Has anyone else noticed that literally EVERY single mom you come across, especially on Tinder, is a single mom to a son and never a daughter? Is there a reason for this? It is more than a coincidence.
The single mother problem
nature finds its ways
Universe is rigged for maximum suffering and dysfunction
that's...huh. You know what, now that I think about it, it's pretty accurate. I see a lot of single moms, very few with daughters.
because of hormone imbalances they dont want to care for the boys. when they have a girl they will do anything to protect fellow womyn. when they dont get a girl they think, oh boy will simply tough it out. women are not creatures of love, at least not when they are infected with the femen retrovirus.
This was not my experience with Tinder
This. The Universe is a collection of interplaying forces which combine, in a utterly unintentional but fine-tuned way, to maximize the suffering of all life forms
Why haven't you started keeping a spreadsheet of all the women you date? Really streamlines the process.
This is purely anecdotal but I have noticed the same thing now that you mention it.
Can anybody find any study/information on this. It's such an esoteric question I doubt any formal inquiry has been made.
How old are you
Now that I think about it if there is a daughter its usually multiple of them.
26, why?
I'm just guessing here, but maybe it's easier for single moms with daughters to find a man?
Ideally I wouldn't want to raise another man's spawn, but I feel like a daughter would be an easier sell than a son.
Holy shit you're right. What da fuq?
Not sure on the femin virus bit but the lesser attachment to boys is believable. I think part two is dad's love their daughters so that might help them stick around. Boys are resource hogs to raise proper.
It's because the Tinder girls are letting Chad knock them up. Young, virile Chad is cranking out boy gender sperm, whereas beta husband material keeps having daughters for some reason.
the ones with daughters are taken
because they have daughters
>chris hansen appears
yeah this
there are at least two reasons you can consider
one being that, the son is going to turn out stronger, he will have more power, and step sons often dont ever click with their "new" dad, so they dont like the thought of raising some shit who might actually one day put up a good fight
and the other is obviously they want to raise the daughter into a woman they can fuck or something fucked like that
Probably this
Single moms that I know.
One mom to twins, one boy and one girl
One with two sons and a girl (although she lives with the father forever but they never married.
One with six kids, boys and girls
One with two sons and two daughters.
w-what d-do the red names m-mean user?
It's because they use the male companionship of their son as a proxy husband.
Single mums sell the girls on ebay for smokes and meth.
I doubt that single moms with sons are more common. It’s more likely that single moms actually think that men will be more likely to pursue them if they show off their track record of conceiving male offspring. It’s subconscious, but basically the woman is trying to advertise the fact that she produces sons. There’s tons of stories online of chads discovering their new fuckbuddy is actually a single mom who has a daughter she failed to mention.
>The Universe
You're half right user. It's not the universe. It's God. But he isn't benevolent as we are lead to believe. There are no chosen people. You don't get rewarded for praising him or punished for rejecting him.
God was bored when he created the universe. He was fucking bored and he created everything perfectly. In so far as life is suffering, but not enough to make people want to off themselves (for the most part).
And if all else failed, he provided two very important mechanisms. Survival instincts and desire to pass on your genes.
It's the same when you play the Sims, sure you could care about your avatar and do everything right. But it's a lot more fun to torture the fucker.
Or do you mean to tell me that a system so perfect in its design was created through pure chance?
They seem to show off their son more than their daughter, on average. I'm not really sure why this is. Women are just stupid.
its because they dont wanna attract pedos you dumbfucks
Single Mothers to daughters are a lot more worried about pedophiles than single mother's to sons. (Source My Own Intuitions)
That's still dumb, many pedos will fuck same sex.
But user, I do have a spreadsheet of all the women I’ve dated
It’s a blank excel document
I personally knew one with a daughter. They were both extremely odd. The daughter was a tomboy with no social filter and a bad case of stalking/mimic behavior (just like the 'single white female' movie) and the parent was happily and willingly oblivious with a 'who cares' attitude.
That autism
>I'm just guessing here, but maybe it's easier for single moms with daughters to find a man?
Ideally I wouldn't want to get the living shit beat out of me by the grown up stepson I treated like shit when he was small but I sure would like to bone the shit out of that fresh young poon as soon as it comes on line.
Women don't see male children as vunerable. Also, women dumb. I never said that the woman should be more worried just that the women are more worried. Women are more worried about violence against them then men. But men are more likely to be attacked violently than women.
Hillary W. Put that bitch on lock
Nope. Ive seen single mothers with daughters.
>implying pedos won’t fuck little boys
there is a high rate of gay pedos yes, because faggots are all mentally diseased
but its still not most
Race mixing autistic FAGGOT
Girls get kicked out of the house or driven away at a young age because they are competition. It's sick and sad but true
Fathers love their daughters.
how the hell do you find introverted women? teach me your ways
Could it be that fathers are less likely to divorce if they have a daughter? Feeling more protective, whereas having a son could subconsciously been seen as a threat? Any studies showing the % of m/f offsprings in divorce cases?