found out my boyfriend has been cheating on me while ive been working 10 hour shifts to support us. He gets home in about an hour.
what are some legal petty things to fuck with him?
Found out my boyfriend has been cheating on me while ive been working 10 hour shifts to support us...
Are you boy or girl?
pack all his shit up and when he arrives send him out the door
except you didnt pack his underwear
make an appointment to change the locks today
Kick him out. Really. Piece of shit doesn't deserve you.
If you dont have enough time rn, wait till you do and everything in the box the the left. Change locks if you can. Only if you KNOW he's cheating. Talk mad shit or just move on. For most people the fact that someone can toss you out without as much as a proper goodbye is pretty brutal.
he finally got a job and went to work today. found the messages. had a slight suspicion and was confirmed.
I can't understand why someone would cheat on such a mean little fucking cunt like you.
>girl works 10 hours a day to support boyfriend
>boyfriend cheats on girl
>girl is extremely angry
>user: "wow what a mean cunt you are"
Don't spoil your time...
Mean?? Where, what? Did you remember your ex or wtf?
So going to work makes you a good person? Goddamn that is some ideology.
i cant imagine why you don't have a gf
Do you think my ex is a petty, vengeful bitch?
Terrible strawman. Nobody said anything about working making you a good person. She busted her ass to help out her boyfriend and he stabbed her in the back. She's justifiably angry. Either you're a complete autist or you're just being willfully ignorant in order to justify trying to make her the bad guy when she obviously isn't.
OP here, I won't say I'm an angel, but I'm far from a mean little cunt. haha
If you really need this context, this isn't the first time I've caught him being unfaithful. Last time I had told him to pack up and leave, he stuffed his bag full of my valuables to sell. I told him last time that if it happened again, that would be it. I'd kick him out. If you'd like to call me stupid, I'll accept that one.
But I'm far from mean.
why are you so angry? Did you get caught cheating once upon a time and dislike women who don't take it and wonder what's wrong with themselves rather than take a look at the POS they're dating?
What am I not understanding? You're saying that her working makes her a good person.
>What am I not understanding?
Basic english, apparently.
>You're saying that her working makes her a good person.
Are you trolling me?
I'm not angry and this doesn't have anything to do my personal experience.
>>girl works 10 hours a day
>She busted her ass
You sure do like to talk about how much she works. In every post.
You're not mean, you just want to hurt that son of a bitch. Legally!
>You sure do like to talk about how much she works. In every post.
Holy shit, dude, she says it in the OP. Would you not be angry if you worked 10 hours a day to financially support someone who betrayed you? This has absolutely zero to do with being a good person. You don't have to be a good person to get pissed when someone stabs you in the back. For real, are you trolling me? I have a hard time believing someone could be this retarded.
Working doesn't make me a good person, no. But coming home to then have to play house wife, still have time and energy for him, still love and adore him, romance him, surprise him with gifts, go without so he can go with,
ATLEAST makes me a good girlfriend.
and a good girlfriend does not deserve to have her trust betrayed and her heart broken when shes been nothing but selfless and kind.
hey op you're bf is arriving in 15 mins what u gonna do
I love how ppl are demonizing me for wanting to hurt him, when all i really wanted was ways to mildly inconvenience him, like hiding only one sock from the pair.
>be whore that shells out money to whore itself out
>surprised that human garbage is attracted to human garbage
>shes been nothing but selfless and kind.
Pure delusion. He's undeniably the worse one in all this, but you're hardly an angel.
Are you psychoanalyzing or are you moralizing? I am able to analyze her psychology about why she's angry, but you seem to be making a moral claim, which is something different. I understand everything that has been said. But if you mean that her working or not working is irrelevant to whether or not she is good, I wonder why you keep bringing it up in an apparently moralistic way.
make him get fat and them dump him
his stuff is packed, I bought him a hotel for the night and found a train ticket back to his area that leaves in the morning. his only option is to buy it himself or be homeless after the hotel stay ends.
>be whore that shells out money to whore itself out
What? They didn't even mention premarital sex yet, Hitler. You're slipping.
am i a whore bc woman
Even without that, it's guilty until proven innocent these days, and this makes it almost certain. My point stands, she gives him absolutely everything out of self-satisfying delusions and then acts surprised when he's crafted out of even bigger shit than she is.
No, what kind of question is that? You're a whore for being a hedonistic fornicator, it has nothing to do with being a woman.
I thought I was quite clear in stating your bf managed to be worse than you, not only being the counterpart manwhore but taking advantage of someone like you.
nice meme
>you seem to be making a moral claim, which is something different
What in the ever living fuck are you talking about?
>But if you mean that her working or not working is irrelevant to whether or not she is good
Her working to support him only adds to the betrayal, moron. I'm not sure why you're so fixated on this.
>I wonder why you keep bringing it up in an apparently moralistic way.
I only keep bringing it up because your shit reading comprehension skills have forced me to explain it to you over and over again.
OP, I guess the "trolling person" is a new girlfriend of your ex...
You're not making any sense. You're just tossing out your typical judgement at people without knowing anything about the situation and using "guilty until proven innocent" as your justification. The most asinine part about the whole thing is that you insist on maintaining this intellectual air about you as if your autistic compulsion to dehumanize and insult people has anything to do with logic or giving constructive advice. The only person caught in a self-satisfying delusion here is you.
>You're a whore for being a hedonistic fornicator
You are so tiring.
op you do realize these retards are bating you, right? this is this a game to them, no one really feels this way.
everyone else: its been over an hour, op is gone people who are still replying as if they're op are just pretended, you're getting baited too
We're literally just getting one side of the story, and her only pro was "working". Don't be so biased.
Agree. Please don't care to POS.
>Don't be so biased.
Says the person who is literally using "we only have one side of the story" as justification to speculate and invalidate somebody's anger. Would you not be angry if someone cheated on you? What part about the fact that being angry that someone cheated on you doesn't make you a mean cunt seems bias to you?
> typical judgement at people without knowing anything about the situation
One of the posts you quoted says all I need to know about the situation.
>"guilty until proven innocent" as your justification
We both know that it's true with respect to the issue I always go on about. I can't be bothered to care that much about degenerates getting themselves into these kinds of situations with their antics.
>you insist on maintaining this intellectual air about you
I'll take this as a compliment, but no, it's just pointing out the obvious. Am I saying OP deserved to be cheated on? Of course not, no more than a bar slut deserves to be raped (which she doesn't)--but she honestly shouldn't be surprised. If she repeats her idiotic behavior (in this case, whoring yourself out physically and financially in the mistaken belief a guy will commit), or worse, encourages others to imitate it, then the damage spreads. Hence why I pop in here to berate it.
>The only person caught in a self-satisfying delusion here is you.
I have never once pretended to be a good person. There are certain things I'm undeniably better at than others, but I don't presume to be a diplomatic or empathetic person. Do I feel rewarded by what I do? More or less, yes (though it should be said my satisfaction doesn't come from insulting people but rather from pushing back on degeneracy). But this is all irrelevant to the point. Back to the question OP asked, the answer to that is simple--if she's been supporting the shitheap of a bf until now, all she needs to do is cut off that support and let him rot.
Good, go to sleep and don't wake up.
>he feels rewarded by shitposting on a chinese cartoon imageboard
not any of the people you're arguing with but that's a yikes for me pal
There is nothing more euphoric than the feeling one has at seeing an italicized thread title.
Thanks for the (You).
As a mental health professional I'd really love to sit down and get an accurate psychological profile of you and figure out exactly when and how you were broken. The fact that you get this much satisfaction out of dehumanizing people and pointing out their flaws yet so brazenly and hypocritically advertise your own is beyond intriguing. Its almost as if your delusion and compulsion to "push back" against what you perceive as degeneracy is so deep that you honestly can't see the contradictions that your words create when coupled with your behavior. I think its really easy for people to dismiss you as an obsessive, deplorable hate monger but I think your psychology is quite rare. It takes quite a specific set of circumstances to influence someone of such hyper intelligence to sink this deeply into dysfunctional behavior and, most notably, get so much satisfaction out of it. If I had to guess I'd say this has a lot to do with your self-perception. Every once and awhile you kind of let slip how little you think of yourself and your life. I'm sure you do a great job of hiding the undoubtedly large amount of self-loathing you endure but fuck, sitting down across from you and actually seeing it for myself would be a trip. Anyways, see ya. Good luck with your battle against degeneracy that you've somehow convinced yourself is most effectively fought by insulting anonymous strangers on a scandinavian hackey sack forum.
claiming to be a mental health professional on a mongolian yak farming forum with hopes that it'll lend you some additional credibility doesn't make you any better desu
Friendly reminder to ignore and report all incel posts!!
OP, pack his stuff and leave it at the door
It's nothing special, really. My guess is a heavy dose of trait neuroticism (whatever the disorder for that is) combined with introversion and a strong preference for certainty over ambiguity.
>The fact that you get this much satisfaction out of dehumanizing people and pointing out their flaws yet so brazenly and hypocritically advertise your own
No, I don't enjoy dehumanizing people, insulting degenerates is just catharsis. I 'enjoy' (not exactly the right word, I'm rarely if ever in a good mood during an argument, maybe "drawn to" would be more accurate) the opportunity to, as I said, 'push back.' In cases where I see some kind of effort, I won't kick someone when they're down--there was one instance, for example, where I gave advice in good faith to a self-professed former whore with a double-digit partner count. I can't be sure if it was a larp or not, but in the end they actually got mad at me for not berating them enough. I wish I could find that exchange in the archives.
Anyway, as for "advertising my own flaws", this is twofold: firstly, I shoot myself in the foot deliberately to police myself--obviously being a tripfag has a lot of baggage, and I don't want to deviate from the original purpose in posting with the trip. For obvious shitposting, sure, but I want to keep the miserable fuck I am separate from the data and from morality. Secondly, it's a core part of my philosophy--it's absolutely essential that morality not be centered on the individual but rather society; we're all our own worst critics, and the role of societal morality is largely so that people can police each other and cover each other's blind spots. By being open with my own flaws, I am playing that out, or at least trying to. You're right to call me out for something obviously ridiculous I do.
I am a mental health professional. I've been in the field for 11 years and I do direct care work for adults with disabilities through a contract my program has with the state. I am, in fact, at work in my office in one of our facilities as we speak. Whether or not some asshole over the internet finds me credible means precisely nothing to me. I'm just here killing time like everybody else.
Claim rape.
Get married and then get half his shit.
Invite a bull over
OP might be able to claim a common law marriage if she's in an area that has it, but since she's the one providing everything I don't think it'll work in her favor.
bsd + rdpld
Wow you guys really can't spot bait huh
Are you talking about my posts or OP's?
>Secondly, it's a core part of my philosophy--it's absolutely essential that morality not be centered on the individual but rather society
Would you please do an exception ?
pls do this and post results, I'm curious.
Also, I don't like your ideas but I like you.
What do you think of Varg Vikernes ?
I know where you sit environmentally and socially, but where are you economically ?
I don't understand why women forgive cheating. It bothers me so much because my gf did that with her ex. She even fucked him after, and after they broke up. I don't understand how you don't instantly cut them out of your life
there are men that forgive it too dude
men just tend to internalize this shit
t. a man that forgave his wife after she became a pathetic mess after the divorce and remarried her
>"we only have one side of the story" as justification to speculate and invalidate somebody's anger
Thats the facts of this thread, we only have one side, we have no idea what OP did to cause the cheating, or if she cheated on him first. Stop being retarded. You're way too emotionally involved in this to be posting. Who hurt you?
thats my issue with these threads
we only really get one side of it. Personally I don't think cheating is the right answer if youve got problems in a relationship, though. It is STILL a character flaw to let yourself cheat.
Sure. What I mean by "centered on society" isn't necessarily that individual's can't have morals, but simply that they shouldn't be free to determine them more broadly. And yes, strictly speaking there's no reason for me as an individual to impose my moral code on anyone else. I think it would be preferable to have some aspects of it installed in a society, but I have other "morals" (preferences, really) which aren't justifiable with data. I keep those to myself.
As for Varg, I haven't read much about him, most of my knowledge comes from Jow Forums memes.
I strongly disagree with the church burning (although he claims not to have done it, he apparently liked it), regardless of motivation it's a shame to see an old and beautiful building destroyed. I don't know if the autistic racial chart of Europe showing Spaniards and Italians as "Negroids" is legit, hopefully not.
Quickly skimming his wikipedia page, the only points where I see strong similarities are his environmentalism and his non-serious use of "Nazi" concepts.
Economically, I don't particularly favor any system, so long as it is subordinate to the nation and to morality. That lends itself most to a lightly regulated market, with exceptions for commercialized vice and protectionism. I'm not ideologically committed to a system per se, it's mostly a tool that needs to be wielded properly.
>I don't like your ideas but I like you.
The opposite would be much more heartening.
This is derailing the thread, though. I'm on the Jow Forums discord if you want to talk more.
>Thats the facts of this thread, we only have one side, we have no idea what OP did to cause the cheating, or if she cheated on him first
You're 100% contradicting yourself. You criticize me for being biased, when in fact I was simply stating that being upset when your partner cheats on you is a reasonable reaction, then in the next breath you pull all of these random "what ifs" out of your ass to justify pushing a narrative you have zero basis for. Seriously, there's no point in even attempting to give advice if you're going to based your advice off of your own speculation and not the words that the OP's provide us. You don't want to believe her. That's a far cry from her not being credible.
>You're way too emotionally involved in this to be posting
Ah, the old based "Y U SO MAD BRO?" meme. Post discarded.
Why is cheating such an extremely common thing among normies?
Sorry to hear this happened to you, OP, he's a subhuman piece of shit. I really don't have any advice but maybe make sure he doesn't know you know until you have your plan ready.
a beta would forgive the cheater because s/he is afraid of never finding someone else
Insecurity. Most couples are together for the wrong reasons or simply never establish proper boundaries.
Thank you very much.
>Why is cheating such an extremely common thing among normies?
It isn't as prevalent as this people here would lead you to believe. Lets just say that this ragtag collection of autists and mentally ill redpillers don't exactly have their finger on the pulse of mainstream society.
You’re more mad about OP getting cheated on than OP is. She doesn’t even care enough to answer questions or keep her own thread alive. She didn’t even give details. The boyfriend probably didn’t even cheat, we don’t know her definition of cheating or the details. She might have cheated first. She might have done nothing to help the relationship other than “work 10 hours a day”. We don’t even know what the “messages” said, she could be jumping to conclusions and be completely wrong. Yet you’re going to encourage this girl to “do the worst thing she can legally do” to get back at her boyfriend. You are the worst type of person. You need counseling for whoever hurt you.
I'm not judging only from Jow Forums though, I hear normies I hang out with talk about cheating and even find some made up reasons to convince themselves cheating is okay.
this ragtag collection of autists and mentally ill redpillers
top kek
Show me how the "redpill" is so false like you say.
>The boyfriend probably didn’t even cheat, we don’t know her definition of cheating or the detail
Again, you're just pulling shit out of your ass to justify demonizing OP when you have zero logical basis to do so. Its funny how you try to portray me as "too emotional" to be posting on this topic yet all you've done is vomit out apologies and justification for OP's boyfriend's behavior. As I said, you want it to be her fault. The fact that she hasn't confirmed one way or another has nothing to do with the fact that you're blatantly making shit up.
>Yet you’re going to encourage this girl to “do the worst thing she can legally do” to get back at her boyfriend
Nice strawman. I never encouraged or said anything of the sort.
>You’re more mad about OP getting cheated on than OP is
Post discarded x 2. "Y U SO MAD BRO" isn't an argument. Its just the weakest, laziest ad hominem you could possibly pedal out.
>hitler once said 2+2 = 4
>SO OBVIOUSLY 2 + 2 IS NOT 4 !!!!!!
>Show me how the "redpill" is so false
Spend 5 minutes in this cesspool of misery and erectile dysfunction. A good indication that an ideology is false is if the people who follow it are perpetually one Tinder date rejection away from committing suicide. Its also a basic rule of thumb not to take life advice from teenage virgins.
Don't take my word for it. If you really want to experience the true antithesis to red-pilled ideology just stick your head outside sometime and speak to a human woman.
That isn't any indication. Just because someone you don't like thinks something doesn't make it false.
Most of my friends in real life are human women, stop projecting this shit. You clearly don't have any argument here, I should have known before asking.
you are a bit deluded if you think this career loser is going to put down his hat just because you told him to
>look mom I'm so tough on the internet
Absolutely triggered
>Most of my friends in real life are human women
Ok cool, then why you asking me for proof? Just talk to them.
>You clearly don't have any argument here
My argument is that reality exists. If you can't be bothered to compare reality to what redpillers claim reality is then I have nothing for you, senpai.
I couldn't give a shit one way or the other. The Man in the Iron Fedora rides on.
>user : "Uh oh, I don't have an intelligent response to this, better find something clever to say.... wait... I know!"
>*gives self high five*
>"Nailed it"
I compare reality to "redpillers" and it turns out several things "redpillers" say happen to be true and are simply ignored because of political correctness in real life. Stop being so triggered. Even some of my female friends agree with the red pill (without knowing it's called "red pill" on the internet) and they are perfectly normal women.
Ah yes, the secret PC police are the reason all the sheople don't understand the truth but you and the rest of the socially stunted aspies who huddle together on a scandinavian hackey sack forum do. Whatevs, bruv. I'm not interested in breaking up your fraternity of virgin warriors for truth. Even if you don't exclusively subscribe to redpilled ideology the fact that you would be willing to associate with any aspect of those bottom feeders says everything about you that we need to know. Swallow all the redpills you like.
>Whatevs, bruv
>virgin warriors
You claim you don't give a shit but that's a lot of text you wrote there. You clearly do.
>"lel cheating doesn't happen you incel, talk to people"
>"omg who hurt you?"
You're full of shit. You want reality, you semen-gargling faggot? Here you go:
>"According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, national surveys indicate that 15 percent of married women and 25 percent of married men have had extramarital affairs. The incidence is about 20 percent higher when emotional and sexual relationships without intercourse are included."
This is only the percentage that admits to it, and furthermore that does it within a marriage. If you go by blanket stats on people who have simply cheated in a relationship, then at a minimum 40% of the population, men and women, have cheated. The following is simply for a given relationship--and while repeat cheaters no doubt skew statistics, multiple relationships will necessarily increase the likelihood of being unfaithful in at least one:
>"Almost one-quarter of men (23.2%) and 19.2% of women indicated that they had "cheated" during their current relationship (i.e., engaged in sexual interactions with someone other than their partner that could jeopardize, or hurt, their relationship)."
Now take your unwarranted smug bullshit and blow it out your ass, your claims have zero basis in the reality you presume to live in.
>You claim you don't give a shit but that's a lot of text you wrote there
I'm killing time on the same tibetan underwater yoga forum that you are. If we all had something better to do we'd be doing that instead. Also, if 4 sentences is a lot of text to you then you need to seriously rethink your understanding of the English language.
No you’re just so emotionally involved that you won’t listen to the facts. You don’t deserve more than a 2 word response. If I didn’t know better I’d think you’re OP
Cheat on him back, show him what it feels like and don't hide it
So, the messages spoke about him meeting and fucking someone else while i was at work. they were to his best friend. he was "so guilty" but knew that what we had was bigger than that so he wasn't going to tell me.
i think that's cheating but I'm not too sure.
i confronted him. he just said hes sorry and that he's addicted. i kicked him out. he left.
Change the locks. ASAP
>hundreds of centuries into the evolution of the species
>countless evidence that shows human beings and all the fucking animal kingdom are designed for having multiple sexual partners
>still believes monogamy is the way to go
Damn that 2000 years of catholic indoctrination wont fade away that easily even if we call ourselves secular or atheists huh
tfw finally starting to hit me that I'm alone now. I love him so much, but I refuse to get walked all over.
Am I the only one that sees the name fag post then ignores it?
Ignoring him I'd the best you can do, there are plenty of other men who would like a good girlfriend out there and who are honorable themselves.
Tits or gtfo
Cheating doesn't bother women as much, or often much at all.
Women don't lose anything when a man cheats. The husband still places his DNA inside her womb and everything is the same. For hundreds of thousands of year, up to seventeen women would share a single alphamale and feel happy.
Men hate cheating because now there is another man's DNA inside their woman's womb. There is a huge loss here and 10% of children in America are not fathered by the man they think is "dad". Multiply this times millions of years of evolution.
it makes sense when you think about it like this. Men have an incentive to cheat. Women really don't. It's why women even shit on cheating women but go ez on their own men if they do it.
in the back of a woman's brain, she thinks that since this man is spreading his seed he's a desirable mate. It's that simple and i was very disturbed when my girlfriend told me she wouldn't care if I cheated physically. completely shattered my view of women