I don't understand why people bother to commit suicide instead of just changing themselves.
I don't understand why people bother to commit suicide instead of just changing themselves
I don't understand why people bother changing themselves for the same end result instead of just committing suicide
it is pretty silly
I don't understand why intelligent people bother answering on such stupid topics.
>why people bother to commit suicide instead of just changing themselves.
because they tried
because life is unfair
because some people dont have hope
because you can lose hope
because you can be in dark places
because some people dont trust others or the world
because some people hate themselves
because they feel like shit and want to die
because they understand philosophy
because they have hope
because they have a spark
because intelligence does not mean that you are at all times present and rational
because intelligence does not equal information
I dont understand why you people dont understand.
>because intelligence does not equal information,
YOU DUMBASS, it was a joke
You forgot the people that dont have a choice
Your joke was shit
Because there are some things some people can't change.
I dont understand why people bother to do anything.
As someone who has had an uncle commit suicide, and has had some suicidal thoughts in the past, it's not as simple as "changing yourself." Maybe when you're young.
But, my uncle was stuck on the other side of a failed marriage, paying alimony to a woman who was trying to suck him for everything she possibly could. He found himself closer and closer to the time he would finally be able to retire from the job he didn't really love, but thanks to divorce, he couldn't ever retire. He suddenly found himself without his family, sleeping in a crappy apartment, facing down the fact he was going to pay for his unemployed ex wife's lifestyle forever. So he shot himself instead of trudging through and suffering until dying later. It's super fucking sad, but I get it.
The times I've considered killing myself were mainly in situations where I thought there was no way out. I was once homeless. I mean, I got my way out of it eventually, obviously, but at the time, I had no future, I was cold and hungry, and my mom was actively trying to destroy any hopes of getting out of it.
It's not that simple, but suicide shouldn't ever be an answer, unless you're sick and suffering.
Tell me please just so i can understand why do you bend down and let everybody stick who knows what inside you?
>unless you're sick and suffering
...you do realize that this is why most people kill themselves, don't you?
Neither does anyone else. Countless studies have tried to understand more of this. It's a really complicated thing.
Memory's may be too strong or disturbing.
Technically, going from alive to dead IS a change, to themselves, that they bring about.
Google Poe's law
Great get, Low IQ response.
People obviously become consumed in a state of mind where it seems rational to end their own life, and the evidence for that is that people kill themselves. The typical person doesnt have thoughts of endings their life, so maybe its possible that some people don't understand what it is like. Try to consider what you'd have to feel to think that it makes sense to commit suicide.
At the end of the day you're going to be stuck doing something you hate, or stuck doing something until you hate it. I'm at the point where I'd rather die than work anymore
Everyone tells you to reach out for help, but when you do, everyone calls you a pussy and a burden.
It's a loss of hope in combination of emotional pain and turmoil.
>I don’t understand the lives of other people having never lived them
I'm schizophrenic, i have no emotions, i have no personality, i have no friends, i've never been in a relationship and i can't form them with people, i'll be 33 in 2 weeks.
how old are you? do you really need somebody to explain why other people are different from you? i have daily hallucinations and delusions that make life quite difficult. i can't just exchange a broken brain for a new one, it's very very lonely, and nobody really bothers to understand they just say stupid shit like "you just need to understand that everything is your fault" what would you like me to do?
>instead of just changing themselves.
1. it's inconvenient
2. risky: you are not sure whether new behaviors will bring desired results.
3. because it's harder some.
4. why? it will make your life better, but will it make it good/what he wants it to be.
>harder some.
harder for some.