How do you talk to women about something other than emotions and asking clown like questions...

How do you talk to women about something other than emotions and asking clown like questions? Even if they have the same interests, they usually don't want a 'deep' conversation.

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By overcoming your crippling ego problem and looking at the world with slightly less confirmation bias

Inb4 it turns out OP is the kind of person who gets depressed that the other person in the elevator doesnt seem interested in discussing quantum mechanics or pre-imperial Germanic politics

Time and place faggot

I just throw cash at em


stupid fuck

This exactly


My L then

Why can't you answer the question? Instead you have to say it's a fault of my 'ego'. I just want to know what to talk about women.

Maybe what you think of as deep conversation can come off as confrontational. If you want to avoid confrontation on a topic that can be controversial, try the socratic method. Sometimes if you ask too many leading questions while trying the socratic method, it can come off as condescending, so you will just need to practice a bit.

My problem right now is that I ask her why she's in a bad place right now, and she doesn't want to open up because she has difficulty doing so. I didn't want to force her so I just said that i'm here for them and then i tried to move the conversation forward.

what should i do?

You will understand how to talk to them when you understand this. Small talk is not inherently bad and commenting on the weather and traffic wont kill you.

Don't. Women are overgrown children you can fuck without going to jail.


Use this Pic as reference to question instead of OPs

his is very misleading.... almost CP?

Attached: latina.jpg (645x645, 35K)

Alright, I exaggerated a little. You can still go to jail for fucking a grown woman if she regrets it afterwards.

not if you have basic manners

B.K. was accused of being a rowdy drunk ass

a Jow Forums depressed dude will not have this problem

>not if you have basic manners
What you're basically saying is that every man who was ever falsely accused of (regret-)rape had it coming. Isn't this what your kind calls "victim blaming"?

I've just never met this rape accusing girl outside of propoganda

And an incredibly large portion of humanity has never seen snow outside of (obviously doctored?) pictures or video footage. Fuck off, Hume.

my step mom who i hadent talked to in years outa the fucking blue accused me of molesting my sister (i dident) they are out there and they are mentally ill.

Most femoids are fucking retards incapable of a conversation requiring more than 3 brain cells.

If you find one user, hold onto her and just prepare to get turned into a doomer if things go south.

But I thought being boring is a surefire way to lose women

Talk to someone else? Are you really so fucking sheltered that you think gender has anything to do with conversation?

just say what comes from your gut.

Don't resort to cheap tricks

you'll regret it

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Just do it. Not all will be interested. But as a woman, the "deeper" conversations have always been the ones I valued the most. Interactions usually start on a surface level, but it's when we can talk about things beyond that, that I really start caring for a person and what they have to say. Ask them questions. Find a common interest and then discuss why it's common. Go from there.