Weird pp issues

Alright lads, I require your advice.
>dick is big enough that it hurts girls,
>but I absolutely hate masochism/sadism of any variety and I do not enjoy inflicting pain.
Anyone else been in a similar situation? The fuck do I do guys?

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That sucks man, most girls are submissive and love to feel dominated by their men, and they love being stretched out by a large dick. It hurts, but there is a deep satisfaction to it I can't explain.

You're going to have a hard time if you like soft sex all the time.

Use more lube, do more foreplay, and stop trying to go balls deep all the time

Pain is always going to happen in sex. You're bumping bones, being placed in weird positions all the time, and other strange and uncomfortable things. The important thing is that the pleasure is suppose to greatly out weight the pain.

Also try talking to the girls you're having sex with, geez

I don't try to go balls deep. I usually try not to go more than 2/3rds of the way. The problem is that most girls don't seem to like that kind of sex, and those who do don't like big dicks.

>most girls are submissive and love to feel dominated by their men, and they love being stretched out by a large dick.
But like, why?

fuck off

Am I not allowed to ask for advice on the advice board?

As with a million other facets in relationships, compatibility is hard. It's incredibly difficult to find someone who gels with you across the board emotionally, sexually, personality-wise, etc. Such is the dating scene.

The best you can do is keep dating girls until you find one who is sexually compatible. There are plenty of girls who love huge cocks and get off exclusively on that kind of thing.

Find a BBW

>There are plenty of girls who love huge cocks and get off exclusively on that kind of thing.
My problem is that those girls are pretty masochistic, which is something I thoroughly do not enjoy.

Not sure why you assume this. If you've encountered that, I'm sorry. That sucks. I also have a huge cock and have dated several girls who were wonderful people with no bizarre personality traits. They were by no means masochists. Sounds to me like you're assuming things, or had a couple bad experiences. Again, that's the dating life. It takes a lot of work to find someone who doesn't suck in some way.

Keep trying. That's all you can do.

How would that help?

Consider not being a soiboi.

an ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement whose actual purpose is to draw attention to something of which one is proud.

Have you ever tried sleeping with men? They can handle larger packages in their mailboxes, and enjoy it more than a woman can. If homosexuality isn't your thing, consider a girl who has stretched herself out, or one that is genetically deep and elastic

>do I do guys?

Yes, you should do guys.

I don't want to catch the gay. What if our balls touch and I say no homo but he doesn't? I don't wanna get the electric chair because the bad orange man made gays illegal.

that person thinks you're bragging about a huge dick

They are insecure

My unremarkable average penis was enough to hurt my ex when we first started dating but she got used to it pretty quick

Idk, millions of years of evolution telling them to find a strong partner? Being dominated is part of that.

Ram it in there until they enjoy it

all women love big cocks BRO

it's biological

just needs stretching, just need to get in an actual relationship and work at it

they push whole BABIES out of there you know?

the pussies WILL stretch, just give them time

wow you are like beta incarnate.

>they push whole BABIES out of there you know?
You know their hips have to break in half, right?

Try to understand that women see those pain as addicting and they’ll never leave you. Compare that to a small dick like mine, I can never hurt them but they’ll leave me.

>they push whole BABIES out of there you know?
After nine months of biological changes (the entire fucking pelvis changes size and shape) and significant medical support. The fuck you on about?

You are one of many examples of the US's failed education system, user.

pretty sure pussy evolved before doctors, asshat. you don't know what the FUCK you're talking about

life is my teacher bro

>pretty sure pussy evolved before doctors
Still not sure how my inferior genes survived up to this day.

I don't like girls that like pain though. It would be fine if they were satisfied with just dick related pain, but that's not how it's gone in my experience.

>I don't like girls that like pain though
If they’re not complaining, why does it bother you though? Like, no matter they like pain or not, they’d moan the same way anyway.

lol might wanna doublecheck your biology class notes their lads

>not knowing what rexalin is for.

The problem is that they're also into other types of pain and generally degrading shit that I really don't enjoy.

You mean relaxin

Regardless, the conditions of a woman's PELVIS does not affect what size dick she can take, lmao

this dude
Is specifically referencing the vaginal canal

Mistyped it, my bad. My point is just that babies coming out doesn't mean shit. Not only is childbirth painful (or so I'm told) it takes serious hormonal and physical changes to accommodate it, and even then plenty of women need c-sections.

He was still only referring to the elasticity and durability of the birth canal itself (if it can handle a melon sized baby it can handle a dick)

Every other aspect of the pregnancy and birth process is beside the point of this thread


Girls eventually adopt whatever fetishes their man introduces them to. Just convince them that the kind of gentle sex you like is actually a fetish.

That might just be dumb enough to work.

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