
So I was wondering about smoking, specifically cigarettes. Should I start? I'm 18, I know they are bad for you but shits hard and I hear nicotine is good, is it worth it? My dad smokes and he hasn't had any health issues related to it so idk if it's just myths surrounding negative effects. what are your experiences with smoking, and is it mostly good, bad? Also does the smell just follow you around permanently or is there a way to avoid this? Also would it be better to just smoke cigars?

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Your lucky you haven't smoked them yet. Don't fucking start you retard it's the most regretful thing you could do besides hardcore drugs. Smoke some weed, take some mushrooms and LSD or something

Smoking is quite possibly the worst thing you can do for your health that doesn't involve sharp edges or loud noises.
OK that's an exaggeration, but it's absolutely retarded to smoke. Vape if you really want nicotine, smoking is awful.
>but my dad smokes and he's fine.
Your dad smells like shit, his lungs are full of tar, and his life expectancy is 4-10 years shorter.

It goes nice with a beer or coffee but honestly, not worth it. Waste of money and bad for your health.

I'd vape if you want to get hooked on nicotine, though nicotine itself is carcinogenic. Most people do it to lose weight or because they got peer pressured into it. If you want to smoke something and ruin your lungs, weed is a better choice. Less carcinogens overall than cigs (apart from the ones generated by just burning anything at all) and you can actually get different highs by strain.

No. Smoking will make your life worse. You'll be poor after spending all your money on them and smoking is bad for your dating life

Extremely well planned marketing and branding for the past century has done everything they can to make sure you have the EXACT thought you're having right now.

Smoking cigarettes is great, you'll love it.
You won't love however the side effects of frequent smoking.
You are depleting the oxygen levels in your blood with every cigarette. This means your body is running in a weaker capacity.
You will feel sluggish, you will age faster, your hair may thin, your erections will be weak.
Having a cigarette once in a blue moon after a night of drinking with the lads, fine. Buying packs to smoke by yourself daily, bad idea. You're pushing your body's limits too far and the damage becomes apparent within a few months or years of smoking cigarettes.

Smoke cigars instead, or vape. both make you look like a faggot tho.

I've been smoking a decade and it's great. no ill effects. I'm not looking forward to dying of cancer but other than that it's wonderful.

>You'll be poor after spending all your money on them
if you don't have $10 a day to burn you're already poor

the worst thing you can do for your health is drive a car.

Don’t do it user, been down that road and have stopped smoking cigs but am now using a vape for nicotine, trying to quit smoking is a real struggle, then if you manage to quit affected two weeks I noticed blood in my snot quite a bit, and my chest hurt periodically after quitting as well.

It is not worth it man.

Cars are loud though.

>Smoke some weed, take some mushrooms and LSD or something
get a job you child

>if you manage to quit affected two weeks I noticed blood in my snot quite a bit, and my chest hurt periodically after quitting as well.
that's not supposed to be part of it, you should see a doctor

>nicotine itself is carcinogenic
No it isn't.

There is one huge benefit of smoking cigarettes.

If you take other drugs, like amphetamine, cocaine, opiates, benzodiazepines etc with a potential for serious addiction, you want to know what addiction feels like, so you can stop in time. Picking up smoking, then quitting, will allow you to experience abstinence first hand. You will know how your thought pattern changes and how taking the drug feels like the most correct thing to do, even though you decided not to. Very useful experience.

Other than that, no, don't start. The problem is that you will have to quit eventually (unless the serious health risks don't deter you), and even though you quit, you will never feel the same as before. Each day is a struggle.

If you do decide to start smoking, yes the smell follows you around for up to an hour or so after you've smoked, depending on your clothes. Cigars are preferred since the lung and throat damage is diminished. Cigarettes will noticeably impact your lung function even after a few months of consistent smoking. It feels kind of like your windpipe is getting narrower. You are also more susceptible to airway infections.
Nicotine itself isn't very interesting. It is a weak stimulant, it slows the digestion process slightly. It is only pleasant when you are addicted, before that, you feel slight nausea and discomfort.

>tobacco shill here
If you have to start (And you probably shouldn't), I would recommend chewing tobacco/snus instead. It's far less messy, doesn't have the same awful smell, and can be done without bothering people with annoying smoke. It is pretty bad to get addicted to something that is being increasingly restricted in where you can consume it.

Also, it's expensive, and since governments world wide seem to think increasing price will somehow stop chainsmokers, you can expect the price to go up on cigarettes.

Cigs feel amazing with alcohol though, even before being used to smoking

This. Don't smoke cigarettes dumbass. Especially if you've made it to 18 without having ever done it before. You're literally just burning your money and it could fuck your lungs up someday for the "coolness" factor equivalent to having sleeve tattoos or some shit.

Cons of smoking
>smells bad
>anti-social, majority of the west doesn't smoke any more
>teeth go yellow
>everything about you smells like tobacco and only you can't tell
>your cum will taste like shit, girls will no longer want to suck your dick
>kills your sense of taste and smell
>kills you sooner or later, often painfully
>every time you have a health issue a doctor will tell you to quit smoking before looking harder for other possible causes

Pros of smoking
>when you first start you get a momentary high from each lungful, similar to being mildly tipsy, that diminishes to zero once your body is accustomed to it

Smoking is great. Feels good. Smells good. And sluts love to smoke, youre pretty guaranteed pussy if you smoke!