How do i get rid of razorburn, pimples and discoloration on my ass...

How do i get rid of razorburn, pimples and discoloration on my ass? Does anyone else have this problem it makes me very self-concious and makes me feel like shit :(
If any anons could help it would be appreciated.

Attached: What-is-Razor-Burn.jpg (614x700, 44K)

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Use a moisturizer after you use an epilator, no more shaving it’s terrible for your skin.

How tf do i get rid of all my hair then ?
Also i will deffinately go get some moistureizer, Aloe Vera work?

doesnt epilating cause ingrown hairs though? you can walk around with moisturizer between your ass all day and it wont gey itchy or irritated?

Ive been told and read that you should epilate everyday when you get razor burns, acne or ingrown hairs. i just started a few days ago, the ones on my ass seem to be going away but my thighs are still fucked with burns and have been for a long time. had to order some ointment for them, so hopefull it works as I dont know what else to do beyond buying an epilator.

I heard differin gel works well for ass pimples?

Not from my experience and I don’t think there’s scientific data out there on the subject to back up claims, they are however painful af

They can, I can use and epilator anywhere but my tummy apparently. I still have scars from ingrowns there, even a year later.

I think most ingrown hairs are caused by curly hair.
the answer is to use clippers to trim the hair short but not a razor which cuts it back below the skin.

your best bet is laser to get rid of it.
definitely stop shaving, though.

Shaving is actually beneficial to your skin, moron. Alcohol based Aftershave is the only part of shaving that’s harmful.

E X F O L I A T E & C L E A N S E

seriously it's not rocket science.

wash your butt every day with soap if nothing else, ideally get an exfoliating scrub or at least a loofah or something and exfoliate that bitch

Is like to see the science, you have any studies that show racking metal over your skin is actually “beneficial”

>What is deep exfoliating
>What is removal of dead skin cells
Here have a link

Yeah, because OP's pic looks real "beneficial"

>/voteban’s you

Just don't shave your ass.
Problem solved.
Next question?

Attached: whatever.gif (430x279, 646K)

>op here
Wow epilator looks great!

I still have the issue of discoloration and stretch marks though

I need too it makes me feel pretty ;)

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>stretch marks

FFS I have these too and I was never even fucking fat in my life. What the hell

Oh it is OP it is

It can come from any sort of rapid growth the skin can't keep up with, so even if you were never fat, you probably still had a sudden substantial growth spurt sometime in puberty.

>Can't be a cute girl AND I have to deal with stretch marks

God singled me out. No one was given this lot in life

>poor me
nobody cares, fuck off with your disgusting ass

My butt may be ugly but at least it's not hurt, faggot

>calling people faggot on a gay board

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Try some shaveology their golden sea weed after shave lotion and their later is amazing. Even with a shitty razor my face/privates doesn't break out nearly as much. Also the tub of lather lasts forever because you don't need much.