Do guys like girls who are tall?

Do guys like girls who are tall?

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ya its usually not a problem and some guys really like it.

The girl I am most upset about was slightly taller then me



>Do guys like girls

I’ve found taller people to be condescending so I tend to not associate with them

manlet detected

Hahaha look at the midget try to defend himself.

Would you like a (You)

Here you go wittle baby

I'm 5'7" and have had one 5'10" and one 5'11" gf.


>Do guys like girls
Most of us do

>who are tall
I like more the girls who appear to be more "frail" and small with an iron will instead of a tall dumb one desu.
It's a taste thing you know?

Sex with a taller woman is great because there’s so much body to explore, but ultimately I get off the most with short girls I can throw around and dominate

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You can dominate tall girls just fine, only tossing them around is difficult.

Maybe for you little faggots

5'7 is short as fuck

Girls are good, unless they're sluts.

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t. 5'10

5'11" dating 6' tall girl here, gives me anxiety every day.

>be a manlet
>see everything as a sleight on how tall you are

I'm the 5'10 user

Dude, that sounds like a living nightmare.

I'd rather go for the slut maybe

Spoken like someone who has never had physical intimacy with a girl of any size. Tall girls are surprisingly heavy and tossing them around is difficult as a result.

This is true. I cut off my penis in a ritual with a Samurai Sword when I first hit puberty

She's a good girl and rolled a 20 for her qt stat and in my favorite pair of shoes that I wear 90% of the time I'm 6' so we come up even but fuck me if it doesn't eat at me a little bit. I never felt short once in my adult life until we started dating.

Pic Related

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Me, I prefer shorter girls. But I know plenty of guys who like taller ones

All the really tall people I've met were gentle giants

This is exactly how it feels. You know how fucking strange it is to not have to like lean down to kiss a girl?

The worst part is that at 5'11" I feel like I "almost made it" to the right height but that it's close enough, until I see all the high school kids 10 years younger than me now start at 6ft tall for the short girls and I'm like what the fuck.

Yes plenty of guys in fact have taste.

Yes, as I said before the girl that upset me the most was the tallest girl I dated.

I am less of a man now because I couldn't have her

People want to breed up in terms of genetics.

but i automatically assume a taller girl wouldn't want me because i know how much girls look for a taller guy than them, and probably my own insecurities as well

Funny how it seems that guys of normal height are the most insecure about it. Shorter guys are not as much, and usually roll with it and get girls easily.

Love them but they're very hard to find.

My 4'11 peruvian friend constantly reminds me of how much pussy he gets.

The worst part is I know he isn't lying

I was never insecure about until kids started being 10 feet tall.

tfw 6'1. When I mention this online EVERYONE thinks I'm a tranny


I will now exclusively hunt your kind

What is your bodytype?

Thin-ish, flat as a board, broad shoulders.
I used to be skinnier and want to go back to that, it was aesthetic

.. Brooke ?


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6foot7 here. I find them gross. Tiny girls always have done it for me.

9 foot 11 here

I only date girls within a few inches above or below me

I also only date virgins

And do you exclusively date taller men?

I do, longer legs...

I'd love a taller gf, but I'm a sub so that skews it a bit.

Of course not. I love shorter men.

I'm 187cm (6'1 and only 1 cm off 6'2) And I am dating a girl from my country (tall girls common here since the average height for males is 6' and a lot of people abstain from it) and my girl is literally just nearly the same height as me, I'd say she's 1cm off of being 6'1. But she's perfect.
The taller a girl is the better her legs and ass, the better her body shape, her neck is perfect and overall they still tend to be cute as fuck.
No downsides. AND you won't risk your son being a manlet.
I suggest anyone who's 5'10 or under, date a girl exactly your height.

this kind of questions are always stupid to ask because its all about tastes and preferences

I like to fuck tall girls with thick thighs, it is like taming a beast. But I would never date them. Tall girls are only good for sex.

>Do guys like girls who are tall?
>Do guys like girls
ftfy and also yes

>shorter men

So, most men?

It's not that retarded because you can get an idea of what some people think, and it can be easy to spot patterns like it is in this thread.

If you took a random sample of the population and asked them, you'd get some useful information. But Jow Forums is very biased in the kinds of samples you can get. It's like going to Jow Forums asking if they hate jews "to see what some people think". You know what to expect.

Yes and no. Jow Forums is very definitely more normie than it likes to admit, though if it's half normies then the other half are INTP basement neets so yeah it can skew results.

Yes. I'm 185 and wouldn't date a girl under 175. Just looks weird. Also tall girls are slender with long legs.

I'd never date a girl who is equal, nor taller than me. Also looks weird. And I could never look up to my girlfriend with submissive eyes like that. Imagine hugging her, burying your face in her chest. Pathetic desu.

I am 180cm and I don't like dating girls over 165cm. I like smol girls and I like lifting them up

No one here is a normie. Half are half-normies with very clear general Jow Forums inclinations. The other half is retarded women that can only speak in feminist rhetoric. They are opposites of the spectrum, and when you add them up you can get the impression that overall the board is very normie, but what you actually have are the two ends trying to fight for dominance of the conversation. Not the same.

There are still too many idiotic incels from Jow Forums here to skew things.

See, this is what I meant when I said retards that can only speak in feminist rhetoric. SAD.

Nut Buttercup were you inspired to trip yourself because of Hitler? Are you trying to counteract hitler's influence over this board?

>And I could never look up to my girlfriend with submissive eyes like that. Imagine hugging her, burying your face in her chest.

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You're only proving his point.

If shes pretty then yes, it makes no difference unless the man is insecure about his height, im not, i dated a girl who was way taller than me, had a great time she had giant tits and was beautiful.

It's the girls who don't like boys shorter than them usually

Not fucking true. I hate hate HATE being short at 5 2 but I still carry myself like chad so the females still love me. I want to snack the fuck out of anyone 5 5 and above when they get to talking about feeling insecure.

A few fucking facts for all the insecure incels who have little experience and think they know everything:

1)confidence is king: if youre confident your chances shoot up dramatically

2)The chances are never 100%, yes there are some pretty people there are some rich people some fun people, guys with very positive traits that tend to get more attention. But no one has 100% chances with every girl, and girls ARE different

3)Even the alphaest of alphas must get rejected sometime.

in a nutshell:
be confident, have as many positive traits as you can but know it will never be enough, don't postpone living your life because of this. Try a lot, know you will get rejected sometimes but eventually youll succeed.

ITs as easy as that

I think the thing with guys who are 5'10 or 5'11 is that they are grazing that ceiling of greatness and they're just frustratingly close. When you're an actual

Are you 15 or an idiot or both?

That's mean user-kun

I like tall girls, but not taller than me.

How else would you respond to such an idiotic post

tall is subjective
5'7" is considered tall for a girl and I think that's an ideal height, but it's way shorter than 6' and I wouldn't be interested in someone that tall (5' 9-10" is probably my max).

I've experienced >It's the girls who don't like boys shorter than them usually
a lot though.

What's idiotic about it?

Everything was idiotic and wrong

That's not very descriptive, in what way is it wrong to say that it's especially frustrating to miss out by a smaller margin than it is to miss out by a wide margin?

TALL girls have top tier legs.
-6ft 4in dude who dated a 5ft 10 girl.

ideal female height is 4in shorter than the male.

The very premise is idiotic and wrong. As if height were important and that 6' is a cutoff and that taller is better.

>manlet detected

It's been proven that below 6' is clearly more physically attractive to women. Try again.

Just started getting serious with a girl taller than me. I'm 6'4.

Sounds like the sex would be quite awkward.

>tfw I'm a 5'7 twink
Fuuuuk I want her to choke me those thighs

Yes. I'm a 5'9" manlet and would date an amazonian. I cant be picky.

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A little bit. Its still early in the relationship so were still learning about each other. Plus side is 69 is easy. And since were close in size I can be a little rougher with her. We got to be careful on my bed though. She hit her head on my head board a few times and last night we nearly broke the frame.

Fuckin girls taller than you is akward

When you're 5'6' as a guy a lot of women are tall.
My gf is 5'10", or so. Might be taller, not sure.

And I love every bit of her.

If I wanted something annoying and tall I'd buy a giraffe.
So no.

No problem if she's tall as long as she's not taller than me

Being real, it'd make me insecure and that would ruin the relationship eventually, so I just skip that and don't date them.

As long and she isn't fat she is game for a lot of men

Yes, but girls don't like guys who are short

Tfw no 6'3" amazoness gf...

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fuck yes
i'm 187cm myself
how tall r u bb?

>And I could never look up to my girlfriend with submissive eyes like that. Imagine hugging her, burying your face in her chest. Pathetic desu.
Haha yeah guys w-who'd ever want that right

I've seen very insecure guys get upset.

Generally? No. I "do" have a preference for being the bigger body in the bed (morbid girls are out of the question), but when height is the issue, it's easily solved with a bit of inventiveness.
You just tie her lower legs to her thighs and manhandle her real properly. Even if she's an "amazonian", I haven't met a girl who could do much more than squirm when I pin her..

How is sex with a taller girl like?

Cool advice thread my guy