I’m a 26 year old militant conservative proud white man. I’m not a racist

I’m a 26 year old militant conservative proud white man. I’m not a racist.

I have no place in this world. I look around and get more and more disgusted by society every day. I’m constantly pissed off. You can’t turn it off. My generation is full of losers and pussys and their dogs. I doubt I’ll ever find a wife, I’ve been with plenty of women but all of them are weird liberal bpd dykes.

I just want to go live on an island. There’s houses that are cheap and only accessible by boat in my state. I want to go live in one of them and delete all social media. I’m sick of hearing about trump every time I open my phone. I hate most of my friends. They all went to college and don’t work nearly as hard as me and make way less money but talk down to me like I’m an idiot.

I just want to go to an island in the woods and barricade myself off from society, get some big weed plants and load up on guns and ammo in case anyone ever stops by and tries to fuck with me. I’m sick of the gay agenda, I’m sick of hearing about women’s rights and black lives matter and shit.

I’m mostly disgusted by the pro fat movement and constant nerd culture worship even though I’m kind of a nerd myself. The lack of discipline or self improvement or moving on I see in everyone. The lazy thinkers and wannabe revolutionaries. There aren’t hardly any good women around these days, very slim pickings in this area, no ones loyal even the ugly ones

The old people are right, fuck the spineless millennial cuck generation, we’re all fucking doomed.

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>My generation is full of losers and pussys and their dogs.
>I just want to go live on an island and delete all social media.
>The lack of discipline or self improvement or moving on I see in everyone. The lazy thinkers and wannabe revolutionaries.
>I just want to go to an island in the woods and barricade myself off from society
bwahahahahahahahaha holy cognitive dissonance Batman!

just move to Mississippi it is the least educated state in the US, good luck OP

have you always been this way or did you used to be liberal at one point?

I had a phase where I was pretty liberal but it didn’t last very long and I attribute it to me being basically a naive child. But I’ve definitely noticed that society has become increasingly worse since than to the point where I notice shit daily that bothers me about people and society.

Yeah okay settle down.

Sounds like you can't change with the times.

People and society will always be changing. If you can't, you're left behind.

Does that mean that you could gobble down all that shit the far-left throws at you? No, but by God don't make politics your life. I've dropped it out of my topics to bring up with friends and family because really its just pointless. It helps I have moderate friends who can see both sides of the fence for better or worse.

If you can't adapt, you're a failed organism.

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Don’t see what this has to do with education much, I just see a strong correlation between people who attend college and then proceed to denounce their manhood, be disgusted by the idea of procreation, get overweight, adopt a dog, and play Pokémon into their 30s. All of the political beliefs match up for the most part too, I recently had a friend tell me my job was shit because I had overtime. “They shouldn’t have to pay people extra to stay late” this is the same guy that believes in $15 an hour for highschool McDonald’s workers.

The fact that we went from a few generations ago where everyone was a hard worker that provided for themselves and their families and actually had real meaning to their lives to what we have today isn’t only embarrassing, it’s just fuckin sad.

less educated states are always more conservative.

Probably because more people actually work for their money and don’t want higher taxes for free college and healthcare

If you REALLY want to get away from evetything, check Siberia

>I’m mostly disgusted by the pro fat movement and constant nerd culture worship even though I’m kind of a nerd myself
Wow, you might be a legitimate retard. There are dozens of social, political, and economic problems to be passionate about and disgusted by, but these are not one of them. That you actually think that these problems have any relevance to society shows how much time you spend alone on the internet.

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>militant conservative
>'nonracist' pothead, likely manwhore
>"I'm not willing to conserve anything and I'm mad that nothing is being conserved"
What did he mean by this? You could have just said "I hate taxes" and more people would have agreed with you.
It's almost like a meme degree in "higher education" doesn't mean much compared to doing something practical. Also, reminder that the real group dragging down statistics for the deep-red South isn't the hicks, it's the blacks.

Not him but I'm a Millennial software engineer born in 1986 who always hated this fee fees and social skills are everything culture. Now I have to accept people transition gender. Why? Because fee fees.

I have to accept a third world standard of living to prevent global warming to some people just because people in overpopulated lands refuse to stop breeding so much. I'm not stopping my car use and going on an inefficient bus having no privacy. I'm not eating lab grown meat and getting cancer from it.

That's because OP is your classic rube who's only affected by politics via shit like language policing and thinks it's the worst thing on the planet.

>why should I ever change my behavior to be slightly less of a dickhead if it inconveniences me

It is for people like me with social skills deficits. The fee fees first culture ruined everything.

Do you realize some people have social anxiety and don't want to spend all day in a crowded bus or crowded cities? Being around too many people wears me out and would make me less able to work.

I also want to keep my health in check. I'm not eating lab grown meat and risking my health just because of your morals. We are animals. Animals eat animals to survive. Do you condemn the lion for eating the antelope? If it's not wrong for lions or bears it's not wrong for me.

Or because they're more easily manipulated because they're less educated. College is hard work too, and most people work after college. Many people can't afford to go to college or don't get accepted due to poor performance in high school, that doesn't automatically make them harder workers.

And you were born with good social skills in an era where that's what counts the most.

Dude you gotta get this ideal version of the past out of your head. You don't know anything about what past generations did/didn't do and deep down you know there has always been lazy people, always been gay people and always been soibois. The real question is why do you care about what makes other people Happy? Do you really expect society to cater to what you find virtuous/appealing. Especially because I'm fairly certain that if I interrogated you about these things, you wouldn't be able to articulate what makes them virtuous/appealing. Look, you sound like a smart guy who wants to be a good person, but you gotta understand that society is nothing but the people living in it and you can't get mad at people who want to pursue things that make them happy. Try to be more empathetic

>waa waaa waaa
>muh millenials
cry more limp wristed faggot and pull the trigger already

Cry more about how I'm ruining the world by causing global warming. I know you think of me like some Captain Planet villain.

>Thinks everyone who doesn't agree with him is a strawman libcuck
>You called me out for my thin skin, you must believe in global warming.

Why are you constantly arguing against some idea of a crybaby liberal that you've constructed in your mind?
Why do you care more so much more about liberals being such pussies, instead of things like immigration, small government, economic deregulation, or abortion?

It's because you're a shitty Jow Forums tier "conservative" who gets gets his politics from memes, clickbait, and ragebait. Kill yourself.

>my social anxiety is so bad I can't go on a bus
>it's society's problem not mine!
>i can't go around eating lab grown meat
>doesn't consider not eating meat at all
>it's society's problem not mine!
>asked to tolerate trans people because they're people
>it's society's problem not mine!

I'm a 26 year old white man. I have two degrees, a post grad, and soon to be a second post grad. I'm tall, attractive, well spoken, and generally charming. I've lived with people from all over the world, gay straight some inbetween thing, whatever, and I'm discriminated against explicitly because of my penis and the color of my skin. I've read the research, I have nuanced opinions on the subject, but it doesn't matter at a superficial glance.

Suck it the fuck up. One of my degrees is in goddamned politics and people act like I'm a moron because my undergrad doesn't make me money. Do you know how degrading it is to hear ANY moron talk about politics at any given time? The issue isn't that they're talking about it and I'm some holier than thou pretentious fuckwit, it's that they haven't done the minimum of background research required to have an opinion on the subject, but insist to talk about it. Loudly and emotionally.

In general, delete social media. It's going to be outlawed for mental health reasons in a few years anyways, advertisers are the only ones who use that shit in the first place. Stop comparing yourself to your friends, get some goddamned hobbies, and stop being a whiny fucking faggot for no reason. I'm an old-school reasonable moderate human being, and it's perfectly acceptable everywhere but the internet, so only use the internet to talk about your hobbies like a real adult. Start eating more fruit, exercising more, and thinking positively.

You deserve success because it's your destiny, you can't choose which successes will be given without hard work. Stop treating other people the same way you think you're being treated, and just go live life. Worst comes to worst, leave North America; it's a corporate shithole designed to make you poor and depressed because it's too new to have a history.

right there with you bud

Move to a sane state like New Hampshire or Tennessee