Every day I really fucking hate all hot women, and all men that can get hot women. What can I do about this?

Every day I really fucking hate all hot women, and all men that can get hot women. What can I do about this?

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Female Therapist



nothing. you’re a fag and it doesn’t matter. only when you realize this will you chill the fuck out. some never realize how disgusting and infantile jealousy is. entitlement to sex is pretty much a desire to rape, except even more disgusting because you insist the person should be attracted to you.


Sounds like you're insecure. How about instead of hating on the women and all the men that are dating those women, you get out of your house for once and try to date one yourself?

I've tried a lot, retard

Then your personality/looks/body must be pretty shitty, maybe work on yourself more before getting angry and jealous of other people.

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>can't get hot women
>then your personality/looks/body must be pretty shitty
no shit, you must be a Nobel prize winner

You haven't tried shit all with that garbo fucking attitude
If you fucking hate people so much just order a doll or an escort, God fucking damn you dumbass.
>Patently dislikes people
>So ass-backwards they need to be around people despite this
Like Jesus, you're so done with people you're even done with yourself. Shygddt.

Learn to love isolation, or learn to love people, but fucking miss us with this "my attitude is shitty but you guys have to humour me" shit like you're our 10-year-old cousin we'd rather pretend we weren't related to.

Did you just stop reading my reply right there, ignoring what I said about improving yourself? Shows how much of an entitled faggot you are, wanting to get hot women but too lazy to improve yourself. Pathetic.

How do you know I'm not trying to improve myself? Learn logic, retard.

Probably because of your obviously negative attitude, anyone who was truly improving themselves would not act like you.

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Yeah? I've bulked up 13 kilos since July, so fuck off.

Okay, so what's the problem? What specifically is getting in your way of getting hot women?

Attached: proxy.duckduckgoe.com.png (413x467, 41K)

Fat lot of good it's done you; you're still a puerile shitposter, alone and being mad at people making some simple suggestions on Jow Forums
No amount of exercise will make people able to stand your godawful personality and thank Christ. You don't really deserve a second shot with life.
God knows you're just going to mentally gymnast your way out of anything that amounts to you admitting you're wrong so just save us all time and reply exclusively in Pepes with no text in the post

There's plenty men whose only female contact is family members. Honestly past high school, nobody really gives a fuck whether you're a virgin or not, so long as you're not trying to fuck them. People don't really give me shit for it. As for hating women, just stop caring about them. Apathy is really easy, you just need to chill out.
t. incel who's never even had a full conversation with a woman. You can't lose if you don't play the game

Probably find an incel forum

there is a woman who wants to meet me, but she's not hot

tell us about her. we'll make her hot
