You guys, I have a big ass storytime for you. It all began in the first year of college...

You guys, I have a big ass storytime for you. It all began in the first year of college, everyone started to talk about this one guy, saying "OMG look, he is such a psychopath, nobody wants to hang out with him. I bet he's happy if anyone ever talks to him lololol".

I felt sorry, I straight went up to him and started talking. I guess he noticed I was trying to be friends, so he responded nice as well.
But then suddently he always ran away from me kind of, this confused me so much.
I was just wanting to be nice.
Then I went up to him, I wanted to clear things up. I told him "You remember when I talked to you? I did it because all the other gi.." - he didnt even let me finish, he immediately said "Sorry, no interest". Then I was like "But all I wanted to say, was...", again he didnt let me finish and SCREAMED "No Interest, NO INTEREST", and he literally ran away, as if I were someone trying to sell him stuff he didnt want to.
Now he told everyone I was sexually assaulting him. Like all I did was having empathy and feeling sorry, I am so confused yet again.

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You know how it feels to be a man. Congrats.

Now you start to get why men are "checking out" on "society." They don't get it and they have had enough.

It was nice of you to be sympathetic and try to be friendly with him. However, he is either unwilling or unable to socialize with you. Move forward with your life knowing you tried to do the "right" thing and hopefully gain some perspective you can use in your life down the line.

I have never ever(!) experienced something like this before. Heck, no one believes me, this is just plain laughable.

I'll be your friend OP

He probably went through something traumatizing

I did gain a perspective on that, definetly. I am just afraid of any consequences, although I didnt do anything, but wanting to help.

Look at this: .
You get now why people say " It's funny cause it's true?"


Can this be a sign of autism too?

Aw, thank you so much! :) When I think about that, it could be possibly true. I start to feel sorry now, although I will never know what was going on. I didnt mean to offend him in any way.

I’d have punched him if he interrupted me like that or at least said something along the lines of ‘what the fuck are you autistic’. It’s not socially acceptable to do that to people.

lmao this guy is just probably autistic as fuck and just cant comprehend something basic like this.

All first stages looks like he is shy. But last one, when he "told everyone" means, that he doesn't deserve your good attention. If you wanna, I can predict next phase: He will be sorry for that, and even will say, that he crashed on you. If so - don't spoil your time for POS, this kind of relationships will be painful for you, because... because sometimes "OMG" guys can't be fair enough...

now you know why people were caling him a psycho

stay away from weirdos


Hey, someond posted a thread awfully similar to this, but from the guy's perspective... Hmmm...

Sometimes in life, you get shit on for doing the right thing. It happens and it sucks, but it's life.

Where is it?

>Where is it?
I tried searching for it just now, I guess it's been archived. iirc though, he thought the girl liked him, so when she approached him, he went full autismo and screamed "no interest" or something like that. But I think it happened recently to him.

But why did he blew up so bad?
Funny to say, I did happen very recently. Its not unlikely it was indeed him.

I really don't remember the details, sorry. Perhaps someone else also saw that thread and can possibly find it and confirm or deny what I'm saying. All I can truly remember is that it happened less than a week ago and that he thought the girl liked him, and when she approached him he started screaming something in the line of what I previously said and walked away.
If you can't find it in Jow Forums, try looking for some archive of Jow Forums.

I found something. Was it this one?
Jow Forumsthread/20270470

Holy shit, it was yesterday? My memory is betraying me.
But yeah, that's exactly the one. Do you think it's him?

I wouldnt consider myself a 9/10 tho, but its really interesting how similar all of this was. I dont know if it was him, could be. Sadly he can not read my original post tho. There was literally no need to freak out this way.

Fpbp. This is just a typical day for most men - rejection without any reason or explanation.

It was not a rejection as such for me, it felt more like "Your help was not wanted, you as a person are unwanted, all you did was wrong". It will not stop me from helping in general, I just wont say anything anymore if someone again brags about him being full psycho. Its not that I secretly agree, but I do understand their points now.

>i talked to you only out of pity because everyone else was clowning on you
how the fuck did you want him to respond? "gee thanks for the pity handout"?

Good advice. I'll start punching out women say they're not interested from now on.

He seemed to not like me for whatever reason, so I thought he had a wrong impression on me. I was really just wanting to clear things up, nothing more.

I was fat, short, and awkward in school. Girls used to come up to me all the time and do shit like pretend to ask me out, grill me to figure out who I liked (so they could tell that person and make them feel grossed out by me), or give me fake/sarcastic compliments as a dare. The only thing I was to girls was something to gawk and snicker at. Perhaps this kid has gotten a similar treatment and now has zero trust in strange women and avoid contact with them at all costs.

I lived through this as well, I'm sure he got this sort of vibe or found out that the OP's group was berating him and knew she was trying to start some weird pity friendship or gaining his trust to add to the embarrassment (this actually happens)

Almost guaranteed that guy tripfags here on Jow Forums literally hitler.

I really feel sorry for all the things you have gone through. Some of them can really be traumatizing, I hope you have found a way to somehow get over it. Because such heavy burdens can fuck up alot of things in the future and lead to unnecessary drama, that destroys so much.

I really feel sorry for all the things you have gone through. Some of them can really be traumatizing, I hope you have found a way to somehow get over it. Because such heavy burdens can fuck up alot of things in the future and lead to unnecessary drama, that destroys so much, including people only wanting to do good.

alpha as fuarkk

There is nothing alpha about freaking out like that and driving themselves into some delusional shit.

And you come to Jow Forums to stalk him?

Jeez, just get off his dick already


That’s why you don’t talk to crazies lmfao
Also don’t you think it’s a bit of a shitty thing to do talking to someone just because everyone else doesn’t want to? Leave the kid be he could probably tell you were only talking to him to make yourself feel like a better person

This kind of immature gossip, like calling a "loner" a psycho is what makes a loner want to be alone. Stop projecting your own values onto others to cover up your insecurities by deluding yourselves that everyone should be how you are forced to think you should be.