> art -dont care
> literature - dont care
> history - dont care
> sciences - dont care
> engineering - dont care
> theater - dont care
> Football - its my fking life user!
What do with those plebs?
> art -dont care
> literature - dont care
> history - dont care
> sciences - dont care
> engineering - dont care
> theater - dont care
> Football - its my fking life user!
What do with those plebs?
bread and circuses
What happens if we ban sports broadcast in the ethnostate?
40 year old leaf here.
Canadian normies only have two thoughts in their heads:
Hurrr durr hockey on tonight
Hurrrrrr durrrrr muh diversity must vote Trudeau for social acceptance
Imagine what average joe is thinking about instead of the real issues of life...
Not hard to be brainwashed by the media when all you want is bread and circuses.
How we raise a new man?
They're actual, honest to God plebs. Why even associate with them?
I have a Canadian FB page liked on FB thats all about life in Canada 90% of the posts are it shitting on the US. Canadians are sociopaths.
Becauae they are 95 percent of people. Hard to avoid completely.
Not liking sports doesn’t make you smarter than everyone Jow Forums
No, but liking sports makes you definately dumber