Desperately need career/life advice

I'm a 24 yr old male living in southern California and I really need to get my life together, my gf of 6 years broke up with me because I wasn't doing much with my life ala Shaun of the Dead

I was thinking of being an EMT but I'm not sure if they even make a lot I looked it up and they make about $13/hr but I could be wrong, the 7 week course is $1000, is it worth it?

I just wanted to ask what are some good trades that i can get into, and don't take years to be certified in because I really want to sort my life out, move out of my parents home, and get my career started so I can actually start living my life, please anons help me out I really need some advice desperately.

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Start working, anywhere, and move out asap. Just get any job first. Then start worrying about better jobs. It's what I did and it payed off very well for me in the long-run.

People do EMT because they want a purpose. They don't do it for money, but pride.

A good gf would stick by you for something noble like that.

Now pride is out the window and you just need money.


Flip shit on the side.

Do the EMT thing and you might meet a qt in class too (duh)

If you don’t really want to be an EMT don’t do it, you can get paid that much without training. Even paramedics don’t make nearly as much as they deserve.

And you’re 24. 2 years is nothing if you have a good career ahead of you. Your girl left you because you were doing nothing, but being in a training program is doing something even though you aren’t making money yet.

Trust me my ex gf really loves me she just wants me to do more in life she's always telling me how I have lots of potential

I have a job already but I just want to get started on having an actual career I can support a family with

Are there any careers you recommend? I'm looking for something long term, I really want to start my own family and be self sufficient

Two Incomes is how you do it in Cali, but working separately is also a no go in Cali cause it is fucking Cali and people be fuckin everything.

You can team up and do life insurance.

Primerica is a good company for that.

They have LA offices.

They are OK, but you got to be a bit of a dick. That's why it is couples that succeed.

Also I wasn't really trying to be an EMT I was just looking for a career and it turns out they don't pay much so I'm looking for some other professions instead

Life Insurance is pretty OK for that man

Just Saying. Everyone Dies

Does it pay hourly or is it commission? Because I prefer to get a job that is hourly. I'm not too fond of commission jobs because I don't like the idea of getting small $ because it happens to be slow business at the time

Would a contractor job be considered well payed? $20/hr at least?

If you do hourly then you won't get what you want with no education.

I don't know LA that well to help you. I am NorCal.

A trade takes time, but is good. Truck Driving is easy to get into.

A college degree (in anything) means you can sub as a teach which is 20$ + hr

Also Military obviously


Multiple Job Hustle ( This will hurt )

I can kind of see myself as a truck driver

I heard they don't pay that well at the start but I'm willing to invest time into it, it seems very good long term as a job

Any advice or tips on how to become one? I know you need a special licence but besides that does anyone have any advice?

Military is out of the question, I have a couple relatives in it, wouldn't do it myself

if you’re interested in being a health tech, take a federal loan to go to school. EMT is a thankless, traumatizing and low-paying job.

When you described it like that I'm not really interested in it anymore

Any other suggestions you can give me user?

truck driver pays pretty good, but you'll gain weight and will be tempted to do hard drugs

they say if you are going to do trucking- start young. in a few years you'll be set

truck driver is also a bad job you should leave that to the mexican immigrants. if you’ll jump at the first shitass job to offer over 40,000k salary, you’re not gonna have a good time.

Would 24 be considered on the young or old side? I feel confident that I can raise a family with this type of job, I don't have my driver's license yet but I'm taking my test this Monday, trust me I know I should have it already since I'm 24

But I never really had the chance since my family doesn't own any vehicles, so I'm very determined to do this

I have never seen a mexican trucker

t. actually know what i am talking about.

they are arab and white

sorry to burst your rosy goggles rich boi

The health field is huge. EMT is taught for free because it’s a public service, but there are dozens of medical technician positions you can have. Just look them up. There are some things you won’t find on Google, such as people who manage the computers that monitor vitals.

From there, you can study to be a nurse, a doctor, or a medical technologist. Sometimes hospital systems pay for emplyee’s schooling. But, no rush. Make sure to live life at a reasonable pace. Medical technology is wise because it only takes an associate’s degree and it’s often not a hard job.

It is considered very young.

You are getting a golden headstart

Also you will get man cred as a trucker

if you are a glorified nurse assistant then expect to be treated like one at the bar

unless all your friends are fags to. In SoCal that is likely


also, there’s more clerical stuff. if you become an office manager, or work in billing, there’s some opportunity for pay increase there. hands-on stuff is usually more rewarding than operating phones and computer terminals, though. there is interaction with people, at least, so it’s not solitary.

this is usaually the type of job that I hear people’s older aunts work in, so it can’t be too strenuous.


anyone who uses this meme is an incel and doesn’t know jack

OK I will use ' SOURCE:' from now on, but that takes more work, but just to please your tiny brain

I worked with truckers for a long time

You really shouldn't sit so close to your window. Stay safe :)

Fucking lmao this is out of nowhere
Incel really is the new cuck
Next its gonna be "only incels use firefox"


thanks bud. I was just using mexican as a figure of speech. my point was to let a minority of some kind do that job. have you ever drank a five hour energy? it’s living hell.

cuck is a great word still

Cuck was never good. It's taken too damn long to die. We should have stuck with 'redditor'. Or even 'goon'. Actually let's go with calling each other goons, people are forgetting they exist and what their crimes against us are.

>t. cuck

I like Goomba

A cuck would have forgotten what SA did to us in '03-'06. I haven't.

Just so SOMEBODY dissects this:

t= hebrew for time

Makes sense for a shortened 'source'

cuck is really effective as an insult

IDK, what we are talking about anymore

give me a history lesson senpai

I barely hit puberty then

>I heard they don't pay that well
If we're talking 18 wheelers then you heard very wrong. Ups feeder drivers make around 150k a year. Some make 200k. Shits cash money.

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possibly something awful forums

what did they do? did they make Jow Forums popular against the oldfriends’ wishes?

No you fucking retard. It's how Finns sign correspondence.
For example. You might dig a bullet out of the skull of a russian with the words "get fugged :DDD t. Spurdo Sparde" engraved on it.



One of the more insidious things they did was force the use of the -fag suffix to deliberately cause us to alienate ourselves from polite society. This was all the way back in the beginning. Goons also organized the initial stages of the Occupy movement using anonymous as a cover during the year they spent leafleting and sticker bombing before the protests kicked off.

Why do you hate them? WE WILL CONSUME YOU

that's gay as fuck. I am using Source from now on.

I thought you faggots actually spoke Hebrew

Jow Forums alienated itself from polite society and /b/ was full of Gang Weed people who would love the idea of an occupy movement.

01010111 01000101 00100000 01010011 01000101 01000101 00100000 01011001 01001111 01010101

ok, I guess I will clean this place up. I had no idea this was done on purpose.

I can see the damage tho.

People died.

Alright first thing is first from this thread

>t. is banned

>-fag is banned

Anything else?

01010010 01010101 01001110

No it wasnt. /b/ was full of people fresh out of Chanology with the consequences of involvement in it still fresh in their minds. Late 2009 to 2011 Jow Forums wanted no part in any moralfaggotry at all.

get rid of the violent nationalism

I did on this board, but if you are asking for me to do it on Jow Forums

Jeez man

I need an Army

Has anyone done full-time work while studying a degree? Is it possible/managable?

I am so desperate to get out of min wage slavery. Just sick of living paycheck to paycheck.

Attached: wot.png (336x356, 190K)

oh, you cleaned Jow Forums up? thanks. it was getting pretty off-topic.

Only Work-Study is manageable, but I did it

Here is a movie about it (at least in pretend land):

I think you’d need a work schedule and a class schedule specially set up to accomodate each other. Some employers want employees who are college students. Some pay living wages, as well.

spank that booty

oh yeah, that movie was brutal

what if i'm too poor for insurance