And if not, why is it ok for m*n to reject girls on their looks or body? It's the exact same thing
Is it ok for me to reject guys on height?
Go back to Jow Forums, larping bitter male virgin.
Yes. What's his height? I'm asking for science.
I normally only swipe right on people 6'2"+. Before the virgins here get upset, I look great most girls can't be so picky.
This. Never been more clear than the fact men has been censored. Anyone who falls for this is actually mentally handicapped.
Typical virgins, can't answer the question have to live in larpland
It's cool since I'm MGTOW.
Women are an actual joke, so you can have the scraps if you want
The only problem is that this is bait and you're not a girl.
Nah, I'm a women who associates with feminids. You're not fooling anyone, no one censors men as an actual anti-male women. It's very clear you're larping.
Yes, because they'll all kill themselves physically or mentally so who cares? It's about you
You can reject anyone based on anything
I know you're RPing, but Jow Forums attracts a specific type of guy, who hasn't learned to deal with rejection properly. The fact that most people aren't going to be attracted to you is somehow insulting to them.
It is generally not ok to reject anyone for body features that they cant change, but this is the real world and not everyone is on the same page moral wise.
Usually when women always feel free to reject guys for their height, then turn right around and feel offended if a guy doesnt want to date a women for her weight, when those are two completely different things. A guy can never change his heights significantly, that's a birth thing. Anyone can change their lifestyle to a more healthy "thin" figure. If you were to compare similar things like guys reject a girl for her height then at least these are consistent.
If you want to reject guys for their height, go ahead. It's wrong but go ahead. All that I think most people would ask for if you're set on that is to not be a hypocrite about it, or feeling sympathy seeing people reject you or people you know because of some shallow shit.
Not her (him) but height is inheritable and weight isn't. Brutal but true, although obviously this doesn't matter for tinder.
Yes it's perfectly fine to reject men for any reason you choose. Who ever told you otherwise?
Also no the sexual selection between men and women is not "the exact same" if it was we'd all be women and lay eggs.
I reject any woman that isn't at least 5'8
Feel free to reject men- whatever
>It is generally not ok to reject anyone for body features that they cant change,
Yes it is. Absolutely is.
Imagine how ugly humans would be if we all thought like you.
bait thread but yes obviously you're allowed to like what you want
Yeah I guess it would be fine to pick and choose. But this is bait and the 0.0000000000001 percent chance that this is real and you're conventionally attractive I wouldn't date you because even on an anonymous anime image board you sound like a roastie wanker
You're attracted to what you're attracted to and it's perfectly fine for both genders.
LARPing is something like a war reenactment or Renaissance fair shit. Online it's just RP.
It's fine to reject people you're not attracted to, for whatever reason. Dating and relationships seem somewhat like an economy in the sense of demand and lowering or rasing one's standards in relation to your own average perceived attractiveness. If you still find attractive partners obviously it's fine.
what the fuck is a feminids?
if a girl wanted me to fuck her but she was really ugly (facial deformity) I wouldn't.
Fact that this is bait aside
> Is having X standard justified
Sure, just don't go blaming anybody else if you end up alone because of it
It's the new term for Feminazi, presumably coined by those who think feminists are nightmares but have no problem with nazi's. Explicit men haters, basically.
People are allowed to have preferences and its incel logic to assume you are required to ignore sexual compatibility to spare the male ego. Would you really want to be in a relationship with someone who found you physically repulsive?
Men aren't rejecting you on your genes, we reject women who choose to be fat. Being short isn't a choice
I do push ups for fun
takes the edge off when I can't smoke
yes, but be prepared to be a bitter and disappointed catlady whose frozen eggs won't defrost properly.
such a funny (and true) story
feminism backfired
Yes and this is coming from a manlet. You can reject people for any reason. However, dont be an asshole about it. If you are like “lmao are manlets even human?!? hehe” then dont be suprised if people dont like you. Hell, even some tall guys will dislike you if you say that
Friendly reminder to ignore all incel posting!
That includes larps
Report, ignore, move on
You're a fucking retard. You fall for bait and then masturbate over the concept of it going wrong.
friendly reminder: your eggs are rotting as we speak.
> implying I have eggs
oh so you're a tranny then, thanks for confirmation.
Fuck off
No, it's not okay. t. 203cm. That's 6'8 for you amerilards.
anyone can reject anyone for any reason
this b8 is terrible
My first love wasn't ugly by any means, but she was extremely dorky and goofy in appearance. I kinda wish my childhood would've played out differently than it did. Would've made her mine before high school was out, kissed that birthmark on her neck until she accepted how adorable it is.
I don't think I'd reject someone just because of their looks, unless we're talking the most extreme cases. For instance, there's this one guy I know whose mouth is so rotted, you can smell him from about 10 feet away. He's kinda like a fart too, you round the corner with your mouth open, just as his ass is yawning, and you're going to be making a pretty fucking hilarious face. He's been turned down by multiple girls, even ones he's had a great connection with, and I don't blame a single one of them.
Now, would I ever approach someone who isn't particularly attractive to me? Probably not. There's a lot of shit that goes along with approaching someone, and I need a pretty powerful motivator to make me do it. If they want to do the hard part, and I find them otherwise charming, I'll do it.
You can't really compare someone's height to obscene ugliness though. It's more arbitrary than race and a lot less glaring a contrast. A girl can be taller than me, and I'll gladly manhandle her until she's crawling into my lap like an Amazonian concubine.
It's shallow as fuck and you'd be a hypocrite to complain about guys rejecting girls based on their physical attributes, especially ones they can't change, but ultimately you have a right to reject anyone you want.
I am 5'10 woman and I've dated men shorter than me, unless he's a literal midget I really don't care
You can reject them for whatever you want, honestly. But nobody really owes you a sense of grace or decency. Just try to be aware of that.
What, you really wanted to confirm that brainlet idea?
Do whatever you like. Why do you even want validation for it.
I mean, it's fine for girls to reject guys on their looks and bodies too, so it's not really equivalent to say
>girls reject guys on height
>guys reject girls on looks and bodies
It's more
>girls reject guys on height, looks and bodies
>guys reject girls on looks and bodies
And the concept just seems bizzare to me, as a guy. Sure, I'd prefer a girl shorter than I, but if she's good looking and I get along grand with her then why the fuck would I reject her because she's too tall? Priorities, people.
People definitely do have the right to reject someone for any reason, if a girl isn't attracted to short men, there's nothing she can do about it, that's just how she feels. Some women do definitely have a double standard though when a guy rejects her for being overweight, you're right about that but I'm sure a lot of short men do the same. Bottom line is, you don't control who you're attracted to, it's wrong to shame or attack anyone for a dating preference of any kind.