ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

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Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>dick questions
There's no point in trying with you guys.

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

Attached: male-female.png (464x300, 40K)

Girls, need some recs for men's cologne. Considering changing my scent (which I hardly remember to wear).

After how many dates is sex expected? How do I ask? Want to have some sex now?

>we send each other pictures of our pets
>we meme with each other
>we text daily
>we play video games or watch stuff together occasionally
>we have never heard each other's voice

Is this weird as fuck or is this just something girls do?

wow I can't believe I wasted that triple 6

Don't. Just use deodorant and you're good. The chemical stench of cologne is generally unpleasant.

There's no general rule when. Just start to get more physical with her and she'll respond if she's ready. Just ask her to come over after a date, she'll get it that you want sex. If she doesn't want to bang, she'll tell you.

Either she's insecure, not into you or a guy. Impossible to say for sure.

I don't know that it's weird but it's not healthy if you love her.

we're just friends. I think.

Im trying to be on the friend zone, can a guy and a girl really be just friends?


can't just have no contact with my ex-gf
not being in contact at all sucks, she doesn't want to be together because she wants the cock carousel
said to me i'm like a drug, when i'm around her
would it be too much to ask, if we could just remain in contact? granted i accept the whole situation without making an ass out of myself i.e. texting her "i want you back" crap


I’ve been trying to get over you, truly doing all I can, but it doesn’t seem to work at all. I hoped I’d meet someone else, and realize how unimportant our connection really was. I wanted to be proven naive and idealistic, and forget you easily. I hoped I’d realize how I was just afraid of being alone, instead of madly in love. Alas. Nobody I’ve met sparks even the tiniest interest in me. Nobody else I’ve hooked dated makes me feel anything but mild annoyance at their expectations. Nobody I’ve hooked up with does anything but remind me of you. My hobbies manage to distract me, until I remember I won’t be able to talk about them with you, show you what I’ve learned. I finally started hitting the gym regularly, and going to therapy, but neither of these help me sleep better at night. My job’s going well, and I couldn’t care less. Everybody says to just give it time, but I don’t see it - it’s not that the wounds are fresh and need to scar, but that my soul is empty without you. I take frequent naps during the day, but I’m not particularly tired. I just want to stop existing for a bit, to stop missing you. I do not conceive myself ever caring for anyone else, and so I must make peace with living without caring. It is not the loneliness that bothers me, it is the distinct lack of you. I miss you. I miss your mannerisms. I miss your way of talking, how you hugged me from behind, your disheveled hair and grumpiness in the morning, the way you scratched my head. I miss holding you against me. I miss you, and I will never be at peace with not having you close. The only thing I can do is to make peace with the apathy that remains in your stead.

Love you. Miss you.

Yes but you have to not be romantically interested in each other. You can maybe be mutually attracted, but the first sign of romantic interest on either side ruins it.

I have tons of online friends I haven't spoken to. Not sure why that is weird. I don't have a mic on my computer, and I haven't bothered picking one up either.

Why do you think its weird? You are just Online acquitances sending memes to each other, voice doesn't really matter.

>Why do you think its weird?
out of the small handful of people that I've called an online buddy, we've all started voice chatting at least a month or two after meeting. I've been buddies/friends(?) with her for almost 6 months.

Can one be jealous of platonic friends?
A female friend of mine gets jealous when I talk to other girls, but she claims to not have feelings for me. She has a bf and all I want is to be in the friendzone with her, but it seems so unfair to me that she is treating me almost like a bf while claiming its just 100% platonic. Am I right to feel upset?

So... guys.

I sorta hooked up with a co-worker. It's not really an issue, rules wise, but it's been a weird rollercoaster so far, and I'm not sure if I should expect this to be over soon or what. It's my first relationship, so I pardon me if some of this should be obvious
>tl;Dr, guy at work had a tragedy happen (parent died), I try to comfort him, and one thing lead to another, and suddenly I spend a lot of nights at his place, and we chill out with movies or games after work together. Feels good, and I have begun to really like him
>at first he seemed to be outright in love with me, but as time passed, and he got better, he seems to be less and less... interested
>we still spend some time together, and we still sleep together, but he just seems like I'm not really important anymore
>he is starting to be active again, and is spending increasing amounts of time doing hobbies or playing Tennis at the local club, than with me.
>there is also a stark contrast between his 20 daily "I love you"s, to just one when we go to sleep
>he is currently arranging a vacation with 2 friends, without me, for summer vacation.
It feels pretty bad... I'm a rather shy person in general, and I don't want to seem... bitchy, or stop him from doing what he wants (being honest, I really don't want part of that trip, so I am not really sad about not being invited), but it just seems like he went from me being the center of his world, to being increasingly excluded.

Is there anything I can do to change this?is it just a natural development of a relationship? Or is it over already?

>out of the small handful of people that I've called an online buddy, we've all started voice chatting at least a month or two after meetin
Weird, but alright.

I guess I just dont see the point. I prefer to stay mostly gender neutral anyway, it's not like it really matters if it is someone who live thousands of miles away from me.

I finally managed to sleep with the guy I have crushed on for 5 years. Through countless flirts, suggestions and teasing, I finally got together with him, confessed, and for down and dirty.

Problem is, this guy is a friend of my older brother. I am 20, he is 24, like my brother. I was told to keep this a complete secret to my brother. I am not sure I can, but I am pretty sure I don't want to. He doesn't have a good relationship with his family, and I want to invite him for Christmas. It's not like my family doesn't know him, he has been lifetime friends with my brother.

Is this really an issue? He is the first and only guy I've ever been interested in, and it's not like he is a womanizer. He is a bit of a dorky geek, but he is cute. I kinda just want to tell my brother, because I personally don't care about his opinion, but at the same time, I don't want to ruin the friendship between them.

What do I do?

>guy at work had a tragedy happen (parent died), I try to comfort him

You just told yourself what happened. You were his comfort in a time of weakness and vulnerability when he felt wrong-footed and a bit more alone in the world. Now he's recovered some and is realizing that maybe he's not that in to you after all. Tough shit.


what are some psychological side effects from prolonged social isolation?

Not being able to look people in they eye. Social anxiety. Blushing heavily when talking to just a cashier. Being mentally exhausted after talking to a person for about 15 minutes. Stuttering. Overthinking everything you did socially for month.

t. shut-in since 7th grade.

Being an incel.

why did my heart overlook the fact
that my ex fucked with someone else
and i stuck it to her?

why am i still emotionally invested in that chick
and she is too

You've slept with him once. He's not your boyfriend, and it doesn't sound like he wants to be your boyfriend either, so why invite him to Christmas?

Also don't tell your brother. You're going to fuck up their friendship

Good chance his friendship with your brother is over, or is at least going to be weird and cold for a while. They'll probably be able to patch it up if you guys stay together long enough but no one wants to give up their little sister to a friend.

I was worried about that... Is there nothing I can do to keep this alive then? We talked together pretty well before as well, and he was usually the one to initiate back then.

>He's not your boyfriend, and it doesn't sound like he wants to be your boyfriend either
Sounded like it when I talked to him. Well be going on later today too.
>why invite him to Christmas?
Because again, he doesn't have a family to celebrate it with, and he is a well known to my family. We normally just hold it the 4 of us (my parents and my brother), and sometimes a girlfriend of my brother if he has one at the time, so I don't see why not. Especially given he is really close friends with my brother, and has been for as long as I can remember.

>Also don't tell your brother. You're going to fuck up their friendship
But why? Why is it that big of a deal?

>They'll probably be able to patch it up if you guys stay together long enough
Oh that's good to know. I can deal with hiding it then, if we come out next year and say we have an anniversary or something, it might be a bit easier to deal with?
>no one wants to give up their little sister to a friend.
Wouldn't that be the best case? Would you really prefer some random guy you don't know who is? Unless he has reason to believe his friend would be an asshole to me, that should be fine, shouldn't it?

How do I control my jealousy?

Is there any time I'd be entitled to be jealous?

why when i'm ugly do women act defensive around me? i don't even want to fuck you

Either they act defensive because you give them a reason to (weird looks, how you move, etc), or they don't, and you are just imagining things.

Don't think so highly of yourself. People don't react just because you are in close proximity.


This question goes to either gender,

Do you take selfies to appeal to your sexual pref?

Are there any attributes to those photos or about you that you try to hone in or express in them?

Come on user, you obviously know the answer to this. If it's becoming a serious issue, then call her out on it the next time she acts that way. Either she agrees it's irrational to act like that, or she gets mad or something and you can go find yourself a friend who lets you be friends with whatever gender person you want.

>it might be easier to wait a year?
Fuck no. Would you rather have the truth up front or find out your mate has been lying to you for a full year?

>Wouldn't that be the best case?
Fuck no. You know more about your friends than strangers. You know when your friends have treated women badly and you've seen them being crude and rude and while you might like them as a person that doesn't mean you necessarily want them dating someone you know. Even if this guy of yours is the perfect gentleman and everyone thinks so (very unlikely) sisters are off limits, they always have been, simply because you don't want to ever have to hear their sex stories, even by accident, and it's hard to look at someone the same way when you know that he's holding your sister down and fucking her in the ass on a daily basis.

Should I run a mile if a girl said all 3 of these to me? "I hate drama" "most of my friends are guys because girls are too much drama" "I'm not like most other girls"

You should run a mile if you're taking advice from facebook memes based on screenshots of tweets.

Why do girls in school act so motherly to me? I accidentally bumped into this one girl and she fell on the ground and she slapped me because of that. A load of the other girls went to her and bitched at her and ostracised her because she slapped me. They all came to me then and said stuff like "poor user, are you ok? did that bitch hurt you? and then started all rubbing my head and shit

What? A girl in college literally said these things to me. I want to know if it means shes fucked up

Weird LARP but okay.

Its not a fucking larp

What does it mean if a guy casually jokes with me what I'd think if I had his second name? We were in bed cuddling at the time?

He hates you.

Go back to r9k. This board is for serious replies no basement dwelling incel edgelords.

>ask a stupid question get a stupid answer


Is it unreasonable for a man who held himself to the standard of keeping sex for relationships and not being promiscuous, to want a girl who shares the same values?

I’ve been told i’m an unreasonable prick

Yes she is.


That’s a huge red flag of being a total whore

My guy friend is constantly joking about having a small dick which makes me think he’s actually above average for some reason. Why would a guy with a small dick joke about it and bring it up in conversations with women, including one he claims to be interested in sexually? It makes no sense to me.

Why does a girl from college I'm sorta flirting with over facebook messenger want a dick pic so bad? Shes obsessed. Every time I talk to her she always wants to see my dick. Shes 19 and I'm 24. Shes kinda weird sometimes. She said she sometimes imagines what it would be like to have a dick

He sounds retarded. He’s probably hoping you or the other girl will say “nuh uhhh! Let me see!”

Shes hot as fuck though and she has big tits. And she likes to cook food for me when I go over to her flat

She’s possessed by the Dick Demon. It’s making her crave dick and she’s on the border line of crossing over from normal girl to a total slut. All she needs is the push across the line..

How do I fall in love lads?

right ok. but really whats her boggle? is she just really horny?

>using rationalization to cover for a whore
Retard. Girls like this can bring you nothing good.

One of my friends says the same things as her “women are drama” and the other shit. She’s a total mess. She’s fucked almost all of her guy friends, she is constantly fucking dudes off tinder. She has anxiety and depression and freaks out all the time. and she puts herself into wreckless situations

Yeah probably. The demon is making her crave dick so much she’s asking for dick pics. The first man who fucks her will flip a switch in her and she will go into total slut mode and fuck around with a lot of men.

But I'm horny virgin

you might want to stick your dick into that
you will also lose a piece of your heart my man
don't do that to a vicious little snake

obviously you’re not going to listen to us. But when you do start seeing this girl and come to realize she’s a fucking disaster I want you to remember and think “oh I’m an idiot for not listening to the lads”

Have an attractive and fun girl give you attention. That's where I'm at right now.

Small dick jokes are in fashion. 10 years ago we all joked about having big dicks. Now the only people who don't make small dick jokes about themselves are the ones with small dicks.

Girls, y/n on being fingered during oral?

I think I have a small dick desu

He's trying to let u know so when you see it at least you were forewarned. Thus filtering out ppl who have a problem with it (and might say or do something very hurtful)
If it were true would that be a problem?

I will listen to you but what about my dick? This could be my chance to have sex

Offer her to see it in person
To put her mouth where your money is

I'm still anxious abut it though. Because I have a really small dick and I'm afraid she will make fun of me. Its 2 inches soft and 4 inches hard

lol you will regret it

Are veins attractive? Jow Forums tells me they are, mine are visible, but ive never heard of this before.

Dont fall to peer pressure


This basically

Dont be a retard. Be a man who controls himself and his desires.

What if multiple girls do that and the charm wears off?

But I controlled my desires all my life. I'm fed up being in my 20s and still virgin

I had a girl tell me “it’s good you stick by your values, and you should. But you should NEVER judge a girl based off her values. If she values casual sex, you should just accept that”

Have sex with a girl that you actually like, such as a gf. She won’t judge you for being a virgin and she will make it an easier experience. If you go lose your vCard to a slut, they will know and call you out on it.

How can the charm of being given attention wear off? If you're not depressed but actually serious, then you become a stoic Ubermensch and become a soldier of God and fix the world to the best of your abilities
So? Sex should be between people who love each other. You will feel worse after meaninglessly losing your virginity.
>I had a girl tell me
If great men listened to women, we'd still be in the middle east.

>I controlled my desires all my life
That is something to be proud of, not detest.

Of course I love attention, just that I don't automatically fall in love with cute girls who pay attention to me anymore.

Well sure, that's note understandable. You should not try to fall in love. A few cute girls are giving me attention recently but I only feel for one of them. Dont force it. Just make sure you're not depressed.

>I don't automatically fall in love...ANYMORE
Yeah, you're depressed (or possibly just maturing). You need to self reflect and maybe see a therapist or friend to talk.

>Would you rather have the truth up front or find out your mate has been lying to you for a full year?
Ah, fair point, I misunderstood. Alright, I'll see about bringing it up then.

>simply because you don't want to ever have to hear their sex stories, even by accident, and it's hard to look at someone the same way when you know that he's holding your sister down and fucking her in the ass on a daily basis.
I guess that's a fair issue, but it's a bit silly, isn't it? It's not really his business at the end of the day.

Isn't there something I can do to alleviate the issue a bit?

Sex question for both, sorry if this isn't the right place to ask:
I had sex with my gf for the first time and had major issues orgasming. It wasn't because a lack of chemistry or anything, it just took an hour+ of effort and me having to finish myself off after a lengthy blowjob (I could tell vaginal intercourse wasn't going to do it for me, I was getting way more stimulation from her blowing/jerking me). Next morning we have sex again and this time I outright couldn't climax, not matter how much we did. I looked it up and seems like this happens to people whose bodies are used to fast jerk-off motions in order to orgasm and not used to the slower pace of actual sex, which falls in line with my habits.

But on the plus side, I was hard for the entirety of both sessions. She ouright came and said I had the stamina of a pornstar.

Anyway, is this something I can simply fix by changing masterbation habits, or shit I should see a Doctor about? And should I even bother if it'll come at the expense of my ability to stay hard for so long? I'd rather her pleasure come before mine, so I don't mind having orgasm issues if it means I can last for long periods of time. And I feel like the more experience we get in bed together the easier it'll be for me to get there.

Femanon here, no, that's perfectly reasonable.

The issue is when guys who has fucked 10+ girls want a pure virgin, and are salty that the good girl virgin's refuse them.

Oral for whom?

If I am giving oral, I don't want to be fingered. The position will become way too awkward to make it comfortable anyway.

You are doing something wrong if you aren't using hands as well when giving oral to a girl.

so it’s perfectly fine that as a 28 year old who has only had sex within relationships, I should never settle for a woman who has had casual sex right?

The last girl I dated, I broke up with her as soon as I found out she used to do that shit. She got really offended and said to me “all girls have hooked up before, you’re going to die alone. Stop being a prick and grow up”

He's still having sex with you, still saying he loves you. So it's all there. Men are usually very honest about this sort of thing your best option is to talk to him. We can try to nibble at all these clues you collected, but above all you need to keep open communication with the man you love. I mean, if it's love, and you're using that word, and it's real; then it's weird that you aren't communicating well enough already and you're having these doubts.

> he seems to be less and less... interested
You want him to be more interested.
>It feels pretty bad.
Why? Because you want him to express his love for you more.
>Is there anything I can do to change this?
Change what? In the few hundred of words you just wrote, none of them stated what you actually want. This is probably your issue. Be honest with yourself and articulate what you want (to yourself first), and then to the man you love.

You want him to express his love to you more, so you feel a sense of security. Just say it.

>But why? Why is it that big of a deal?

>I was told to keep this a complete secret to my brother.
Why? If your brother loves you he will understand. He'll want you to have the best man you can find, and the fact he's already friends with this guy means he trusts him and he's a good man.

>Is this really an issue?

If your brother responds badly, then explain the above to him. What could go wrong? A barbaric "no man shall fuck my sister!" response? I mean idk what you're expecting to happen. The only thing that could go wrong is the fact you kept this a secret from him. You could've done this with his blessing all along, but instead you guys chose to keep secrets from your brother and friend.

>I don't want to ruin the friendship between them.
If that happens somehow, then your brother doesn't think he's really such a good man. And if that's true, then why is your brother friends with him?

>What do I do?
Apologize to your brother for keeping secrets for him and yeah tell him.

Are you Hitler?

Please remember this man is so desperate for recognition that he took the time to get a tripcode on an anonymous imageboard.

What do you girls mean when telling an Ex

>maybe in 10-15 years if we're still single we could try it again
>You just might be the one, this might be a big mistake, but i have to make it somehow

I don't understand why you guys are so mean to girls for no reason. She was there for a man she liked in a time of need. She continues to be a loyal and loving girlfriend. And he still says "i love you" and hangs out with her.

...and yet you see a problem with this somehow?

It did me well in live. It ends whenever you feel like ending it.

>if we come out next year and say we have an anniversary or something, it might be a bit easier to deal with?
Holy shit fuck no. The secrecy is what's going to hurt your brother. And you're sitting here contemplating escalating this secrecy for a fucking year?
Lol good luck to you, woman.

It means what you think it means, anonette. He's imagining the possibility of being with you.

When men first meet a women (that we like), we go through rapid phases. It's something like, "is she beautiful omg so hot"
into "she's nice/cool/fun I like her i can't wait to see her aagin"
into "I know her kinda well now, could i be with this woman"
into "thinking... hmmm..."
into "I love her" and relationship.

You're in the middle right now.

degenerate. You can do better than him.

Depends if you're male or female, where they are, etc...
I want you to have the best answers, so you should go to /soc/ and post some pictures they'll give you honest replies.

In my case, I get big veins on my forearms, it makes me look real strong and muscular, and girls have always loved it about me.


Yes, that's a big deal because it shows she doesn't value herself. Her "price" so-to-speak is incredibly low. Actually free, by definition of casual sex. If it bothers you, you will never ever get over it. You were valid to do that.

Then ignore me. I won't hurt you and I'm here to help people as best I can. Getting a scrap of attention in the process is inconsequential. I'm still anonymous.

No it's not. If his friend is such a good man, then he's precisely the kid of guy he'll want his sister to marry.

Granted it would be weird if he raped her or something, or manipulated her into a pump-and-dump or whatever it's called. But it's not, it sounds like he's treating her well and they have a great relationship.

How do I get a gf? I'm not fat, I'm not nervous around women (or anyone for that matter as I love attention). I've had lots of girls in the past tell me i'm smart and funny but they never seem to hit on me or ask me out except for one really hot girl back in college but she had a boyfriend so I had to end it with her after a month or 2 as I felt bad for her boyfriend.

So there's this top tier teacher in my uni.

She wrecks entire classes and was somewhat cold to me giving me the vibe that I was a stupid annoying student, but when I last bumped into her she had the greatest smile on her face saying hello to me.

Then, I had to write a paper and she was the one grading it, I expected to get wrecked and was quite stressed about it, but she ended up saying it was great work, it really went in depth etc and we had a small discussion about the paper.

Now, I received a mail saying how she was delighted about what we exchanged, that she took much pleasure from reading my work and that I shouldn't hesitate to contact her about my future.

What the fuck is happening? Is she sincere?
What should I do?

Attached: man-sweating-desk-590kb0712101.jpg (590x393, 48K)

What age

She's not hitting on you if that's what you're suggesting.
The best teachers I've ever had were the ones that knew how to both be kind and blow the fuck out of students.
She IS sincere, but it's more surface-level than you think.

lmao you sound extremely desperate