autistic person got carried away by other stuff and killed himself
Why did they kill him?
Courtney killed him.
The "suicide" note says nothing of death.
He was "leaving" her, not this world.
If he filed for divorce, she would be forgotten.
(((They))) didn't kill him. Courtney killed him because she wanted his money.
he had shit music
He was the last one in the way of rap. They had to kill him to make young white children worship the blacks.
Cortney Love had him killed
>“There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad.”
That's shockingly accurate. I feel like a large segment of Jow Forums has all the love and hope in the world for humanity and it just endlessly gets stomped on by reality.
every single artist who made some impression killed himself
>That's shockingly accurate. I feel like a large segment of Jow Forums has all the love and hope in the world for humanity and it just endlessly gets stomped on by reality.