War of Northern Aggression/ Reconstruction Red Pill Thread Anonymous (ID: mxNCitnm) CF 02/10/19(Sun)21:03:11 No...

War of Northern Aggression/ Reconstruction Red Pill Thread Anonymous (ID: mxNCitnm) CF 02/10/19(Sun)21:03:11 No.202774638 Archived▶ In this thread we recommend red pills that expose the eternal Yankee. I am especially interested in books or articles that tell the truth about the War and Reconstruct
>The Southern Taxpayer: Tariffs were the main source of all Federal revenue from 1790 to 1914. Southern Democrats wrote and passed the tariff laws in the 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s, and kept reducing rates, so that the 1857 rates were down to about 15%, a move that boosted trade so overwhelmingly that revenues actually increased from just over $20 million in 1840 to more than $80 million by 1856. By 1860, these American tariff rates were 90 percent of all federal tax revenues.

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Why don’t you just get over the fact that the North fucked up in nearly every way and still won the war, proving how even given every advantage, Southerners are as retarded as every stereotype portrays them to be.

Why don't you blow it out your ass?

>American Exporter: Cotton was already America’s leading export by 1821. By 1850, Southern cotton accounted for nearly 60 percent of the nation’s total exports. The South relied on the West for much of their food and livestock, and on the North Atlantic states for most of their clothing and machinery. By 1860, it provided more than two-thirds of the country’s exports.
>The Cotton Triangle: New York shipped Southern cotton to Europe, returned with immigrants and European goods, brought those goods to the South, and thence returned to NYC with cotton through the packet shipping system. There was no South-Europe leg of the “cotton triangle”. US foreign trade rose in value from $134 million in 1830 to $318 million in 1850. It would triple again in the 1850s. Between two-thirds and three-fourths of those imports entered through the port of New York.
>Sectional Roles: The shift of so much land and effort into cotton-growing meant that the people of the South relied on the West for much of their food and livestock, and on the North Atlantic states for most of their clothing and machinery. In turn, they provided more than two-thirds of the entire nation’s exports, which brought in the specie that allowed commerce and growth in all sections.

>Corporate Boondoggles: Much of the tariff revenue collected from Southern consumers was used to build railroads and canals in the North. Between 1830 and 1850, 30,000 miles of track was laid. Mostly, these tracks benefited the North. However, much of it had no economic effect at all. Many of the schemes to lay track were simply a way to get government subsidies. Corporate fraud and corruption were rampant.
>Protectionist Coup: By 1860 American tariff rates were among the lowest in the world and also at historical lows by 19th century standards, the average rate for 1857 through 1860 being around 17% overall (ad valorem), or 21% on dutiable items only. Lincoln’s Republicans immediately doubled these averages. Although higher than in the immediate antebellum period, these rates were still significantly lower than between 1825 and 1830, when rates had sometimes been over 50% (Tariff of Abominations). Nullification and the threat of secession by the South had eliminated those rates in 1830. They actually seceded this time in the winter of 60-61
>Yankee Gibsmedat: In 1861, the Morrill Tariff doubled the tax from 15% to 32.6%. The same day the Tariff passed, Northern Congressmen passed the Corwin Amendment to deny Congress the power to interfere with slavery. Lincoln said, “I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.” In Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address he promised he had no intention to change slavery in the South. He argued it would be unconstitutional for him to do so. But he promised he would invade any state that failed to collect tariffs in order to enforce them. A free trade Confederacy across the Ohio River would render their protectionist schemes unenforceable.

>Myth of Northern Unity: The Civil War was caused by sectional business interests in conflict over control of the federal government. Southerners had destroyed the second Bank of the US. They defeated the Whigs when Ol’ Tippecanoe died and Tyler took the helm. They had the revenue tariff down to almost free trade. That’s when the Republicans were created to replace the Whigs. They wedded the free Soilers of the Midwest with the Big Business interests back East. The free Soilers were good White Nationalist settlers, but they were also Germans who would obey Lincoln like he was a prince in the Holy Roman Empire. They came here to be “American” too. They weren’t interested in States’ Rights.
>Immigrants: In 1860, about 13 percent of the U.S. population was born overseas, which is roughly what it is today (different colour now, though). At least one in every four members of the Union army was an immigrant, some 543,000 of the more than 2 million Union soldiers (10% were German and 7.5% were Irish alone). Another 18 percent had at least one foreign-born parent. Together, immigrants and the sons of immigrants made up over 40% of the U.S. armed forces. Nearly one in 10 was also a Negro freedman. The North simply would have lost the war without this cannon fodder. This is not a single nation fighting the good fight. This is a case of many tribes being exploited by others.

>How British Americans became “White”: In 2013, according to the Census bureau, 46m Americans claimed German ancestry: more than the number who traced their roots to Ireland (33m) or England (25m). In whole swathes of the northern United States, German-Americans outnumber any other group (see map). Some 41% of the people in Wisconsin are of Teutonic stock.

Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion?

-Ben Franklin

>Industrialists: The French Industrialist School were libertarians by today’s standards, but, in the context of the American Civil War, the “Industrialists” were the rent-seeking Big Businessmen of Pennsylvania and New York.

>Economic Rent: There are two ways to make a living. You can produce a good and voluntarily trade it with others, or you can find someone else’s production and raid it (rent-seeking). Either way, you benefit. But production must precede predation—lest there be nothing to prey upon. And predation also diverts human labour away from production and into protecting it from the raiders.

>The Northern Industrialists wanted paper money (counterfeiting), protectionist tariffs (cartels), internal improvements (corporate welfare), and immigrants (low wages). Contra the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln fought to prevent self-government and killed more Americans than communism ever did. Our people are still suffering beneath the Industrialists because they still control the Republican Party. Killing its own citizens for Big Business has been an American specialty ever since.

>Lincoln and slavery: He was a master of the English language, but not a great leader. Lincoln was a White Nationalist but his actions led to the Negro peopling of the North. The Emancipation Proclamation freed no one. He wielded the largest military of the 19th century but could not manage to resettle one Negro back to Africa. He was interested in Chinese markets though. Appointing old business partners as generals killed a lot of Yankees. Bullying the other branches gave precedents for FDR. His trick of using ships to start wars is still being used today.

I don`t care where I get my labor from, a White man or a Chinaman, a mule or a horse.

-Yankee businessman

>The Battle Flag: it was beating out its competitors to become the symbol of the South by the end of the war–just like the US Flag did in the Revolution. Don’t let people who hate you define your culture for you.
>Death Toll: More men died in the Civil War than any other American conflict, and two-thirds of the dead perished from disease. Approximately 625,000 men died in the Civil War, more Americans than in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined. If the names of the Civil War dead were arranged like the names on the Vietnam Memorial, it would stretch over 10 times the wall’s length. Two percent of the population died, the equivalent of 6 million men today. Looking at the censuses, some scholars actually believe now that 750,000 died.

>Negro Genocide: Four million Negroes were freed in 1865 and a million of those disappeared by the 1870 census. The rest became the US citizens that you know today. The North pozzed the Constitution and had a corporate orgy afterwards. Rich men crushed their business rivals, then they wrote the History books. Come to think of it, that sounds like what the British did to the Germans in the 20th century.
>Citizenship: Non-Whites were not considered to be US citizens before the Civil War. When the Founders said “to ourselves and our posterity” in the US Constitution, they defined who they were in the Naturalization Act of 1790:

That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the states wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law, to support the constitution of the United States, which oath or affirmation such court shall administer.

>So, if you were a free White person of good character who had resided in the union for two years, and a particular State for one year, and if that particular State’s court would accept you as a citizen of its State, then you could become a citizen of the United States. By the Civil War, Negroes were considered foreign nationals as recently as the Dred Scott case in 1857. They were made citizens by the XIV Amendment in 1868. Amerindians were foreign nationals until 1924.

You enjoying posting this shit for no one to read except my mocking “y’all”? I hear Appomattox is nice this time of year. I’ll come visit and you can surrender to me there.

>Yes, the party of Lincoln was responsible for the 13th, 14th, & 15th amendments. Republicans gave Blacks their first political offices while they weren’t even allowed to attend Democratic conventions until 1924. 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, when Less than 70% of Democrats did.

>The XIV Amendment: The XIV amendment was passed in 1868 to prevent Southern states from nullifying the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (it is, after all, the anti-Confederates amendment). None of the men who wrote it believed that it did anything but punish the former Confederacy by making Negro freedman into Republican voters.

>For the next 56 years after the ratification of the 14th Amendment, the descendants of Amerindians were still not American citizens. In 1884, 16 years after the 14th Amendment was ratified, John Elk went before the Supreme Court to argue that he was an American citizen because he was born in the United States. He lost. In Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94, the Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment did not grant Indians citizenship:

>The “main object of the opening sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment, was to settle the question, upon which there had been a difference of opinion throughout the country and in this court, as to the citizenship of free negroes and to put it beyond doubt that all persons, white or black … should be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside.”

Yeah Come down here and say that my face then.

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And what, knock out your three remaining teeth?

Remember franklin johnny reb?

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Do it faggot

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Remember the hornet's nest johnny reb?

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Can't forget pickett's charge!

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What state are you in?

Hi user. Miss the old Dixie, but I'm gonna pump out as many kids as I can and teach them the truth of northern aggression.


What state I live in?

Maybe a little place called...

None of your God Damn Business Maybe you've heard of it.

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Southerners are the real Americans.

Even in the 90s, grew up getting scraps, fighting kids, making amends, learning through my own experiences. Northerners will call the cops any chance they get to get your kid arrested and into the jail life as soon as possible.



Northerners prefer to spend their time here on earth spreading rumors about school children and gossiping about them, why, that's beyond me. Science says, it's to deflect their own kike kid hatred onto someone else, an innocent child, bizarre. Freaks.

Don't come to my state with Northern license plates, you'll have 4 flat tires if I see you.



I'll loosen your lug nuts if I see you with northern license plates, let you hit that highway at 70, let your tires fly off and watch you try to save your pathetic self.

that's attempted murder friend. you are a sick individual. you're american get over it. take the memeflag off.

All southern yokels are subhuman mutants

Aw, are you scared of your country men? Go suck a Jewish bankers cock and he'll make you feel happy.

It ain't a crime if you don't get caught. Maybe you should stop being a pussy.

Rampant pussification of MY territory. NOT ON MY PROPERTY.

Well then, just like 1865, here’s the southerner surrendering to the victorious northerner.

The proud sons of carpetbaggers will always bemoan the loss of dixie to the war of northern aggression. I wish they would die as jews in fiery ovens.

Go and argue with your lost cousins in the north you revisionist pieces of garbage.

Does your wife let you get fucked in the butt by a black? Like, does she have to give you permission for that?

OP here...

Look I'm not trying to spread Yankee hate...

I just remember a time when it was okay to be a southerner. When it okay to have & appreciate our heritage & now that heritage is being stripped from us & no...

It's not right.

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Because I don't immediately surrender my location to enemy combatants ... means I'm surrendering?

That's how it works bro.

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Because I don't immediately dox myself & surrender my location to enemy combatants means I'm surrendering?

That's not how it works bro

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the enemy wants to know where we all live!

Maybe we should all dox ourselves to prove what how brave we are.

YEAH! Hell no... that's fuck'n dumb as shit. Why would anyone do that?

If you're so god damn smart the burden of locating us is on you.

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No revision to be had chief, the real cause of the war was slavery as a political and economic issue, not a moral one.

The north wanted to make sure it kept getting them sweet gibs in the form of tarrifs collected on exported southern cotton.

To be honest yankees are almost as bad as Jews.

The south is dead. Stop larping and get real.

No... the spirit of Dixie still lives one... and Yankees can't stand that...

I honestly think you want another civil war.

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No... the spirit of Dixie still lives on...
and Yankees can't stand that...

I honestly think you want another civil war.

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The next civil war isnt gonna be north vs south, retard. You desperately want some semblance of identity, so you turn to Confederate larping because it's the closest thing you can find, even though it's a farcry from real, authentic culture. You think the men of the old south would be proud of you obsessing over it on the internet? They were products of their own age, they actually lived and acted under the influence of real beliefs. You're just a phony nerd. Find something real, go to church or something.