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guarantee there's a metal detector at whatever school that is

Stupid leaf. We know slavery was never a problem in leaf land.

Yeah, about that.
They stole mud hut sleeping jiggaboos and sold them to slave traders who shipped them across the ocean and sold them to white men who fed and clothed and housed them, eventually became free, and became far more privileged than their African cousins who show up from time to time with flies landing on their eyeballs in documentaries.

Ah, so that's why there are no rocket surgeons in Africa! They were all stolen to pick cotton.
If only those African slavers had known what they had, sheeeeeit.

>Astronauts in 1625
>Black anything but hunter gatherers in 1625

dude it's honestly such a bulletproof argument, like if you're in the US and black there a 99% chance you are better off than if africans were never brought here. like even in the early 1900s when there was actual discrimination, better than wiping your ass with your hand and dying from ebola when you're 20

Who do you think sold your ancestors dummies. Others africans!
I am continually amazed at just the literal fairytales african americans believe in.

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Could be tal8kng about ireland

Jews didn’t steal slaves.

Rapist, drug dealers, murderers, thieves, welfare collectors, gang members, criminals

The slaves weren't stolen. I'm pretty sure they were paid for.


that is pretty deep canada bro
what the american honklers stole was potential

>"beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."[4]
Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah
description of negros by arabs less than 1000 years ago.
>lives in caves and thickets, frequently eat eachother can´t be considered human beings.
>steal eachothers kids and sell them to merchants when they arrive.
I guess that´s what they mean by stole?
>least intelligent of all human beings
>most viscious of temperament and evilminded
>behave like wild animals
>in some cases monkeys are smarter than quite a few of them
>many don´t have marriage, and child doesn´t know his father
>have a defective brain which is why they think everything is amusing. Even very serious things.
Scientists, doctors, architechts, teachers, entrepeneurs, astronomers, FATHERS, mothers, sons daughters etc.
Essentially were only possible for them in USA because of a like 90% european majority that built and designed all the relevant stuff, including built the country ofcourse, not an irellevant detail.
Brilliant. Let me guess, it´s black history month in the USA.
It´s such a bad idea, because every year they get to feel sorry for themselves about some of their ancestors picking cotton 154 years ago.
And then they get to making shit up about things they otherwise would have done in africa. Which with 100% guarantee would have never happened had they stayed there.

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How anti-semitic of them. But even then
>(((they))) stole the best, that's why Africans don't have all this now
Africans sold the worsts of them, those who even African themselves didn't want to deal with. See Australia.

>The joke being that the whites didn't steal slaves from Africa
>They showed up at the markets and paid for them.

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>tribe A does war shit with tribe B
>losers get taken captive and sold off as slaves to jews

Yeah, that Arab Slave Trade was wild, wasn't it?

It´s such a SHITTY idea to have that fucking month every year where blacks can literally recharge their false victimhood mentality. And go bonkers with hating white americans for absolutely bullshit reasons, and also make stuff up about the wakanda that never would have been either.
They are not taught anything actual history. There´s not like an improvement from the previous years like.
>africans invented african slavery and made it so natural to own slaves that arabs thought they were natural slaves, and this mentality they also told europeans.
>then 1% of white americans at the time purchased some. 40% of jews purchased black slaves. Also the slave ships were owned by jews. Jews ofcourse regret their involvement in this, as do the white/european americans.
>then americans abolished slavery in USA. And now blacks are citizens, AND can also go to liberia to live if they want to live in africa. Though since the 90´s that has not been feasible but was feasible for 150 years.
>the african americans didn´t want to go back because the other niggers that had sold them might want to hurt them or even kill them for being different african tribe or unrecognizeable admixture.
>african on african slavery ofcourse continued as late as 2007 in africa.
It´s not like that ofcourse. It´s obviously
>whitey devil he invented slavery of africans, whitey he only one did slavery EVER in the entire world. Us blacks and all others never did nuffin!
>we must gets reparations n whitey devil needs to pay
>we could been wakanda in africa! dey wuz living in caves n shiiet frigging neanderthals.
And then they go and talk about that shit for the rest of the fucking year. And you wonder why niggers never change in the US? It´s like a yearly brainwashing month to get the niggers to hate white americans.

That's why we live as far away from them as possible if not leaving the country entirely.

>african on african slavery ofcourse continued as late as 2007 in africa.
It's continuing to this day actually. If anything, it's the biggest slavery market.

Of course, all those cocoa plantations using slave labor in West Africa are owned and operated by Dutchmen and the French.

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I don't get it. No one stole anything. The Jews bought their slaves fair and square from their black African slave masters.

It´s really sad. And they are not told the truth either. Not only are they not told the truth about it. Nor how europeans were massively enslaved throughout history. And worked harder than any nigger picking cotton in the USA for that matter. Even the indentured servants in USA worked harder than the cotton pickers. Digging canals and all the hazard work and the complex construction in the USA. That was european labour for the most part. Well the chinese foreign workers helped a bit with the railroads. But essentially what i mean is. These niggers are not told the truth about this history. They are simply told to hate white americans forever. This is like their ´holochaust´, that´s exactly what it is. Jews do the exact same strategy on them. Every fucking year they indoctrinate them to feel sorry for themselves and more importantly to hate all white americans. And they are selling them a pile of horse maneure. I have ancestry that in 18th century was introduced to workforce at age 10-11. Nobody ask anybody to feel sorry for danes of what they went trough in history. Or anybody else. Nor do we bring it up every fucking year to feel sorry for ourselves some shit in the past that happened to our ancestors. There´s a LOT in europe that had some terrible terrible stuff happen to their ancestors. Who brings that up every year to feel sorry for themselves, and then start reigniting hatred of who did these things?
Well.. that´s what black history month obviously is in USA, and it´s not even fucking true how these things were either. And it was harder to work in europe than it was being a nigger in USA, minus that they were property they had it quite good with those wealthy as fuck plantation owners considering that they were property.
It´s just bullshit the whole thing. The number of lynchings aswell, 4.7k over 86 years according to NAACP, mostly it was criminals. And they bring it up every fucking year FOR A MONTH. to instill hatred in american society?!?!?!

>I don't get it. No one stole anything. The Jews bought their slaves fair and square from their black African slave masters.
Not only that. Africans made the arabs believe they were natural slaves. Because they sold eachother. Niggers would fucking steal eachothers children just to sell them for short term profit! It was essentially when euros got into buying black slaves from africans.
>we sell black slaves here, it is normal and natural, you don´t have to worry. These negros are natural slaves. For a one time price you can get him to work or whatever, just give me some money.
So there was actually no reason for the europeans involved to think it was wrong, eventhough they might have had their reservations being themselves slaves massively through history. But they did change their mind ofcourse and abolished slavery of blacks. Which pissed off africans since they didn´t want to stop doing it. And all they got pissed about was that it ofcourse ruined their business..
And europeans don´t get credit for abolishing it, eventhough they were late arrivals into it, very few nations did it, and yet were the first to abolish it. And btw. were the ones who treated them the best. The arabs and others would castrate the males so they didn´t have to deal with the children after they were done serving their use, and in some instances kill the children if a nigger at the harem had a child or whatever.

....and here we are in the current year and niggers can't do any of those things properly.

You mean the sold doctors and scientists and all of that other delusional bullshit

Good luck ever making Lithuanian scumbag rednecks admit that door is true

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It was a totally different time, where this was acceptable. And it was the fucking africans who made it acceptable in the first place! Regardless of this, europeans changed their minds and abolished it. And yet they bring it up as if it is white americans in this case who were the bad guys, and should be recented by these niggers in the US for all eternity, or till such time as white americans cease to exist in USA.
What is the FUCKING POINT of bringing it up for a month every god damn year? And then agitate the american niggers in the US till at the end of the monthy they are so angry with white americans that it can sustain them the rest of the fucking year, having their heads filled with bullshit about how bad it was and how evil white americans were, and how victims the niggers were etc.

Whites killed the African space program, goddamn wh*toids!


I'm going to bed. This put me in a bad mood.

>they stole

So somebody else already owned them?

Didn't niggers in Africa conquer some other nigger tribes and sell them to jews, who then brought them mostly to south and central America?

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If this was written by my ancestors, why would they refer to themselves in the third-person? My ancestors weren't retards, they were clever, adventurous, and ambitious. (e.g. modern world).


there must have been thousands of scientists in the Congo in the 17th century

>no kangz

>I'm going to bed. This put me in a bad mood.
And some of that stuff is still going on today. Isn´t it therefore AMUSING that we have to hear about niggers in the USA. WHERE NO SLAVERY IS GOING ON TODAY AT ALL. not in 154 fucking years. But we have to hear about them. Obviously not even people who picked some cotton. But some random niggers who might or might not have had an ancestor that did. Sitting in a classroom or whatever, feeling so terribly sorry for themselves in USA.
I mean.. What a joke this crap is. And the only thing it serves is they create these total bullshit wakanda fantasies, and ofcourse for a month rage at white americans for what 1% of them at the time were involved in. Even if 80% of white americans had been involved, this thing in USA would have been a triviality compared to other instances of it happening to other people, other africans in africa who were also sold by africans, totally other people than africans who were also enslaved. People who were indentured servants etc.
BUT EVERY YEAR, black history month. And ofcourse then they spend rest of the year shitting on every single person of european ancestry in the entire world on their idiot black twitter. It´s no wonder why american niggers are such cancer in how they are is it? They are pampered, told to feel sorry for themselves all the time, never even asked to take responsibility for themselves. AND constantly told to hate white americans. What do you get from that. A total cancerous nigger as if that opportunity doesn´t reside with a nigger from the getgo. No they get a shake and bake cancerous nigger out of that. Should fucking ban that month. And teach them the real history of global slavery of all kinds of different people, people working for nothing etc. And how africans and jews were heavily involved in blacks being bought by american jews and some european americans also. From other africans.

surely the teacher who put this up was fired

>They didn't steal slaves
Well the first half is right, they were sold by the winning tribes in skirmishes.

when the Belgians arrived in africa, they dealt with fairly organised societies. they at least had structure and enough wherewithal to have captured their enemies and won territory etc. they might only be comparable to european societies of the BC era, but they were no longer the people Ibn Khaldun described. after all, they were clever enough to trade their enemies for shiny objects, which is the dream of all Black people, just see Jay-Z et al.