What's with depression becoming so widespread? Every person I know, their friends and their friends' friends...

What's with depression becoming so widespread? Every person I know, their friends and their friends' friends, heck even me, seem to all have a certain degree of it. Why whenever I talk to my grandparents, my parents or their frends everyone seem to be perfectly fine, even if they lived in way worse times than we do now?

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Because it is trendy. Everyone wants to have attention. And when it seems like the person next to you is getting more attention and has more of a personalitt because giving up is easier than tryint, you do it too, and soom everyone is doing it because they saw it around them.

Mental illness back then meant you were sent to get lobotimized. See that kennedy daughter, rosalie? they did this to her. She’s a vegetable now. You shut your damn mouth back then if you felt bad.

Also why would they choose to remember the bad parts? Do you remember the bad parts of your childhood that well?


Previous generations fucked up and gave kids too much of a safe space and spoiled them. So their mom gets fed up with it and maybe yells at them here and there for being 22 living at home with no job. Maybe it gets heated and she will turn their PC off. And the kids think they have real problems to be depressed over.

Just shit in general like that. Everything went great for them and when one minor inconvenience happens it’s the end of the world.

I'm 24 and the difference between myself and a 21 year old is huge. It seems like depression and anxiety fb groups/subreddits have exploded in popularity and I remember my college friends making fun of me for having a flat affect and not taking care of myself.

I think you're right to observe there's a generational trend of depression. If I had to guess it's a combination of

>Less stigmatization of mental illness, see
>better diagnosis
>decrease in life opportunities compared to the boomer generation/bad economy/tough job market
>social isolation from stunted social development/addiction to electronic media

And that’s not to say real depression doesn’t exist obviously. If anything it’s made real depression worse.

For example my boyfriend struggles a lot with depression. His mother passed away when he was young, his family is poor, because his dads an asshole he can’t currently get an education. Grandmother recently passed away. Like shit just piles onto him, he deals with it the best he can but it still takes a toll.

And then I have another friend who gets upset that her mother gets angry at her being a whore. And she thinks she’s depressed because at the same time she can’t find a boyfriend. And then will get mad at me if I prioritize my boyfriend and his real issues over her entitlement.

Ranted a bit there but my point is, on top of this bullshit widespread of fake depression, it makes people with real depression feel shittier for their real problems.

Are you one of those Jow Forums boomers with brainworms who believes in QAnon or some shit?
>Muh snowflake generation

I don’t go on Jow Forums and I’m 18. Why does pointing out bullshit have to make me a boomer

>18 and a roastie

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I believe our dopamine reward systems are fucked. instant gratification is easier than every, and is accessible multiple times every minute, every day. Our brains weren't made to have dopamine overflowing all the time, every time we get a message, binge watch a series, masturbate to porn, get likes on social media, its nonstop. This constant instant gratification makes daily life seem boring and bland, and makes challenges seem overwhelming.

Even worse, I’m a fag

Lol. Talking about people older than you with authority when you're 18. Get off the computer and go to bed kiddo

I think it is because we have much more spare time than the older generation. We have time to think about our mental health, so we are more affected by things. The older generations were too busy to think about such things. Same reason why 3rd world people, even though they are going through far worse, aren't depressed. They don't have time to think about it, they just need to get by and try to survive.

Society took a disorder and replaced with it the word "bitch".

so what is the solution?

What does that have to do with anything? Because I’m 18 I can’t point out something people do because they are older? If some 30 year old dude cries because his mom booted him out of his house, I can’t say that he’s a loser?

Or did you just not have anything else to say so you were like
>haha ur a kid

booted him out of her house* my bad

On a species level or individual level? On a species level it's complicated. But on an individual level you can start by cutting out instant gratification from your life. Porn, masturbation, tv, movies, social media, youtube, junk food, weed, drugs, candy, alcohol, etc. Fill in your vice and remove it. Easier said than done. Use these as rewards, like the dopamine system was made for in the first place. Save them for times when you've done the right thing, accomplished a goal, overcame a challenge, etc. Thats the next part, setting goals and working towards them. Toughen up, become stronger mentally and physically, get used to hard work again like we were made for.

There's a reason the Amish are rated up there for happiest people around. They follow the same program. They don't have instant gratification, youtube, candy, drugs, alcohol, and they work fucking hard all day, and they're happy as fuck. Then normal civilization is the opposite, we have all the joys we want within arms reach, but we don't work hard, and we're unhappy. You have to ask yourself whats going on here.

Decades of neoliberal corporatism has eroded the middle and working class way of life. Widespread depression is a natural consequence of a deteriorating society.

Because it's more socially acceptable to talk about these days.

Also nobody really mentioned this yet but you generally tend to surround yourself with people like yourself. People unintentionally gravitate towards and surround themselves with the familiar. That's why you have a lot of "i don't know any republicans" or "where do you even meet girls", so you may be experiencing this effect. You're depressed and what does depressive behavior attract? Other depressed people.

because you're a mentally ill millennial/zoomer that grew up on the internet. hope it was worth it, dumbass.

This guy gets it. Its the internet. Your parents and grandparents didn't have it. they had actual human interaction and went outside and had lives. We are borgs that stare at a screen all day.

I don't know if this is related to depression at all, but I don't get what people meant by 'happiness is a choice'. How the fuck is that the case? Do people who say this fool themselves into thinking 'i gotta be happy i gotta be happy' whenever they get sad? That's a lot of work if that's case.

Whenever I get sad I just let myself get sad, wallow in sadness and gloom for a while (it takes longer for me to be sad before being ok again than normal people), delve into any activity that doesnt necessarily make me happy but I do it because I want to, then eventually just let time work its magic and i get over it.

Bu recently when i was upset again people just told me 'remember its your choice to be happy'. I mean what the fuck? Just let me be sad and alone for a while I'll be ok soon i dont need to force myself to be happy on the spot. Maybe they're just mistaking the time I take to be sad before getting over it as me being a constantly gloomy fucker all the time. And they get upset when i tell them i want to be alone first, telling me to 'not push people away.' I'm fucking not. I just need space to be sad for a while, damn.

So sorry for ranting Jow Forums, but am i missing or misunderstanding something when they tell me those kinds of shit?

Cause they are not little fag talking about their feeling with others

Ding ding ding ding

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These two mostly

talking about feeling depressed is not a symbol of depression
most people with a problem prefer to avoid talking about it rather than venting it out

Up until recent years mental illness was seen as a sign of weakness rather than a disease and people suffering from it were heavily stigmatized by the church and society. That's why people lied about family members committing suicide and still do in especially religious or rural regions where everybody knows everybody else. Especially men just treated their issues with alcohol and swallowed all negative emotions to not appear weak, this is still an issue for men with actual mental health issues. Also psychiatric treatments were for the most part brutal and ineffective for a very long time and an argument could be made that psychiatry was historically used as a tool to enforce societal norms rather than mental health so not a lot of people would willingly seek professional help.
I really doubt that everybody that claims to be depressed actually is tho, especially the people that bring up their self diagnosed depression in every fucking conversation

It's the chemtrails, maaaaan


Mentally Illness isn't essentially a permanent thing, it can come and go away. In fact, most people experience it. I think the statistic was 1 in 4 people could be diagnosed with a mental ilness in the past six months?
Experiencing anxiety and depression in some stages in life is completely normal.

An abundance of things, the way we live as people the way communities interact people’s lifestyles etc, I’ve thought the same thing since most people I know seem to have depression or bipolar which is very common now.

I just think it’s weird how we live in one of the best times on this planet we’ve made many advances in medicine and entertainment etc yet people can’t find happiness.

It's mostly men who are depressed. It's much much harder for average men to get laid. Only the top 20% get pussy on demand. It's harder to get women if you have a career because women have careers and don't need your money.

You can thank feminism for the breakdown of society