Don't eat the lettuce

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I love the way you tease me, and make me forget how anxious I am.

i still miss you, i wish you would talk to me. i hope you are doing alright and that you have a good turkey day.

I just wanted to say that I hate niggers so much and would finally be grateful if we somehow got rid of them. Happy Thanksgiving.

Not going to see family today because i work all day. Couldnt get off because, of course, everyone wants today off. Fml

I've already moved on.
You won't have a piece of my thought anymore.

>pull into mcd's drive thru
>there's a line of a few people ahead of me
>sit there for 15 fucking minutes
>line of cars barely crept forward at all
>pull the fuck out and drive around honking at the drive thru windows on the way out the parking lot
Fucking pathetic desu I worked mcd's for three years myself and a wait like that is U N A C C E P T A B L E. Wtf is wrong with these people? It was 2pm too there's no excuse

If I wasn't desperate to keep my insurance right now I would quit my job in a heartbeat and expand the hours on my self employed work.

All the good managers I used to work have been replaced with people who have god knows what going on in their heads and it's becoming a fucking nightmare.

I hope I was brave to confess...

i sincerely hope you regret your decision M.
i really, really hope that if you're with that other guy, you regret leaving me, regret that i would've made you happy and that you could've had everything you wanted, with me too

god i fucking hate holidays

They say that niggies don't be like they don't they is

my former friend threatened to shoot the school

insurance is too fucking expensive regarding vehicles and i worry im not eligible for health care once my current plan expires

if you're serious about this, please tell authorities

i never understood the whole "i need to test the waters" mentality

is there something wrong with me?

oh i did, and he got a felon. i was scared since he seemed serious and tried to get me and two others he talked to into it but it was a bluff. But how was I supposed to know it was a fake?

Oh, woe, what a tragedy. After all, the world revolves around you and what you think of me is the most important thing ever!

just stay friends with her, jesus

I’m unlovable

I hope today you look around you and think of us and the family you had and realize how YOU are responsible for being alone.

You had a family who loved and accepted you. Even my family treated you well and always included you in all holiday events.

I hope you're miserable because you really deserve it.

He no longer looks for you any more. He accepts you're gone.

Every day I visit a chick's facebook. Every single day I go and read her stupid memes. I met her once four years ago, but this is a recent obsession. I just remembered her one day and started facebook stalking her. And the weirdest thing is that I don't think I even like her. We don't like any of the same shows, movies, books, or music. Her posts are vapid but it's social media. She's pretty but nothing special. I honestly don't understand what it is I like about her. But I just keep coming back. It's almost an ego boost when she likes something I post. I don't understand. Why am I being such a beta loser all of a sudden over a chick I neither know nor think I'd like?

>Don't eat the lettuce
Can someone explain this roman lettuce thing? I'm not in the us

My immediate answer is "so you can bring it to a place like Jow Forums and talk about what a mysterious, unique cupcake you are"
I don't know how true that is but it was the first thing to come to mind

the roman lettuce is contaminated with some germ that i cant recall right now

Fuck you for making my weekend so great. Fuck you for being an exchange student in Edinburgh. Fuck you for "maybe seeing someone over there".
God damnit how can a short thing hurt so much

We both did, it was just a matter of keeping in touch, like civilized people.

Fake news.

You are loveable.

if i end up alone screw it I'm partying hard no more anxiety and trying to fit in the criteria of what shitty people consider to be good

i hope i can get in the military, i think i can though

So fucking sick of my life. Can't believe what a mess I've made of everything. I'm too old to change anything now, too cowardly to kill myself. I'm just so fucking bored of this shit now

when I was 11 I met a 18 year old guy online
he lives in Australia and I live in the united states

long story short dad died when I was 8 and I felt very alone, had no man in my life at all so I sought attention from this guy, didn't realize at the time what I was doing and how wrong it was for this dude to be talking to a 11 year old
we became close and i even sent him pictures of myself in my underwear and now that im 21 I think about it and wonder if he still has these pictures and like
it's super embarrassing and twisted to me and I feel terrible about it and I'm just scared it will bite me in the ass sometime

No I’m not. I’m an ugly little pathetic manlet who should have been aborted

Stop lying to him. That's more cruel than being honest. He has poor genetics and deserves to be eliminated.

I still have no idea what the fuck’s going on in your mind. You make baffling decisions which to a bystander are clearly self destructive, and your professed reasons make no sense. Sucks that your parents and closest friend are all enabling you and sustaining you, letting you believe you’re doing the right thing. In comparison, of course I sounded like a nagger. To depressed people, people who don’t enable them seem like enemies until it’s too late.

I'm so tired of never seeing you, I'm tired of this half marriage where we can't even sleep next to each other, I'm tired of going to things by myself, I'm tired of being the only half of us with any self control, I'm tired of always trying to do better while you get to throw your hands up and say "sorry, ADHD, can't help it." You yell at me about not having any faith in you when I'm just trying to protect myself from being disappointed and let down, again. I might just stay home, facing my family is hard enough by itself.

I've lost control of my life. My gf is a needy mess, I can't keep a job because she requires me for her stability.
I'm too weak to get out of this.
We are codependent, I know we are. I don't know how to fix this.

I'm a fucking failure.

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Still fake news.

It's all in your head. Height doesn't matter.

Keep telling yourself your worthy and lovable, eventually you'll start believing it, like you should.

Looks mean nothing.

My ex, on the surface, was tall and handsome. Had nothing, LITERALLY NOTHING to offer. Nothing.

Loneliness suck, I broke up with someone a month ago. Wish things would of gone differently. You can't forced something that doesn't work. Happy Thanksgiving "O"

took the words out of my mouth

No one in their right mind would judge you for that. You were a literal child. No one thinks worse of you for it. He was the completely twisted one, don't get it confused.

Shut up bitch

Thank you for saying that to me

I dont really care about relationships but being so lonely has murdered my confidence lads
triple guess everything
makes me want to do even less
maybe in a few years ill be so desperate Ill lower my standards and give dating a try again

Why do I keep living a lie?

It's Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for you, even though we're not speaking for something stupid.

I won't budge because I don't see any effort from your side in realizing what you did wrong, you just aggravated the problem by treating me worse instead.

Can you at least tell me if you really don't care?

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Nope little bussy. I won't. You can go take a time out because you obviously have women issues and a small dick to possess so much bitterness.

Shut up ho

Make me little bitch.

You claim not to hate them, but your actions certainly speak otherwise. Is there really a difference or do you tell yourself this to feel no guilt?

Why did you tell me you would be a terrible friend? You have a lot of friends. I couldn't be one of them?

I have a Master's degree yet I'm still stuck in a shitty, dead end retail job where I'm sacrificing most of my evenings and weekends. I apply for shitloads of full time jobs yet the only time I hear anything is to be told I've been rejected, despite the effort I put into my applications and the relevant experience I have. I've signed up for recruitment agencies yet none get back to me. Most full time jobs I see "require previous experience."

I'm 28 and work in a dead end, entry level job that makes me unhappy. What will it fucking take for me to just get out of retail and actually earn a living?

i had some HS freshmen keep trying to feel me and I'm a guy and they are too

I lived in a school bus up to 2 years old and I vaguely recall it.
don't worry it was a camper on the inside

Now that it is oyc are you no longer racist?

There are probably people here who will tell you to stop being entitled but you actually should look for an escape plan.

Look at what avenues are available to you that relate to your goals and passions. Look for careers related to your degree. Get the hell out of any job where you are a bad fit or ill placed.

It might be a long haul but you can do it.

Report that fucker. You don’t need blood on your hands.

Watch Super Dark Times to remind you of your moral imperative. That movie is scary close to your situation.

Health authorities announced that US lettuce is making customers sick

Just one in a series of salad scares. Earlier this year McDonalds had to pull salads that were giving customers salmonella

I'll always be racist until all niggers are gone. I think this is fair.

Hanging out with you today was better than I expected. I'm glad there are no feelings left and we can be cool about it.
It was really sweet to see you again. We should do it more often.

Same to you J, I'm sorry I can't be there and we can make it a little easier together, if for just a moment

Their existence is oppressive therefore they need to go

Trying to keep your exbf on the back burner huh? How moral of you.

fuck you

Is it so wrong to be on good terms with your exes? She's a girl btw.

you're playing with another girls heart

Usually someone will care more than the other and it's not good for that person. Also depends on how toxic it was. It's human nature to play games.

If anyone has any feelings left that would be me. But no, I wouldn't even date her again. And I'm absolutely certain she wouldn't either. We talked about this before.

>talking to a few casually as friends
>suddenly don't want to date any of them
Man being attracted to any girl who paid attention to you was much simpler.

>talking to a few casually
talking to a few girls*

In that case you're playing with fire because i bet if she hit you up asking you to be back with her you would. You're lying to yourself. Keeping your self in the back burner.

>If anyone has any feelings left that would be me.
>I'm glad there are no feelings left and we can be cool about it.
yeah no

I love the holidays, but they hurt so much because I know you love my brothers more than me. That’s why I bitch and get mad, because it’s the only time you’ll even talk to me. I’ve lived my entire life to make you proud, every single choice I’ve made in my life has been the one I thought you’d be the most proud of. Why don’t you ever see it?

So is there no way to be friends with her then? She was literally talking about her crush the last time and it didn't really hurt me. I have another girl I'm into lately.
But yeah I probably would accept if she offered to get back, if only for good times sake. But I honestly don't think we work out together well. She'll never make such a request though. Ever.

>So is there no way to be friends with her then?
my exgf is friends with like almost every single ex she was with, excluding me and a buddy of mine
>But yeah I probably would accept if she offered to get back, if only for good times sake.
see you're lying to yourself, might not hurt you infront of her talking about someone else, but it does somewhere deep down

You can be her friend when you no longer care about her.

Some guy walked up to my boyfriend and told him that if he didn't stop following him, he'd murder him. My boyfriend doesn't follow anyone, so it was probably just some tweaker. He's filing a police report now and it's probably nothing, but fuck it's scary. We both love really close by and walk all the time because we try to stay local and in our community, so theoretically this guy could follow us home and kill us for thanksgiving. FUCK. What do y'all think the chances of us dying tonight are?

I always have a good time hanging out with her though.
I used to. Since I have someone else to care about, my ex doesn't come into my mind too often.

I don't wanna lie to myself, obviously my feelings aren't 100% empty for her but I don't think there's enough left for me to care about her too much. I will always be aware of the fact that we dated and somehow relate to that in some way. But I'd much rather date new people now.

Then why hold on? It's not really fair to your new girlfriend if she is actually worthy of commitment.

My new crush has a bf though lmao.

You're all sorts of fucked up then.

Oh boy you're telling me? I need to meet more people. I need to go out more.

If you think you're going to mate poach you better be hotter and much more masculine then her current bf. However I would recommend that 1. You go no contact with your ex completely for at least 6 months and 2. Date single girls.

Or just try to stop being so codependent and learn to be happy alone.

My paranoia of STDs has gotten in the way of people inviting me to have sex with them multiple times

I keep getting terrified, what if the condom breaks? What if I get AIDS? If I'm with a female partner what if I get her pregnant?

i don't know where i went wrong but I'm deteriorating, i should do something rather than complain, even fucking up again would be better, great how my future is now ruined because of miserable people though

I'm tired man. I'm just so tired. Nothing interests me much anymore. Work is pointless and I'm bad at it, takes too much time and the rest is up for grabs by people I'm slowly losing interest in. It seems I've lost all creative power and sex drive. My hair is starting to fall out and it makes me feel weak. I've never realised my physical potential and it's a shame. I don't know what I want or need anymore. Nothing comes to mind.

It's harder to get aids from a woman. Generally women get aids from men, or men get aids from other men. If you get her pregnant or think you did just make her go buy a morning after pill. It'll fuck up their cycle but I've done this a few times.

Also ive never really worn condoms and I've never had an std

I've always thought that I'm bisexual at least in theory.

But I've had multiple chances to have sex, with both men and women. And it was usually those concerns that put me off. Also parts of my prospective partner's personality shrank my boner a little each time.


That's cool, man, you're entitled to your own opinion and all the bad vibes and karmic spiritual baggage that comes with it.

I'm trying bitch, but it's easier said than done. Been feeling a lot better about myself lately though.


E coli


God created aids to punish gays

I shall. Thanks for talking to me user. Appreciate it.