I see that many young men these days seem waiting for a major catastrophe or war, almost longing for an apocalypse

I see that many young men these days seem waiting for a major catastrophe or war, almost longing for an apocalypse.
What are the sociological reason(s) that would make someone wanting to live in a post-apocalyptic world?

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With western society being in total cultural decay and personal freedom being continuously restricted, it only makes sense that many would long for a fresh start on society.

Surreptitiously high ego that makes them think not only would they survive a war or a post-apocalyptic wasteland, but also that they'd get to play an important paper in rebuilding the new world and they could do so while promoting their very own vision of how things should be.
Basically, "I'm a loser now but if things get reset to zero, I could be somebody."

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Because many men want adventure, action and wildness. All of those aspects are gone from today's world. Most people see these aspects in media that shows an apocalypse. Thus, people want some sort of apocalypse.

Test your skills in dire situations, test your masculinity. What 'many young men wait for' is the opportunity to answer a call to display their skills as a man.

People need a purpose otherwise they waste their time with endless distractions.

Some seek war as a legitimate way to channel aggression. Others seek oppression so they have something to fight against.

Without resistance, things are weak. When resistance doesn’t exist, we have to invent it. There can be no joy without it being earned.


I'll take my chances. If I die at least I wont suffer anymore.

A desire to watch degenerates and traitors suffer and die.

They realise even on a subconscious level that they live in a gynocentric society weaponized against white men and a violent war or coup is literally the only solution to this.


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>What are the sociological reason(s) that would make someone wanting to live in a post-apocalyptic world?
Society is shit and needs a hard reset. Cull the weak. Trim the fat. You get the picture?

Yeah what this edgy little faggot said hahahahaha


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>What are the sociological reason(s) that would make someone wanting to live in a post-apocalyptic world?

Its what Jordan Peterson said.
Basically you know you have to clean your room but the mess that is infront of you scares you to hell and you try to live with it instead of changing it. You are somewhat dealing with the smell and the chaos but to say you are free from it is a lie because you wished it wouldnt be there in the first place. But you let it happen until one day something bad happens and you are so full of dirt you cant shake it off anymore without burning your clothes and furniture.
Thats when you have to face your inner demons and demolish everything and start off fresh and clean and hopefully you remind yourself in the future to keep it clean.

>"I take antidepressants and will forever”
>Imagine taking advice from this emotionally unstable, Kermit the frog sounding pseudo-intellectual

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because that would be an improvement.

At least it will be exciting, unlike this nine-to-five shit with #MeToo mixed in.

Autism and adult male virginity.,

Its simple.
The current older generation have total control and are do incredibly greedy that there us ZERO upward mobility. No chance of buying a home. No chance of financing a family. There is also decreasing freedom in every way. St some point they will even have to destroy evidence if how amazing life was for people in 1950-1990 because it would make young people revolt.

Basically this consolidation of total control will make many young people CHOSE TOTAL CHAOS over status quo.

no game no life covers it pretty well
tl:dr; this world sucks

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