs to blow the base supports and demolish the insides upward from the base were supposedly a type of Neutron Bomb that were brought in......they were probably the size of a refrigerator or a vending machine
A-Neutrino was the name of it online before, designed to be in a briefcase, but able to be made larger, and supposedly made some form of explosion, large enough to be considered "nuclear" leaving behind the radiological elements that were found on 9/11.
This is also how the lower base columns appeared to be melted into a core of lava and how the lower geological deformities existed in a sort of fused element of its own....
It was mixed with the Thermitic Demo Charges and made the pyroclastic flow of heated asbestos filled debris.
So many that worked there got weird cancers it was obvious there was at least two different types of explosives, that one was somewhat radioactive.
The standard explanation for this was that Brits were unfamiliar with NYC topography and did not realize they were in front of WTC7 while reading the script.
>existed in a sort of fused element of its own
This is fake science.
However they did it - and we don't know - we do know it was an inside jerb. That's the more important issue.
they said they rigged the building to blow while it came down in the background and the presenters even got suprised
She's standing in front of a fucking green screen, the image is not live. If I'm standing next to Gandhi on a green screen, does that mean I can't say he's dead? This is really simple shit you're wrestling with.
But I guess at least you're not saying it was a satanic ritual or a fucking nuclear bomb(lmao).
it was live enough at the time mate
How are you going to power a radar big enough to melt WTC? The energy needed is in the gigawatt range, no way you can get it from the grid without causing an overload.
You would need to have a portable nuclear reactor... oh wait.
Destroying the records, records regarding the same financial transaction information that was also lost in the pentagon.
I thought we went over this already?
That's retarded.
That makes sense.