Alright you fucking assholes

Alright you fucking assholes
Tell me how do I get a gf. I'm 21 yo kissless virgin. Here's my life: gym, uni, reading books, sleeping, thinking.
How can I meet girls? I look ok, I'm pretty confident but I just don't understand how to even make new friends not the mention girl friends. I have a couple of IRL friends but we rarely hang out anymore and I don't seem welcome in their circles so I can't make friends that way.

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Hey bro you seem to have a nice life.
How about approaching random girls?
Every day? One girl per day?
Just small talk and if you click then you ask her out.
I am at the same point in life as you I suppose, where I need to approach girls. What do you think?

Don't do it user. I'm almost through with NNNovember. The wizard powers are real. The path to heaven is seminal retention

My country doesn't have small talk culture (Finland) and I'm afraid that would be a quick way to get labelled a pervert or a freak. I would do that if I were you but it's a bit more difficult here to talk to strangers. Might try it anyway
Based. Actually I stopped watching porn because of NNNovemver so that's part of the reason I'm trying to get my shit together and find a girl. Rarely fap anymore

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Student parties, student events, bars.

Going to be doing this, though I hate having to get drunk to meet people

Make yourself datable. Sit down and think, take yourself out of your mind and reflect on yourself and your life. Would you date you? Come to grip with harsh truths, because they are not hard for others. Especially girls.

Of course I would date myself lel. I fucking love me. Problem is I don't think a stranger can tell much about me without getting to know me first.

I went to raves every weekend and that worked for me. Was never single

Define "worked." Did you get married to a good woman or spend all your time with worthless people you shared nothing in common with?

Only junkies and retards go to raves. Disgusting

>You fucking assholes
>proceeds to tell us all about these qualities he has
>still no GF

I'm gonna hit you with a "you are way 'too much'", at least for me. I wouldn't want to branch you into my social circles because you seem a bit high strung and self-centered

That's just my two cents looking in, do with it what you will

I got married at 32 and have 2 kids/successful career. Is it weird that I didn’t do drugs tho. I just danced

I’m 37 married to the love of my life with two kids and I own a successful plumbing business. Your opinion means less than nothing. Tell me more how to be successful user

>I fucking love me.
This might be your problem.

Narcissists never find anything wrong with their behavior, so I don't anticipate you'll desire to change anything. But you're asking for advice, so here goes:

Work on your narcissism. It's a weakness and rooted in extreme insecurity. It's a personality trait that repels you emotionally from others (aka women). Real men are altruistic and alpha males who get loads of women are actually the most altruistic beings you'll ever meet. Most men on Jow Forums are narcissistic.

In your OP, you listed a bunch of things about you that are great. Then you asked why you're a KV. As if it's a trade. As if sex is a commodity. I believe it's no struggle for you to accomplish goals. You're probably strong, handsome and intelligent and can accomplish goals from here to kingdom come; but you'll never find a woman who loves you until you can arrest your ego. The ego is supposed to make you better, but occasionally it backfires in some people. It's hard to resist because it feels so right. It takes a lot of humanity to overcome egoism and live for others. It's just something you... lack.

How degenerate were the girls you met

Oh no I called a bunch of imageboard dwellers assholes. How dare I?!

>Backpedals on it and plays damage control
There's only one person you keep single by being a child about everything and it's not me

>tfw you get diagnosed with narcissism for not being self hating
>Listed a bunch of things about you that are great
What? I said I look only ok, as in very average at best, and I'm pretty confident, as in not super confident and outgoing but just a normal young male. Thanks for your feedback though

I don't think you'll ever possess the wherewithal to get a girl who isn't a complete thot, man-- unless you're having a gay ol' time baiting, your biggest problem is you, and how much of your own bs you're hopped up on.

I came here understanding that I'm the problem. As I said in my OP I don't know how one is supposed to meet girls without having any friends to begin with.

>I don't know how one is supposed to meet girls without having any friends to begin with.
That is indeed a complication,but the overbearing problem is your narcissism.

Some ways to recover from narcissism:
>Realize other people have their own experiences, feelings, and life
>Appreciate that other people are important
>Understand that you are not perfect, and in all likelihood not special in any way.
>Fine a place in society and contribute. Be a gear in a much bigger machine.

Read "how to win friends and influence people". It'll mutually help you with your narcissism and making friends. It helped me with both, too.

Going to embrace my narcissism from now on because of how gay you sound

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>Even more damage control
Get friends you poncebucket, and try not to be such a fucking real life shitposter. If you act like an idiot, all you'll attract are other idiots

Like you're telling us you know you're the problem but anytime you get told, you blow it off. I don't understand what you're after hearing here besides "start by being someone people want to be around"

??? House music in Chicago is different then edm. Normal college girls

As I said earlier, narcissists rarely change and I didn't expect you to.

Your behavior has no effect on me, you're free to do what you want. But you came to ask for advice, admitted the problem is you, and then when the same piece of advice is handed to you repeatedly, by different people, you shun it six ways from Sunday.

Remember this thread, far in the future, when you've finally hit rock bottom.

So if I really am a narcissist egomaniac that nobody likes then it must be literally written all over me because otherwise how would everybody know when nobody never even talks to me like ever

I'm not particularly experienced or anything but this seems like one of the most sarcastic "chadposts" I've ever seen.

might as well have told him to "just be yourself bruh" or "talk to them man it's not hard"

It's almost like all of us saying that average people aren't socially retarded and pick up on cues thanks to having actual experience to fall back on wasn't just a bunch of lame platitudes, but an observation of how things proceed in the real world and a reflection of how bad you've become that people swerve before even meeting you.

And here you are trying to play this goddam damage control still

Bro I just breathe and walk around and sit in lecture and do nothing out of the ordinary. If from that alone people can tell what kind of person I am then fuck me sideways but that's a bit spooky! I guess whar I'm trying to say is that you can suck my asshole with your retarded "advice" basically.

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You just have to read this thread.

So far, you've spun people's words, mocked them, played jellyfish, ignored them, and now you're engaging in sarcasm. Remember that you came here for advice. But you're really struggling to accept it. I used to be like you, I really know what you're going through.

All these deflections are rooted in your insecurities. You have very intense insecurities. Before you even finished reading this paragraph, you're already planning your harsh rebuttal. Pause for a moment. No, actually pause -- nobody is looking. And relax. There are some things that are wrong with you, and that's ok. There is no threat in being imperfect, weak, or vulnerable around people who love you. This is how friendship works.

You're here asking for help. There is something inside you saying "this isn't right, I need to change something". When you feel weak or threatened, you play it off because you seek status. Your ego is fragile (and that's ok). You can fix it. When you have to defend so much, it become stressful and toxic for others.

Imagine a balloon, inflated to the brim, about to burst. This is your ego. Hold this balloon in your hands and try not to pop it. Carry it all day, in the subway, to work, to the bakery, home... it is stressful to keep. Your attention is overfocused on protecting it because it's so weak.
Now imagine the same balloon, but only half full. Plenty of room for compression. Same deal, take it everywhere and try not to pop it. It's far less stressful and you don't need to take so much action, defense, and control of others to protect it.

First, improve your ego by allowing yourself to not be so important, and accept that it's ok to be weak in front of others.
Next, once you have a grip on that, work on being a good friend and considering others more.
Finally, things will start looking up for you. You'll gain the friendships you want so dearly.

Save this thread and read it again later.

>how do i get a gf

there's your problem right there. you don't get a gf by wanting one. do other shit in your life that's fun and fulfilling. then you won't want one and you'll be doubly happy.